
My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

David rarely interacts with women in real life other than his older sister. However, online, he has a virtual girlfriend who wants a more serious relationship. When his virtual girlfriend claims to be a lady from the Rothschild Family, he begins to wonder if his life will be okay from now on. *** https://discord*gg/kQRNTHh6eA

Dark_Crow1111 · perkotaan
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242 Chs


Around them, David saw many weapons consisting of knives, swords, iron rods, baseball bats, and even a sizable axe.

They were smoking and apparently consuming prohibited items.

One thing that stood out was their expressions which seemed to be trying to look scary.

However, they are indeed scary.

Without having superpowers, David would probably break out in a sweat if he met them on a quiet street.

One of them came forward. He was around his mid-20s, probably their unofficial leader.

Groups like this tended to have no official leader, usually the bravest one acted like the leader but wasn't really recognized by the others.

"State your name if you want to join us," he said, placing the baseball bat he was carrying on his shoulder.

He didn't make small talk to David and Jane, not even asking their purpose.

David was too lazy to observe the man, he looked at Jane and said, "Jane, I'm starting now!"

"Do it hard," Jane replied.

Instantly, their brief conversation confused the gangsters.

David took a step forward, towards the man who asked his name and Jane.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" The man finally asked David's purpose because David suddenly gave a different impression than he expected.

"To beat you all up," David replied with a faint smile.

He showed his tightly clenched fist.

About five bolts of lightning appeared in his fist, emitting a sharp light that made the hallway bright.

The man in front of David unceremoniously staggered back, shocked at the sight of those lightning bolts while the other gangsters spontaneously grabbed their weapons.

"What is this?" They wondered.

Of course, although they were shocked, they were actually calmer than David expected. David thought that he would be much more shocked if he saw this suddenly.

This shows that gangsters who live on the streets have more composure when they see strange things.

David then sent his fist at the man, smashing his chest.


The fist seemed to be made of very heavy steel but moved at high speed.

The man was thrown away instantly, so fast that no one realized he had fallen into the garbage can at the end of the alley.

When David thought that the gangsters were scared after seeing his strength, he found that some of them were advancing.

"Get him and arrest him." They shouted, raising the spirits of the others.

"He has a secret superpower, we can have it too after capturing him," added one of the gangsters.

They started like demons possessed, running towards David to take him down.

David even saw the 12-year-old gangster. He held a spear and tried to stab it at him while shouting, "die!"

The tip of the spear was very sharp, it was very dangerous, but the spear was very slow in David's eyes.

He grabbed it, pouring lightning into the spear.

Instantly, the lightning reached the boy, electrocuting him.

Fortunately, David was able to estimate lightning that was safe for mere mortals or he would have died instantly.

David then used the spear, attacking the other gangsters.

Since the female gangsters also attacked him, he without hesitation attacked them as well.

Lightning continued to emerge from his body, causing scream after scream.

Jane watched the fight very casually, standing with her palm on her stomach.

Even when watching something like this, she still looked elegant.

Her eyes remained fixed on David, not moving to any other point.

At this time, there was something that David and even Jane didn't know.

Far away in the United States, a very beautiful young woman with pale white skin opened her eyes.

The woman was actually in the car, sitting in her backseat, letting her assistant who was a Southeast Asian woman drive for her.

Her hair was bright red, long, and slightly curly, looking very wavy, giving a very strong sense of glamor.

From top to bottom, she wore a lot of very fancy jewelry where there was even a red gem necklace around her neck.

On each of her wrists were several gold and silver bracelets while each of her ears wore long gold earrings that sparkled even at night.

She was basically wearing a short dress, but it was layered with a long brown coat so that her figure was partially covered.

The simple outfit did not make her look simple because of the jewelry. She was very glamorous.

Not only was her hair red in color, even her eyes were also somewhat reddish, but dark red.

Her lips were wide and curved, layered with a bit of lipstick so that they became even brighter.

For a young lady, she can be said to be very sexy due to her quite striking ass and breasts, larger than average.

Even with the coat covering her body, her curves could be clearly seen.

The Southeast Asian woman sitting in the driver's seat was staring at her because the way she opened her eyes was a bit abrupt and surprising.

Perhaps it was a normal thing for ordinary people, but when it was done by the red-haired woman, there was a certain effect that appeared.

Actually, the Southeast Asian woman was also an above-average beauty.

She was wearing long jeans and a tight tanktop.

There was a jacket that she put behind her, which she did not wear while driving.

Her black hair was in a ponytail while her skin was very clear though not too white.

She had sharp eyes that seemed to be able to observe a thousand people in one glance.

"I feel it!" The red-haired woman suddenly said.

"What do you feel, miss?" the Southeast Asian woman asked.

"The power of Zeus. The blood of the owner of that power is the source of my power," the red-haired woman replied.

Her real name was Erza Morgan while her assistant was Mary.

David had already received information about the family from Jane.

They were the Vampire Family and economically they were ranked second in America, behind the Rockefellers.

Vampires were different from Spiritual Beings who gained power from drinking the blood of Deities.

Their powers are already there from the moment they are born as they are a completely different race.

Erza could be said to be unique among vampires because she could detect various powers that appealed to her even if they were far away.

Mary who was a little surprised after hearing Erza's words quickly asked, "where did you sense that power, Miss? Isn't it just that the Rothschild Family has the blood of Zeus and they won't use it until their oldest ancestor can use it."

"Mm, maybe it was in Paris," Erza replied, putting her hand on her chin while looking towards the east.