
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
411 Chs

A Failure.

'Why...why...why...why...!!!' Nate screamed in his mind. 'How can this be, how can it flop just like that?' he continued yelling at himself.

'I should have used it on the sword Instead, I thought the gauntlet will help. I'm just an idiot for taking a such decision!' he continued to blame himself for what just happened.

[There is really nothing with the gauntlet, it's just that it doesn't suit your nature because of what you are. In the hands of another man, this weapon will be a dangerous one in fact] Jimmy tried to console nate.

Nate knows that Jimmy was right. He had checked the special effect of the gauntlet and know that it has some cool properties with it, it was just that something was off about the glove.

Nate walked over to the table where he has placed the gauntlet before going to blame himself.

He picked it up. The gauntlet colour has changed entirely. It was now silver in colour, and its body now has some furs on some parts of it. It was as if Nate was wearing a hand of silver colour beast arms.

All the cracks have disappeared with furs appearing in the spots they were before. The fur did not cover the entire gauntlet only on the spots they were cracks before.

Regardless, the appearance of the gauntlet does not matter, rather, the most important thing at this moment was the special effects of the weapon.

[ weapon name= TNT]

[weapon type= Gauntlet]

-Special effect-

[Damage infect = -200 hp on victim]

[Boost strength= ×2]

-Special power-

[Punch blast = this will shoot out a wave blast out of the gauntlet fist when colliding with a barrier]

[Claw drain = This will grow out sharp claws from the finger of the gauntlet and increases the damage of a punch by 50%. Note, this power feeds on the wielder's stamina]

[Laser blast/ vapour breathe= Unable to be used by the current wielder. Reason= this power requires the wielder to take a deep breath before activating.]

If one was to look through the gauntlet with special power and special effect, they are no way anyone will call it useless. One was that it increases the wielder strike damage by two hundred. This was far higher than the ice axe weapon whose damage was just fifty points.

Not only that, the gauntlet boosts Nate's strength by ×2 which was the same as the ice axe. This also made nate woulder if wielding the two weapons at the same time, will his strength be equal to four hundred points. He would have liked to try it out but the other below was just too attractive.

The gauntlet only has two special effects and with that, Nate moved into the special power.

The first special power was quite interesting. Nate could only imagine that it originally came from the wolf power that send wind waves around the area when stamping its foot on the ground.

The second power is claw drain. From the description, the power increases the gauntlet damage power by fifty percent. Approximately, when put to use, nate damage power increases to three hundred points. This amount was big and could become very useful. They were also the backlash though, however, Nate was quite lucky to be a zombie after all.

The claw drain practically feeds on the wielder's stamina when put to use but since Nate was a zombie. A creature that has the special trait of unlimited stamina, Nate wouldn't have to bother about having the power on all the time.

There was now the laser blast and vapour breath. The laser blast was a power nate already know was with the gauntlet when the matrix attacked him for the second time and he first handly know that it was a powerful power to have since it made the wield power to match with a true superhuman.

The vapour breath was one power Nate was sure came from the wolf. This power will allow him to let out a powerful breath that is capable of crushing its victim.

The only problem at this moment was that due to Nate being a zombie, he couldn't utilize this power.

For one to use the power, they have to first take in a deep breath before breathing out, however, zombies do not breathe. For a zombie to breathe, they need an active heart in their chest, one that will be able to pump oxygen before they could breathe.

'This just sucks thinking about this, I spent so much time and effort fighting this thing and you are mean to tell me that I can't use it,' the more Nate think about it, the angrier he became.

This was because the laser power was his initial reason for going hunting and trying to repair the gauntlet in the first place and now that he was through with it, he was being told that it was useless for someone like him to use the power.

The other powers were cool quite alright but the laser blast was his mean reason for sacrificing a king-level beast he could have either used to make another weapon or use to upgrade the one he is currently using.

Just like that, Nate was having a restless mind until an idea popped into his mind.

'The silver medal, it might have something special for me,' nate thought and opened the silver reward.

[Silver medal]

One battle skill

Nate brown frowned on seeing this. Was he being played tricks on? Only gut one skill from the system and not just any skill, it was stated as a battle skill.

'What is this?' although this was not what Nate was looking for, he still became curious about what the skill was.

[Battle skill= are skills that mainly focus and contribute to a fight]

'Am I getting this now of all time?' nate found it hilarious but he still went ahead to look into the skill.

[Skill name = Unknown]

[This skill was practically invented by the host, so therefore, it is up to the host to name the skill]

[Demo = you can watch the demonstration of the skill moves]

'Really, I invented this skill?'

If Nate was not interested before, he was so much more interested now as he opened the skill.

At that moment, a panel appeared in his interface like a system notification but the difference here was that a video was playing in the panel.

It was a video of Nate himself delivering a fatal blow to the alpha wolf. 'Are you kidding me? Do the system somehow records my fight or something?' nate wondered.

What was playing in front of him was the fight with the alpha wolf and it was specifically the move of him leaping up and descending on the wolf's head with a punch.

'So the system finds the move cool and decided to make it an official fighting skill,' nate thought proud of himself.

'Just by looking at this clip I already have an ideal name for this,' nate thought and then looked into what the skill can do.

[This skill will boost the host's speed strength and increase his weight when used]

'That sounds nice and if I use it well, I can fend off any opponent,' nate thought and once again his eye glanced at his fist.

'I forgot there is nothing I can do about you,'

It eventually turned out that the silver medal reward did not have anything that could help him in the case of the gauntlet. However, his mind didn't stop to think about what to do.

'Whitebonez heart!' nate quickly summoned the whitebonez heart from his inventory.

Ever since getting the heart, he has been wondering what use the heart could actually be to him. 'I hope this works,' Nate thought as he pulled up his top to a level where his heart was visible, the spot he was once stabbed by Chris his father.

After some slight hesitation, Nate eventually dug his hand into his chest and pulled out his heart.

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