
My wolf's system and my packmates

Berean Academy school's grade 11 is excited for their excursion to ancient Greece, but things take a dark turn when Peter, the clumsy but brilliant main character, unknowingly unleashes a demon. He and his friends Scott, James, Sarah, and Sandra must confront the demon and battle for the safety of the world and their loved ones. As they fight, they discover that they have superpowers and are not alone in this fight. But when they realize that some of their friends are also possessed by the demon, they struggle with the decision of whether to kill them. The hoodman, who knows the story behind the demon, helps the teens in their battle, but ultimately sacrifices himself for their cause. Meanwhile, the demon collides with Hades and resurrects the Olympus gods and monsters, creating chaos and destruction. The teens must use their newfound powers and bravery to save the world. As this collides with their affections

inkspill09 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

The beginning 2

They arrived at the temple, accompanied by a narrator who diligently chronicled their everything they encountered and curious on, and the story behind it .

Just then, their eyes fell upon a peculiar statue, Although it was just a statue, it looked so real, like a real person. They all wait and gasps as they keep looking at it.

The narrator's voice resonated once more, filling the air with a tale of ancient lore. "Behold the king, the beginning of werewolf in human history," he proclaimed. "This statue was Once a beloved soldier of King Zeus, he commanded immense strength and an expansive army. But when he net with king hades who persuade him to join him in destroying the earth, and rule upon it. Thier mission was failed as king zeus catch up on them, and as a punishment zues turned him into stone and sealed away his thousands of armies."

Amidst the students' awestruck silence, one student hauls. "But isn't this mere superstition?" He questioned.

Another student, their curiosity piqued, interjects, "Is it truly possible to free this captive being? Like a way to free it" .

The room buzz with laughter by the question.

With a thoughtful nod, the narrator replied, "Indeed, there is a way. But I don't know about it, and this isn't a superstition."

A female student, asks "But why would anyone even desire to open this vault of captivity?".

The narrator answers them, "there is a prophecy that eventually, this satue will break and the world will be in doom!".

"That's really creepy," the students murmur, their voices filled with unease

"Let's leave here already, I'm scared myself", the narrator said and leave, while the students follow him.

The stone they had stumbled upon had a disturbing aura about it, and it had left Peter with a sense of familiarity that he couldn't shake off. It seems like he had seen it somewhere

"What are you doing?" Sarah asks, her voice tinged with concern, as Peter carefully placed his bag on the ground.

Scott, intrigued by Peter's actions, chimed in, "What do you think you are doing?".

Peter, his gaze fixed on the stone, replied, "I think I've seen this stone somewhere before. I believe it's mentioned in this old, rusted book I have." He pulled out the ancient tome from his bag, its pages worn and yellowed with age.

Flipping through the book, Peter murmurs, "This book has been passed down through our generation."

James, always the joker, interjects, "And what's so special about your generation?".

With a hint of pride in his voice, Peter answered, "Our generation has been the keeper of Greek historical records." He paused at a particular page and exclaimed, "This is it! I found it!" Pointing at a picture in the book, he beckoned his friends to gather around.

The image depicted an exact replica of the stone they had discovered, and on the adjacent page, there were inscriptions in a language they couldn't decipher.

"Indeed, it is," Scott confirmed, captivated by the enigmatic language. Beneath the cryptic text, there was an image of a door that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one standing beside them.

James quickly retrieved his phone, intending to record the language and use Google to translate it. The text was an old Greek language.

Eagerly, they asked James, "What does it say?" Their curiosity mounting.

"The stone represents King Lycaon, the first werewolf," James began, his voice carrying a tinge of awe.

"He commanded a formidable army known as the beasts, and with the aid of Lord Hades, he sought to conquer the world. However, King Zeus discovered his plan and thwarted him, turning him into a stone and sealing off his army."

Sarah, skepticism in her voice, questioned, "Do you really believe all that?".

Peter responded firmly, "I do. It was recorded."

James, engrossed in his phone's translation, continued, "But here's the most astonishing part." With a mix of excitement and trepidation, they urged him to reveal it.

"According to this text, the stone can be unleashed, released from its dormant state. All it takes is water to wash off the stone and then use that same water to cleanse the door. By doing so, the stone and the door would be unleashed. But beware, anyone who dares to perform this act must face the consequences," James relayed, his voice filled with a mixture of fascination and caution.

A silence settled over the group as they absorbed the revelation. After a few moments, James broke the silence, laughing nervously, and remarked, "That's quite creepy, but let's be honest, it's just a superstition."

Peter, determined and undeterred, said, "Regardless of whether it's a superstition or not, it holds significance to us. Let's leave this place."

Sarah nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, it's best not to meddle with something we don't fully understand."

Scott, however, intrigued by the idea, suggested that they investigate further to determine if the legend held any truth. Without hesitation, he reached into his bag and retrieved a bottle of water.

Concerned, Peter interrupted Scott's actions and asked, "The book mentioned consequences. What do you think you're doing?".

Scott, dismissing the warnings, opened the bottle and confidently declared, "It's just a myth. I don't believe it."

However, as soon as the water touched the stone and Scott began to approach the door, a deep, monstrous breathing sound echoed through the air, causing everyone to fall silent and listen intently.

"Did you hear that?" Sarah whispered, a hint of fear in her voice. Suddenly, something—or rather, someone—darted past them with alarming speed, sending a shiver down their spines, "Don't", A soft voice came.

Without wasting a moment, they grabbed their belongings and fled from the scene, their hearts pounding in their chests.

Derek, who had been hiding during the commotion, emerged from his hiding spot, clutching the bottle of water tightly in his hand.

As they regrouped and caught their breath, they realized with a sinking feeling that they had left their belongings behind in their hasty escape. Sarah shook her head, her face filled with trepidation, and uttered, "What should we do? I can't go back there."

Peter, determined not to leave their possessions behind, stated firmly, "We have to retrieve our things."

James chimed in, his voice tinged with unease, "But we can all agree that was incredibly unsettling, right?"

Scott, taking the lead without uttering a word, motioned for the james and Peter to follow him, and that the girls should remained hidden.

Meanwhile, Derek, driven by curiosity and a desire to prove or debunk the legends, continued with his task of cleaning the stone and approaching the door.

As Scott caught sight of Derek's actions, he shouted, "STOP!" But it was too late—the water had already made contact with the door, and as it slowly swung open, emitting an eerie creak, and also, the statue was breaking!.

"Shussssssh!" a gust of powerful wind burst forth, knocking everyone off their feet and rendering them unconscious.

Then, a figure in claok came forward and growled, "The time has come".