
My White Boy My Mine

Miky and Max are not brothers. They have no blood ties at all. However, an incident in the past caused a great misunderstanding between them. Miky is not Max's twin! They are swapped twins. That means, Max's crazy obsession into Miky is getting have a bigger chances. No blood ties between them that will limit Max to having Miky completely to be Max's own. This is a story of a growing obsession with owning and making someone to be his own. Max limits and banishes anything that Miky interacts with, which is what Max has done since they were kids. "Brother, you will obey me, right? I love to loving you..."- Max "Yes Max," - Miky "It's so scary out there, there are so many monsters that will hurt you, so stay here hmm... With me..."- Max "Yes Max, Miky will always be here, with Max." Until one day when fate must separate Max and Miky, then how do they meet again and will be as crazy as Max and his obsession with Miky? And what if Miky finds out that he and Max are not siblings. If the two of them don't have any blood ties at all? What would happen if Max went crazy?! So, will Miky be as innocent as he was when he was little? Will Miky follow Max? Or... Miky will hate Max :)

Eve_Miraa · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

12 - 13 Years Later

Thirteen years later, things become dark and colorless for Marv and her son, Max. Since then, Marine still not aware, the beautiful woman is still at home in her long sleep, she is in a coma. Not to mention Miky who disappeared somewhere.

Marie fell asleep for thirteen years, Marv forced not to remove all of Marie's life support tools, Marv did not want Marie to leave herself.

At this time, the dim atmosphere of silence accompanied the father and son, who had a flat expression. They're having dinner. However, the silent dinner did not last long when the elder placed his fork and knife, indicating that he had finished eating, but what did he eat? Even the food was untouched.

"I'm done."said Marv without life.

Max looks at his father, he knows how broken their lives are now, this also happens to Max. Max grew up with various grudges and resentments and other negative energies.

The eighteen-year-old had grown into a young man of extraordinary charisma, capable of making anyone submit to him. However, behind it all, Max is a cruel who really likes to play with someone's life. Max is now more violent than ever.

"Dad," Max called before his father left the dining room.

"Hmm ."Marv just cleared his throat and looked flat towards Max, who also expressed the same. Flat.

"I'm going to Norway, I'm going to find my brother there."said Max without intonation.

"I don't care about him. Do what you want. You're an adult, you know what you want. And again ... I won't forgive the boy until my wife comes to her senses. Even if I come to my senses, I'll take that damn child before Marie to punish her." Said Marv who then immediately stepped his foot away from there.

"Brother …, "murmured Max sadly.

During this time, thirteen years. He never gave up, his determination was strong. He must bring back his sweet sister, punish her and make her only Max's. In the years since that incident, Max has always traveled from one country to another, only to find his brother's whereabouts. Hey! What? Max is rich, traveling to different countries or combing a country searching for someone is an easy job for him. In Total, there are more than ten countries that Max runs through. Netherlands, Italy, France, Argentina, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Dubai, Germany, and the last one is Australia. Max has confirmed that in all ten countries there is no Miky, his brother. Even though he's eighteen years old, Max is intelligent and talented. He has inherited some of Marv's legal and illegal companies, why? Because Marv always and only wanted to be next to his wife lying in a coma in the hospital. Marv loved Marie so much. Really.

At the end of the day, Max realized his importance. His brother is a person with albinism, he is too sensitive to excessive sunlight. Of course, Max won't find Miky in a country with extreme summers like the last ten. That is why this time Max will try to focus on combing the northern European regions, where it is cold and suitable for Miky.

"Wait for me brother, you play too long, and yes... You're hiding too well, brother, I don't like that ..., "murmured Max as he visited Miky's room in the mansion.

Every night, Max will sleep here. In the sweet room of her sweet sister, Miky. Nothing has changed here, everything is still in order as before. Max really misses his twin brother. Max's heart is complex. Max felt the anger of fear and also longing. I don't know what it will be like when Max can find Miky. Will Everything be okay? Or just the opposite? Hahaha, but I don't like Happy Endings.

"I'm sorry to let you see the world. I'm sorry when they got you out. I'm sorry that Bram Savage made me lose you. I'm sorry that now you're wandering freely out there, " Max said with a sharp look.

"I'm sorry I didn't cut your leg... I should have crippled you so you're just and will depend on this max of yours..., "said Max by kissing the surface of the photo of his twin brother.

"I want you, brother," murmured Max, and then he fell in his never-quiet sleep.

Max was always crying in his sleep. Max misses his brother. Love? No. Obsession? More than that. Max and Miky are one soul born in two bodies ... Max, for him, Miky is everything. The axis of his life.

Max has also learned a fact that it turns out that Miky is not his twin brother. But no one cares about this fact besides Max. Even Marvell who also knew this was just being indifferent. The aging man only focused on his wife, Marie who until this moment is still unconscious.

But their fate will not allow the two to be together. Obstacles and obstacles are both very wrong. Max loves his own twin brother, and Miky is the same man as Max.

Love is for everyone, there are no limits to love. But Max and Miky? They are too wrong to be able to merge in life this time.

"Hiks ... Brother, come back to me!"



Let me reintroduce you to a sweet, sweet girl who is kind. She's Arabella. Remind? Arabella is an outlined mate for Max or Miky should be.

"Good Morning Lia."Arabell in a soft voice greeted one of the servants who was trimming a white rose in the North mansion.

"Miss Ara ... Good Morning, Miss. I think my morning will be blessed by God because I saw you so beautiful today, you are so beautiful, " said Lia the servant. But that's not entirely wrong. Arabell was indeed beautiful, even more beautiful as he grew older.

"Lia, you could be, oh yes is brother Max still there? I want to see him."Arabella asked as she fixed her dark blue dress, which was slightly crumpled on her arm.

"Mr. Max, he hasn't left yet," Lia replied.

"Thank God, I'll see him now!"Arabella is happy. Not having time for Arabell to step, Lia held her arm.

"Miss. You better not see the master this time, he's in a bad mood."Lia said with a hand still perched on Arabella's slender arm.

"You mean? What happened to Max?"Arabell asked a little anxiously.

"It was about five o'clock in the morning that Mr. Max woke up with such great anger, he cut off the hand of one of the guards for no reason. Not yet there, he even whipped us all this morning..."he said, holding his arm.

Arabella who realized it immediately, looked into Lia's arm. "Oh, my god! You also got a lash from Brother max?"Arabella asked by observing Lia's arm that turned blue with a look on her face that reflected her concern.

Lia smiled and nodded slightly."It's not a problem, miss, but please don't meet Mr. Max. I don't want you to be the target either," Lia said smoothly.

"Huh ...."Arabella breathed heavily. His original intention was to ask Max to come to his distant cousin's wedding the day after tomorrow to Norway.

"But can you give this letter to Max later?"Arabella asked while giving a letter with a white diamond as a hook.

"Good lady, Lia said while taking the letter.

"Nah ... now come on, I'm going to treat your wound, it must be very painful, right?"Arabella carefully brought Lia to sit in a gazebo.

"Waiter!"Arabell shouted at some servants passing by.

"Yes, Miss Arabella? You need anything?"ask one of them.

"Please bring me a medicine box, I will treat Lia's wound," Arabella said with a sweet smile.

Then the servants nodded and passed from there.

"Thank you ... Miss Ara, " Lia muttered very softly with an adoring look at Arabella.

What's wrong? Strange? Lia and Arabella were indeed similar.


It wouldn't be interesting if the main character always gets the spotlight, right? Hahaha.