
Chapter 5- Mr. Perfect.

I always used to call him Mr. Perfect, because to me he was and still is the most perfect human being on his Earth to me. Before I got my phone taken away,I asked him to be my boyfriend,and excitedly,he said "yes!" . He wrote me a letter saying how I am the first person he ever loved and that he doesn't want anything from me other than for me to know that he loves me and that having someone he truly loved in his life,was the greatest gift he could ever receive. This made me tear up.

We would meet at random places and we'd always smile at each other but never talk. We knew each other long before,but even though at this point we were dating,we only would send letters to each other. We had a theatre performance and I was the "wife" of one of his best friends in the play,he was watching me and he was smiling the whole time. When it was his turn, he played a bus driver called Juma and I cheered him on the entire time! But he seemed to be embarrassed about me towards his friends,I sent him cake on my birthday,and when his friends asked him from who it was,he said some random girl two classes below us. That hurt. But I told myself it was okay.