
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

He really was a werewolf!

Me: "Thank you."

Zukile: "Don't thank me baby. It's what I ought to do and more." I put my head on his shoulder breathing in his lovely scent.

Me: "So how strong are you?" I asked after a while.

Zukile: "Very strong."

Me: "Yeah?"

Zukile: "Yeah."

Me: "Good." I felt him smile.

Zukile: "Precious one you need to know that I'm the only one who has 4 of the 5 abilities. This fact is only known by family, a few members of my pack and now you."

Me: "Oh. Why?"

Zukile: "Because already people are wary and scared of how strong my family is so just imagine what will happen if they really knew about my abilities."

Me: "They would give you trouble?"

Zukile: "Tons. More than they already do."

Me: "They give you trouble?" I asked worried.

Zukile: "Don't worry baby. It's nothing I can't handle but it is annoying." He sighed. "Now that I have you, I need to be more careful because I know some fuckers will try to get to me through you which would be a big mistake on their part."

Me: "Like those witches and vampires did when they kidnapped me?" He growled dangerously.

Zukile: "Don't remind me mate."

Me: "I still can't shake the feeling that I know who those vampires were." He didn't say anything. "Which is crazy right? I mean how would I know any vampires."

Zukile: "Don't think about it."

Me: "It's hard not to. They said a lot of things that are still confusing to me."

Zukile: "Like what?"

Me: "Something about a prophecy. That they had to find a way to stop it and the only way is by getting rid of our bond since they can't kill me."

Zukile: "What? They said that?" I nodded.

Me: "I was in and out of consciousness but I clearly remember them saying that."

Zukile: "What the fuck?"

Me: "A-Are they dead?"

Zukile: "Not all of them which is good thing now since I'll have to ask them when I pay them a visit later about this prophecy shit." I rubbed his chest to calm him since I could feel how amped up he was becoming. He sighed tension leaving his body. He tightened his hold around me and nuzzled my head breathing me in.

Me: "What is the 5th ability?"

Zukile: "It's the ability to see or predict the future. We call the people who have this the soothsayers even though there hasn't been anyone who has had this ability."

Me: "Like ever?"

Zukile: "No, there used to be soothsayers long time ago but they were all killed because many said that they brought about bad omen."

Me: "Wow. Really?"

Zukile: "Yes."

Me: "But why? Were their predictions ever wrong?"

Zukile: "No, they were always right."

Me: "Then why kill them?" He sighed shrugging.

Zukile: "Some people are just not comfortable with knowing the future especially if the future puts them in a disadvantage."

Me: "Well that's just stupid especially if the predictions end up coming true anyway. So killing them wouldn't change anything."

Zukile: "I agree with you baby. It's just politics and stupidity."

Me: "So we're mates." I said after a short while.

Zukile: "Yes we are." He said possessively. My body shivered.

Me: "C-Can I see your wolf?" He pulled back to look at me. He was surprised but also his eyes were alight with pleasure and heat. He liked that I wanted to see his wolf. A hell lot.

Zukile: "Really?" I nodded. "Are you sure?"

Me: "Yes." His eyes glowed. He held

me by the back of my head and nuzzled my neck. He swiped his tongue over his mark and I moaned as my vagina throbbed.

Zukile: "My mate." He growled. He stood up and backed away. "Are you ready mate?" I nodded even though I wasn't. "This time, try not to run away okay?" Then he smiled devilishly. "On second thoughts you running away wouldn't be such a bad idea. Thinking about hunting you down gives me a certain thrill." Gosh!

Me: "J-Just transform already." He chuckled.

Zukile: "I don't transform baby."

Me: "Just do whatever. Now." His eyes flashed.

Zukile: "Don't order me around mate. I'll let it slide only this once." And then he shifted. Even after just seeing it with my very own eyes I wouldn't be able to tell you how he changed. It was so fast. It was like I blinked and my boyfriend was suddenly a wolf. And damn was he humongous and marvelous one.

My boyfriend was really a werewolf. Seeing was really believing. Him shifting in front of me confirmed that the supernatural world really existed, and that everything he had told me was the truth. He was an Alpha and I was his Luna. Even though this wasn't the first time coming face to face with the wolf him and even though I knew that he would never hurt me, it was just all so surreal. I mean, it was a wolf for goodness sake! So when he started coming towards me, my whole being just froze up. Like literally. I don't even think I was breathing. Really Zenande, stop being dramatic. Before I could reply with a comeback to my brain something amazing happened. I felt him brush against my mind gently and lovingly and calmness like I've never felt before washed down on me. Wow. He was now face to face with me. I told you he was humongous. I stared into his deep charcoal eyes and I had an urge to touch him. My palms were itching me to. Oh well, he is my mate after all so what the heck. I reached out my hand and tentatively brushed his fur. It was softer than it looked. He released a whine and brushed his muzzle against my cheek. I smiled relaxing and sunk my fingers deep into his fur.

Me: "You know, now that I know you won't eat me, you look kind of cute."



He snorted unhappily.

I'm not cute

I giggled.

Yes you are

Do you want me to show you my teeth?

Even if you show them to me, I know you won't bite me.

Is that so?


Wrong. Biting is what I do mate, especially when it comes to you.

To prove what he just said, he nipped me with his teeth on my neck.


He nipped me again and licked me. I gasped as my body shivered.

You like it when I bite you mate?

His voice was filled with humor and should I say desire? Damn him.

Shut up!

He released a sound that sounded like a laugh which was crazy because wolves don't laugh. He's a werewolf Zenande so maybe it's different for them. Oh yeah. He snorted and ran his muzzle against my neck in a loving way.

My mate is cute

I love it when he calls me his mate. He brushed his mind against mine.

Mate. Mine. For eternity.

He growled possessively.

Yikes! So intense.

So do you fully accept me as your mate, your Alpha, your everything now Precious one?

I bit my lip nervously. In my heart I knew the answer to his question but I don't know, I was still scared that all of this was happening too fast and also that it was too good to be true. That maybe one day he will wake up and realize that he made a mistake and leave me.

Never Precious one. That will never happen.

I could feel the truth in his words and I could also read his mind and heart. They were wide open for me to see that I was his world and that he would live and die for me. Then why was I hesitating? I don't know. Throughout my 18 years of living, I've never had anything good that was mine and mine alone. I've never dreamt or even hoped that in the future I would end up having it but here was Zukile, my very own mate. I know that with him I will never want for anything. He treats me really good already and makes me happy. Honestly he's everything and more. I love him. Oh my god, I love him!

Me: "I-I love you." I confessed softly with tears in my eyes. All of a sudden he shifted back to his human form and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

The look in his eyes!

Zukile: "Even though I knew already but hearing you say it to me for the first time is..." He trailed off shaking his head. "Fuck Precious one, you turn me upside down baby." His voice hoarse, he grabbed me by the back of my neck and put his head against mine with his eyes closed like he was having a silent prayer. My man was sexy. Sheesh. He then pulled back a little and looked me straight in the eyes. "Tell me what I want to hear." He demanded. And he was also super intense. Woah. I swallowed. Okay, here goes nothing. Be brave Zenande and tell him.

Me: "I-I love you and want all of this...all of you...with all my heart." He released a growl, took off my glasses then he kissed me. No. More like he devoured me. I loved Zukile's kisses. When he kissed me, he kissed me with his whole being. He gave me his all so I gave him mine and in return, it was magical.

After what felt like a blissful century, he broke the kiss. We were both breathing heavily. Well, it was mostly me than him. Damn.

Zukile: "Let's go and formally introduce you to the pack."