
One crazy morning

Khalifa in his luxurious bedroom. Lying face down on his king-size bed. Woke up at about 5:50 a.m. from the sound of his buzzing phone.

KHALIFA: Hello ( he lazily answered the phone, without viewing the caller's ID)

MUNI: Hi brother! ( Excitedly In high pitched tone) hope I didn't wake you up.

KHALIFA: (rolled his eyes, feeling bored) What do you want?

MUNI: Today is Mother's birthday, hope you didn't forget.

KHALIFA: (Quirks a brow) No. How can I forget? Go straight to the point. What do you want?

Khalifa got up from his bed to get dressed for work with his phone still in his ear. He casually walked to his wardrobe, and scanned through his expensive collection of clothes, unsure of what to wear.

MUNI: Well as a gift to her, she requested that you accompany her to church on Sunday for her Thanksgiving service. (nervously chewing her nails)

Khalifa paused for a minute before replying to his sister

KHALIFA: I'm not going

MUNI: please Khali, for once do this for mom. It's her 26th time begging you to go to church with her. Grant her this one request, please.

KHALIFA: (after deliberating for a while) I'll think about it.

MUNI: (Breathe out a sign of relief). Okay good. That is better than a no. Don't miss the birthday dinner tonight. Talk to you later. Have a great day at work! (hang-up)