
Chapter 8 Identical

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Yan Luoxi held her phone a bit further away, her voice a mixture of coquettish charm and cuteness, "Sister Lin, how could I dare? I'm still utterly confused right now. You don't actually believe I'm the one at the airport in that photo, do you?"

Sister Lin was so angry that she rolled her eyes; she was on the verge of being abandoned by her fans, and yet here was someone in the mood to joke around.

"Do you have any idea how serious this is? In this era of universal entertainment, no one cares whether you're flat-chested or busty; they're only interested in gossip. I mean, you only started trending last night; at least wait for the heat to die down before you stir things up again."

"Am I stupid to use such a photo for publicity?" Yan Luoxi ground her teeth in frustration; no wonder Lai Zhiyuan wanted to use tricks to delete the photos from her phone last night—she had planned to hit first so that Yan could take the fall for her and eliminate any future troubles.

It must be said, Lai Zhiyuan's IQ was still intact when it came to scheming against others; it's just that she might be thinking too wishfully!

"As long as it's not you, that's fine. I was worried you got so stimulated by CEO Lu that you'd give up on yourself," Sister Lin sighed in relief, "I'll handle this. Just stay at home for a couple of days, don't watch TV or go online, and definitely don't go out."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Luoxi looked up at the television. Once an artist gets caught in such a scandal, their acting career is basically doomed.

Just as she was thinking this, her phone suddenly vibrated. She glanced at the caller ID and answered immediately, "Yunyun, you're back?"

"I had only stepped on home soil when I saw you were being bullied. Wait for me; I'm rushing over to rescue you." An exaggerated voice came from the other end of the line.

"No, no, no, the paparazzi are all over my doorstep; they definitely won't let you go if you come. It's better if I come to you," Yan Luoxi didn't want to drag her friend down with her, for after all, being schemed against wasn't exactly a shining moment.

Tian Lingyun lamented, "That's too bad, I wanted to experience what it's like to be surrounded by the paparazzi."

"Forget it, you work so hard to manage those few little followers as a fashion blogger; I won't harm you. Let's meet at our usual spot; I'll come to you." Yan Luoxi hung up the phone, dressed up incognito in the walk-in closet, grabbed her bag, and left.

Yan Luoxi took a taxi to Zuo'an, where the waiter led her to the outside of a private room. She pushed the door open and walked in.

Inside the spacious room adorned with grand decor, a girl wearing retro glasses sat, with a simple white T-shirt and a pair of overalls, the epitome of an artsy young woman.

Only she knew just how wild she truly was at heart.

No sooner had the private room door closed than Tian Lingyun screamed and burst in, the two hugging each other tightly, "My little Luoxi, let me hold you, I've missed you to death."

Yan Luoxi let her hug, "Hey, hey, hey, don't be so enthusiastic; you're giving me goosebumps."

Tian Lingyun pinched her waist and dragged her to the window seat to look at her more closely, the more she looked, the more something seemed off. Before Lingyun had left the country, this girl was like an unripe lemon, so sour it made your teeth hurt.

She comes back from a trip abroad, and how has she turned into a succulent, juicy peach that makes you want to take a bite?

"Have you gotten a sex life?" Tian Lingyun suddenly asked. As a fashion and relationship blogger, her instincts were sharp, and she could smell it if someone was sexually active or not.


Yan Luoxi quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe the water at the corner of her mouth, her cheeks flushing red, "Nonsense, I don't even have a man; where would a sex life come from?"

"Isn't Lu Zhaoran a man? I remember you calling me in the middle of the night a few days ago, asking for my advice on how to win over Lu Zhaoran. You didn't do it, did you?" Tian Lingyun actually wasn't optimistic about her relationship with Lu Zhaoran. Lu was too utilitarian and didn't suit someone as naïve and sweet as Erluo.

Not to mention it, but as soon as Yan Luoxi did, she felt a pang in her heart. She picked up the sour lemon water Tian Lingyun had ordered and took a gulp, saying, "I did have sex, yes, but not with Lu Zhaoran."

"Then who was it with?"

"I don't know, I only remember going to the bar to drown my sorrows, and then being pulled into the men's restroom by a man. When I woke up, I was in a hotel room," Yan Luoxi said guiltily.

Tian Lingyun's eyes widened, "Oh crap, you don't even know who the other person was, and you dared to sleep with him? Are you trying to reach the heavens or what?"

Yan Luoxi held her face in her hands, lamenting, "I don't want to reach the heavens; I just wasn't thinking at that moment. Now, I really regret it. I mean, what if I let a pig take advantage of me without even knowing what the guy looks like?"

"Heh!" Tian Lingyun sneered twice, "You still have the mood to worry about being taken advantage of by a pig? Why aren't you worried that the other person might have taken nude photos or videos to blackmail you with? Or what if he's diseased?"

Yan Luoxi felt even more guilty as Tian Lingyun spoke, saying with a troubled frown, "Bars are such complicated places, I'm done for, I'm done for."

Tian Lingyun felt like kicking her, as a whole day had passed before she started to worry. How come this girl never learns? "Don't worry too much about it; men nowadays are very cunning, especially those who hang out in bars. For all you know, they might be afraid of catching diseases themselves, hahaha..."

As Tian Lingyun talked, she started to laugh at her own words, which earned her a fierce look of contempt from Yan Luoxi.

"Are you messing with me?"

Tian Lingyun tried to stifle her laughter, revealing two cute little dimples. Yan Luoxi was so angry that she stood up, ran over to her, pinned her down on the couch, and gave her a good beating, which finally vented her anger.

After fooling around for a while, Tian Lingyun got back to the point, "Sister, you're in trouble now. Why not take this opportunity to let me interview you and bring me some popularity."

Yan Luoxi made a stop gesture, "Fine, you already have a million followers. After posting this interview, your million followers might all turn against you, and you'll be too late to cry."

"No problem, I've got a lot of backup accounts anyway. If they turn on this one, there's still the next one."

Yan Luoxi: "..."

In the end, she was still talked into doing an interview by Tian Lingyun, who acted as the planner and brought in a professional photographer to take their photos. In the interview, her poses were exactly the same as the ones in the photos from today's hot search, but the unnamed man was replaced by the petite and lovely Tian Lingyun.

As soon as Tian Lingyun updated her public account, Weibo immediately exploded, with countless comments underneath.

"Oh crap, I must be seeing things. My Luoxi actually looks so powerful. This photo set beats the one next door by a mile!"

"Nosebleed, my Luoxi looks so beautiful I could cry!"

"Am I the only one who noticed? My Luoxi's bust is a 36D, guys. Is this what they call 'busty and bouncy'?"

"Let go of my Luoxi, let me do it!"

"Did you guys see? My Luoxi and Tian Lingyun have identical tattoos on their arms, but there's nothing in the hot search photos next door. What does that tell us?"

Reminded by this netizen, everyone started to compare the two sets of photos. With identical poses and a match from the height to the body shape, netizens turned into Sherlocks, analyzing everything with authoritative precision.