
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasi
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411 Chs

Government settlement.

Ever since the apocalypse broke out, it has come as a disappointment to many as to how the government had failed to resolve the issue. All the mayors, presidents and political stakeholders have disappeared without any trace. Even though the military at some point was seen trying to kill all the zombies and beasts, things kept getting worse as time goes. Not long, the military also disappeared without any trace of them.

Nate assumed that maybe the government organization must have been the most affected people when the apocalypse broke out, however, never in his wildest dream did he expect that they were hiding in such a place leaving their responsibility out there to suffer and die.

Right in front of him was a tall fence that was built with an aluminium net. The fence was quite long enough that nates sight could no longer go further to the end of the fence, however, Nate could actually see things on the other side, but the security on the fence was just too tight.

The fence was about fifteen feet from the group and at the top was electrical barbed wire. It was not over yet. On the ground, Nate could see about fifty men patrolling with guns that don't look like what they usually see on normal days, the gun was more alien-like to Nate.

With about fifty guards which nate know, they were more than that still in the small tent beside the fence, about fifty feet off the ground were drones that Nate could see equipped with guns and even mini-missiles.

Nate couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Even the president's house doesn't have this many guards patrolling on them, just what is this place and what are they hiding?" nate wondered.

"I will start with what this place is. We are currently in a place that is called forever winter island. This name is given to this place because of the coldness of this place, imagine a place where winter never ends, while in other parts of the world might have summer, but this island remains frozen year after year, decade after decade, and even century. Because of that, no humans dared to come here, they even said that it is a cursed land and whoever that go here will die,"

"Of course, this was propaganda made up by the government to keep both tourists away from this place, although in some cases, they were a dose that still visit here though none of them had returned. Because of all this, the government has even removed this particular island from the world map because of people's safety," Loe explained.

"I'm no longer interested in that, what I'm interested in is why are they people living in it now, and you just said that it is a government base," Nate said wanting Leo to go straight to the point.

"That's why you have to learn about this place first before you can understand why the governments are hearing," Leo said before pausing for a moment.

"What do you think is the reason they are here anyways, they are running away from something like you," Leo answered.

"What do you mean by that?" nate face frowned.

"Think about it, just like I and head had foreseen the end of the world, the government has also done the same thing but unlike me, that was seeking a way to prevent the disaster ahead, the government personals were busy equipping for their safety,"

"Just like you already know, zombies can't survive in cold land and forever winter island is the perfect place the governments could assure their safety," Leo said.

When Nate thought about this, the whole thing was becoming clear to them. Since a zombie's body temperature was already something below that of a human, if a zombie was to be exposed to a cold area, they will instantly freeze and the governments must have known about this one wickedness of a zombie and decided to live in a place like this.

'I can't believe it, you guys suck, how can you do such things to people that choose you to serve them,' Nate ground his teeth in anger and irritation over the government.

"But what about the propaganda, why are they living peacefully here?" Nate asked. He kind of understood why Sin must have hated the government to the extent of being a barrier in all they were trying to do.

"Those were made-up stories, nothing is wrong with this place, it's just nature doing its things," Leo answered.

"What about food, how are they getting food?" Nate asked.

"Although I might have said this place was mainly inhabited by the governments, they are not the only ones staying here,"

"What do you think those rich folks in the world will do when the world suddenly changes, all the underworld bosses and so on? Just like my old man will say, two people will work together once a problem that somehow affects them comes out,"

"In short, the government are not the only people in this place, in fact, what you are seeing now is nothing, when you go deep inside, you will be shocked to see architectures that you will be wondering for how long the government has been staying in this place," Leo said.

"What about the whitebonez? They are zombies right?" Nate asked.

"Do you think that it's all that will know that whitebonez are zombies, since whitebonez were somehow able to survive in the cold, these people here wouldn't suspect it was a zombie and will simply think it's some mutated beast,"

"Of course, the whitebonez do attack the settlement but they couldn't even break through the first fence before being killed. Just know this nate, those people are equipped with supplies and are ready to take down any type of beast that attempts to attack them," Leo said and then looked at Nate for the last question.

"You last question," Leo demanded.

Nate thought about any question he needs an answer and soon he found one. "The whitebonez was stated to be a man-made zombie by the system, do you somehow by any means know this guy?"

"That is a nice question that even I'm looking for the answer to," Leo said.

Nate was disappointed in hearing this.

"I don't know who he is, but I know one thing," Leo said.


"The man behind the creation of the whitebonez is staying in the new city that was built there," Leo answered pointing at the settlement.

"Since you don't have any other questions at this moment, I will now take you back to where I picked you," Leo said the white light showed and cover their body.

What Nate and Leo didn't know what that as soon as the light show, the cameras and the drones hovering in the sky looked in their direction but nothing was seen.

'I thought I saw something,' a man controlling the drones thought to himself.


Meanwhile, as Nate was being teleported to the others, he was thinking about all he has just discovered in just one day. One of them was the person behind the matrix existence, and another was who created the system and what it was initially created for.

He even also learned the five types of meteorite from Leo and even the qi and mana energy that helps the superhuman to power their ability and altered.

The last was the most vital information he has learned and that was what the governments hid out. 'Just wondering what Sin will do if he was to learn of this,' just as Nate was thinking of this, the lights faded revealing the dem cave with the only source of light being the glowing ice.

However, what caught nates attention was Max, Zuni and Cab's condition.

"Just what happened here?!" Nate shouted with a yell but none of the others responded. From their heartbeat, nate know they were still alive but were just too weak to respond to his call.


A loud dropping sound behind Nate made him look back to see Sin with a glowing eye with four fangs baring out of his mouth.

"Oooh boy!" nate bewailed.

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