
My Wife, You better prepared I am not letting you go

" You are my wife now. It's your duty to fulfill your responsibilities." Rolland said looking at the woman before him with cold eyes. " I never leave house. Don't worry about it." Scarlet was calm as always looking innocent. They were marriage per arrangement by their parents. Rolland Clark was a richest man in their entire country who every women dream of being his woman. Countless rich women try winning him. Rude and cold personalty with devilish handsome looks woman fall more for him. His fate made him meet this quiet girl who was from general family whom his family have good friendship. She was more than what people think about her. She love bad blood. She play with them when needed.

MayMeilucy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


" What did you find?" Rolland Clark ask his personal assistant.

" Like your parents said she always stay at home. No one know about her, i guessed." Dam answered.

" You can leave now."

After Rolland Clark was alone in his office. He was kind of thinking something leaning back on his chair.

At least I am married now. He chuckled.

Rolland took out the pictures that was given to him day before yesterday by his parents. It was two, he stared at them one after other. He hold expressionless face. One picture was his wife yet to meet. She seem hold an authority around her even in her photo, the way she sit and her every angle. She was so beautiful in the photo with her black dress. Looking at her, Rolland understand why his mom chose her. She got a unique charm. In the other one, it was Niu's family photo.

" It turned out that my wife didn't like taking pictures." He smile to himself.

" I won't keep you long."


" It was easy. I should be thankful to Mr.Clark for this."

Scarlet lay on her bed quietly. Looking at the ceiling and around the room. Rolland Clark villa was magnificence worthy of his status and fame. It was of three stories which Scarlet take one on the second. Her room was large and located on the corner, everyroom had a balcony except for master bedroom which she didn't enter maybe it was there. Scarlet knew from the moment she entered this house it is lavish lifestyle.

Like her mom says Mr&Mrs.Clark came to her house yesterday morning with marriage certificate. She knew then they are not ordinary for she had seen them. The way they communicate and the way they try to please others it was excellent. Many things happen yesterday, they keep talking of their son and marriage. Lucky that butler from Rolland Clark abode came before she dose off. They didn't accompany her to her new home nor her parents, they were much happy to send her off.

She didn't take long choosing her room and designed the room like her previous room whole day. She was dead tired in the evening and after dinner she went to bed.

Four days passed after the marriage thing but there was no sign of Mr.Clark. He never come home nor make a call to her. Scarlet was rather happy and relief. She enjoy being alone and in calm environment. Scarlet find the butler and servants are loyal to their master. Only four servants were hired in the house and the bulter.

Knowing his Young Madam was quite person who rarely speaks. The bulter was worried. Finally his Young Master was married and he was very happy for him since his master will not face such rumours again but seeing now he really pity Scarlet and don't understand his master why he married her in first place if he is not going to see her. 'Young madam will waste her youth, at least why not visit her after all it's already four days.'

" Madam, you don't need to worry. Young Master is always busy and rarely come home." he tried to tell her so she won't get wrong idea," why not call him at least to come home for dinner?" he suggested.

Scarlet smile sweetly she know what this fellow is thinking, " Uncle An, I am fine. You are worrying too much and i got you and others servants to accompany as well."

They all find her to be a good girl unlike other women. Though they know little about her they like her. She treat them well. After assuring that she is really okay for a while did the butler feel relief.

' I don't mind living like this rather i like it a lot' she chuckled alone in the room.

Actually, it cause a lot of commotion about the marriage when Rolland Clark announced after the day of signing marriage certificate. It was a uproar in their city and even Scarlet didn't expect him to do that. Since there marriage was inside their home then why but she didn't care.

Still their marriage was trending on the net with the topic ' I AM NOW A MARRIED MAN' which Rolland Clark posted. There was also the picture of himself and Scarlet which his parents gave him.

" Sir, seems your wife is different from others. She did not make any move so far." Dam was smiling himself. He knows this is going to be interesting.

It been days, Rolland also was waiting to see her reaction but nothing happen.

" What happen to her family?"

Dam chuckled, " Why are you worried about her family? They all congratulates you except her brother it turned out that he is little upset with the marriage." Rolland and Dam are also good friends aside from their work.

Rolland Clark rised her eyebrows, " That Officer, my brother friend. Why?"

" Yes. He is very close with this sister of his." He show an evil smile.

" Is he in love with his sister? He may be upset that i steal her from him." Rolland was amused. He has a sister but he is not close to her not to say even with playful brother of his. They are not much together. Dam laughed by the side.

" It looks like i need to see my little wife soon." Rolland had no emotion and his friend only smile at him.

Thank you for reading

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