
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasi
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411 Chs

Out of control.

It was certain that it has rained for a long period of time, but the time precisely is still unknown to Nate. At first, after the rain started and all his horde members went into hibernation mode, Nate was the only one left awake he tended to keep track of time but lost it when he engaged in a fight with the spider beast that came to feast on them.

Meanwhile, Bull and the others were unconscious and by the time they could wake up, it has already stopped raining, of course, they asked for how long they have been asleep but Nate has no idea but he was certain that it has been more than twenty-four hours. Regardless, they did not push further in the questions and were busy checking out how strong they have become.

But right now that they have been informed, they all have similar but different thoughts going through their minds.

'I just wasted seven days of training to sleep,' they thought. Within seven days, many occurrences can happen and they will get stronger the more, but they just got those strengths with just a sleep of one week.

'If the rain lasted that long, that means the beasts will be stronger than before, maybe this whole thing won't be easy as we thought, " Nate thought silently.

"Did we see anything wrong? " Johnson eventually called back their attention.

"No... Not at all, I'm just imagining how strong that beast might be after staying under the rain for one week, it now made sense why they are coming in a wave, " Nate said. He was trying to cover up for their sudden daze.

"Is there any problem with the rain, " Lily asked.

'I don't know what to say about the rain, is that rain only blissful to zombies and beasts, or maybe humans can get something from it also,' Nate thought of what to tell Lily.

"Before answering your question, I want to know something else. Have they been something strange happening in the base after the rain except the beast wave?" Nate asked.

They all started to think back to something unusual that has been happening, and that was when V's eye lit up with an idea. "People's wounds have been healing up faster than usual, especially those that participated in the fight against the beast, " he answered.

Hearing this confirmed Nate's suspicion as he nod his head.

"That rain isn't something from this world. Just like your spear, you can call it alien water, it is good for superhumans and maybe also good for zombies and beasts and I think it is because of this the beasts get stronger in every wave. " Nate said, of course, this was just a made-up theory that he didn't know has some truth in them.

"Now it made sense, the beast gets stronger because they have been staying under the rain for long while those men heal up fast because they have also fought under the rain, why didn't I think of this in the first place, "

"But if this all happened, those it has a chance of making someone a superhuman? " Lily asked.

"I don't know, we're not superhuman from the rain, we only felt the growth in our strength after fighting some beast back then, " Nate keep on making stories up to cover up the hole and chance of him telling the who they truly are.

"Maybe you should check those that fought or maybe those that guarded the gate back then, they are the most likely people that have stayed under the rain throughout," Nate suggested and as he said this, all eyes were on V and Ron.

"We need to call Tony back, he needs to hear this also, "


Meanwhile, Tony was busy showing Lyon, Peter and Dike most of the fun places in the base. He was trying to form a friend-like relationship with Peter and Lyon since the two had saved his life and that of Mini back then.

"Now I think about it, where is Mine? " Lyon asked remembering the little girl that was hunting with Vs group back them when they first met.

"She's with the other kids, mostly they are on the playing ground, " Tony said as he lead the way.

Soon, they came out to a place fit the first time a ray of sun was seen passing through the three branches while Illuminating the areas. At their front was still an ongoing building and they could see workers and guards standing in front of the house.

"Wow, it's amazing seeing such an ongoing project, especially in a world like this and this place seems more blight than the other areas we passed," Dike commented.

Seeing such a little boy coming from the outside world and having no fear of zombies was amazing. Tony, of course, has seen Dike in action before and the boy wasn't weak by any means, one might think he was perching on the other's shad but Tony know better that Dike was strong.

"The truth is that we did that on purpose to prevent an attack from the sky. The others weren't understanding him but still followed him into the construction site.

While moving, it turned out that the building was not the only one, they were a few more at the peak of its end while they are those that are still on the bottom stage.

"Are you guys planning on doing something while all the buildings are?" Lyon asked.

"That is because not everyone in this base has a place to sleep, they are even those that stayed on the outside throughout the rainfall," Tony said.

Lyon understands the reason, they are building more accommodations for people to stay and this is good, showing that who so ever was managing this base is a good person. He was even thinking of offering his service for free till when his ear caught some noise from a distance not too far.

He wasn't the only person that heard it, Dike also did and they decided to check it out. Tony also followed them to the location.

Getting there, they could see a woman at the age of her early twenties almost laying on the ground, the woman has greyish-white hair that was now covered with dirt.

"What did I tell you, sooner or later you will submit to me and better be quick on that," a muscular man with a shotgun said as he placed his foot on top of the woman. "The only luck you have is the base rule if not, I would have done things worse than it to you," as the man said this, the woman's body was trembling as she bent down her head as tears roll down her chick.

The man and his mob started to laugh at this. Meanwhile, Tony who saw this seems a little bit worried as he whispered to Lyon. " That is Hulk, the name was given to him because of his body structure, and he is one of the most feared men in the base," Tony said but Lyon wasn't listening, his gaze was still glued to the woman that was laying on the floor.

'Why am I getting this strong sense of familiarity from her, ' Lyon wondered as he looked at the woman, that was still when the woman herself raised her head and the two gazes met.

"Lynn!!" he called out in shock and as he did so, anger started building within him as his eye glowed red and the atmosphere of the area changed drastically.

"Do yo..." Tony was about to say something but was chucked as goosebumps were appearing all around his body. 'What is happening, why is he like this,'


Meanwhile, still inside the meeting, the calculator device started to beep with red colour.

"A beast wave, how can this happen now of all time," Albert panicked.

Meanwhile, Nate looked into the system notification that just appeared and said.

"This not a beast wave, this is something worse than the beast wave.

[Host horde member "Lyon" has gone out of control]

[The host is advised to knock him out now before he causes more damage]

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