
Mysterion's Weakness

As the boys grow older, their franchise becomes more and more popular. So popular to the point where they actually have saving the town as their permanent job. The boys with really powers and nothing getting in their way have lived up to 27 years now, some married while others have children. Freedom Pals and Coon and Friends both changed their franchise names the older they got and also changed up their outfits for a more age appropriate outlook. Everyone was living the life they wanted.. well most of them. Mysterion grows a strong weakness instead. As a single father of a three year old girl of the name Emma, he hires a nanny to watch over her as he's out fighting crime. He grows a big bond with the nanny as she's a motherly figure in Emma's eyes. Exactly what she needs. Mysterion finds out what fear truly is when the villain who as been kidnapping several children of Nother Park, actually knows how to kill Mysterion once and for all.

JessTheMess2018 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Chapter 24

All of the heroes met at the Big Leagues headquarters as Call Girl had her hacking equipment hooked up to their main computer monitor. She pulled up the big screen of the computer and revealing four different locations highlighted on the map of South Park. Call Girl was the first to speak up while the other Heroes were seated and listening to what she found.

"Mysterion had a call from a burner phone a couple weeks ago. I went to the only place around here that carries burner phones. Their phone numbers were on the store's record as I successfully tracked down all four of their locations. The highlighted part of the map is where they currently at."

Seeing only four different coordinates (X,Y), the boys couldn't actually tell where these four phones were located exactly.

"So what do we do? Now that we know where they're all located, shouldn't we all separate and catch them in their act?" Human Kite asked.

"Based off of the fact that I ran the numbers about 15 minutes ago and their location hasn't changed since, I'm starting to think that this could be a setup just like before. It would be too risky to follow in their trap. If anything, we should all stick together." Call Girl stated.

"But there's four different locations, if we all stick together then we're just wasting time." Toolshed said.

"I'm just saying that they could have that gas like last time. If we come more prepared with the numbers then we should have no problem." Call Girl said.

"She's right, if anything that's what we have to fear the most is these toxic gas that has been infecting the children." Mysterion said while looking over at the map projected on the screen. "If we all split up, it would be higher risk of casualties. I hate to say it but due to the last experience that I had with their setup, it didn't end well." He added.

"So what's the plan exactly?" Coon asked.

They all looked at Mysterion as he seemed to be the only one that actually experienced these guys head-on. Letting out a sigh and scooting himself away from the table, he stood up and took a moment to really gather all the information in his head. Seeing the different scattered highlighted locations on the map. It made him map out in his head where these locations actually were. Then it dawned on him, 'wait.. isn't that my house?"

Not long after there was a phone call in the headquarters wall phone. Everyone's eyes fell on the phone as the one closest to the phone answered it. That being Mosquito, he answered. Seeing his eyes widen as they narrowed toward Mysterion he simply spoke up. "Who is this?" With that he growled and hung up.

"Who was that?" Tupperware asked.

"They didn't say they just hung up."

"What did they want?"

"They said to turn on the news."

They all exchange glances as Call Girl quickly made her way to the computer and pulled up YouTube's Live News. Everyone's eyes went to the screen as they saw the news reporter himself look horrified to speak. Telling by his shaky tone in his voice, he was scared. "Hello everyone of South Park." The fact he was looking partially away from the camera, it was clear he was reading something. "I hope you all lived the lives that you desired because tonight is the night where it all ends. If you are watching this, this is a warning from the Dark Alliance. There are no heroes in this town that could stop us from destroying this city and everyone who is in it. For years South Park has been known as the worst town in the entire state of Colorado. Why not get rid of the town in general? Tonight is the night that South Park is no more. Why don't we introduce ourselves, shall we?"

At that moment the camera changed to a black screen. "As you all may know, South Park has a few Heroes that roam the night. These Heroes have done nothing to change how corrupted this horrid town has become over the past couple of years. In fact we feel they are completely useless and should perish. Considering we know exactly where they are right now and who they all are. We would like to make a warm welcome to their family. As several different lights turned on one by one each hero was horrified by the image that was on screen. Four different camera shots scattered on the television were loved ones of specific Heroes in the room. A huge weight dropped on all the heroes as they hear the muffled screams coming from their family. It seemed they were all in different locations but they were all tied up to a wooden chair and gagged with the cloth in their mouth. The one's who were slowly processing their whole world now in the hands of the enemy were Tupperware, Wonder Tweek, Toolshed, and lastly Mysterion.