
The First Day

Izuku stood in front of a huge door, it had 1-A painted on to it. Last night Izuku had a conversation with All Might, he had asked how to control 'One For All' better and not damage himself, the only thing All Might replied was to train his body until he can freely use the quirk. Izuku was a little annoyed at this.

"[Is training the only way to grab hold of a quirk? Then what about when children develop their quirks, they don't have training but they can grab ahold of the quirk easily. Whatever I should focus on this later, time to go in class, I'll start scouting out targets that would have useful quirks to steal.]" - Izuku

As, soon as Izuku opened the door, he was greeted by a ruckus, and of course the Center of that ruckus was the two most annoying people, Katsuki and examinee number 7111.

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Ilda." - Ilda

Izuku decided to ignore whatever was going on and walked into class. Everyone finally noticed him and turned to look towards him, he didn't care and carried on walking. Ilda started walking towards Izuku and started to introduce himself but Izuku just sent him a look before looking at Katsuki.

"Deku." - Katsuki

Izuku gained a tick mark, even after repeatedly telling him not to call him that, he persisted.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Villain." - Izuku

This time it was Katsuki's turn to gain tick mark.

"eh? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" - Katsuki

Katsuki stood up and did his signature move of make explosions in his hand, Izuku didn't flinch and instead started walking towards Katsuki. The place was about to descend into chaos when a clueless Gravity Girl showed up and quickly ran to Izuku after noticing him.

"Oh, you passed as well. Of course, you did! Your punch was amazing!" Gravity Girl

She started jumping around and doing a punching motion into the air, Izuku finally snapped out of his anger and then started to go sit on an empty seat, but not before having another glare off with Katsuki as he passed.

"[It seems I still have difficulty controlling my emotions, especially when it has something to do with my weak past. Hmm, I need to think of a way to get rid of them, emotions aren't needed in my plan, but how?... ?? What's that?]" - Izuku

As Izuku was thinking over his actions, a yellow caterpillar-like creature crawled into the class and stood near the door. It slowly stood up and that's when he realised it was a sleeping bag with a person inside.

"[The teacher? But he's really worn out and weird... Hmm, I can't seem to remember who he is. Whatever, I'll find out once he introduces himself.]" - Izuku

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shoto Aizawa. Nice to meet you. It's kind of sudden, but put this on and go out onto the field." - Aizawa

As soon everyone was ready and got onto the field, they were told they were having a quirk assessment test, everyone except Izuku and Katsuki ended up shouting it out in repeat for no reason. Everyone then started complaining and the teacher explained, while this was happening Izuku was happy.

"[haha, PERFECT! I was wondering how to figure out the quirks of everyone in the class, I thought I would have to go around the class and befriend them all slowly, which would have been a pain. However, now all I need to do is watch and if I see a quirk that's suitable, I'll go ahead and befriend on that person, no need to befriend the useless.]" - Izuku

Aizawa then proceeded to demonstrate by using one of the students, Aizawa looked at Izuku briefly at first but then told Katsuki to come forward, Katsuki then demonstrated the use of his quirk by throwing the ball with an explosion behind it sending it further. Aizawa then began to explain why they were doing the test, it was for them to see the limit of their quirk. As everyone was getting happy on finally being allowed to use their quirk on normal things, Aizawa dropped a bomb on them all, the last person will get kicked out. Everyone panicked after that and started throwing questions and saying stuff like "you can't do that". Izuku just started to plan.

"[if it's using the quirk to enhance yourself when doing these tests, then I might have a problem. I can't use my quirk to enhance myself as I'd only end up being injured again. I still have no way of controlling the quirk thanks to All Might. Well at least I will be above average in most of the tests, I doubt every single student here has trained their body as I have. Anyway let's begin.]" - Izuku

The first test was a 50-meter dash, of course, the best at that was Ilda, with his legs. The problem was Izuku couldn't take quirk and make it seem it was his, as if he could use the nanobots to make the engines in his legs, it would show and everyone would know. He decided to focus on all the other students and see their quirks.

"[No to the frog girl, hmm no to the pink girl as well, and that guy with the laser in his stomach. No to the tail guy and the guy with the electricity, and, oh? A hardening quirk? That could be useful I'll mark it down, I might need it sooner than the rest after what happens with the use of my quirk, hardening might help lower the damage taken.]" - Izuku

Izuku ended up zoning out and muttering, thinking of the implications that hardening could have to boost his power. Soon it was Izuku's turn, he was able to score a 4.15-second score making him above average. He seemed to sense that Aizawa was looking at him, he found it a bit suspicious but he continued with the tests.

"[Now that I think about it, these tests seem disadvantage towards me, I can't use my quirk, and Aizawa has been looking at me occasionally. It seems the idea of a top student that injures himself when he uses his quirk, isn't sitting well with this pro hero. I should give everything I have in the tests so I'm not at the bottom or close to it... Just to be safe I'll use my quirk on the last test and get a high score.]" - Izuku

As the tests were carried out Izuku continued scouting out the rest of the students. On occasion, he would walk up to some of them that had hard to see quirks and asked them about their quirk.

"[the animal speaking guy... It seems his quirk is an only voice-based but why is his appearance so different, I'll need to experiment to see if his quirk affects the appearance, if not then I'll add him to the list for voice modification quirks along with Present mic. The guy who can eat sweets to increase his strength... I guess that could be useful, I'll put it on the list as a maybe. No to the octopus guy, no to the ear wire girl and no to the arms with tapes guy. The shadow guy... If I could just get the shadow and not the appearance it would be useful, but I need to wait until I can alter my genetic structure, same goes for the two hair coloured guy, he says he has only ice but why does only one half of him use it, the other half is red so could it be ice and fire? Anyway, his ice is useful so even if he doesn't have fire I'll put him on. Definitely NO to the ball head. Finally Momo Yaoyoruzo, a quirk that allows the weirder to create anything they want, as long as they know the structure and composition. This quirk... If I combine it with the zero gravity quirk... One quirk that can change the atomic structure of anything outside the body as long as you touch it, another that can create anything as long as you know the structure... Need more tests to understand their true capabilities, but from my guesses, the gravity will help me when I take quirks that affect the outside elements, and the creation could help me change my genetical structure. Anyway time for the final test I'll think about that later.]" - Izuku

As Izuku was in full motion using his quirk to throw the ball, he felt the strength he got drain from him and as a consequence, the ball didn't go very far. Izuku quickly started scanning himself and the surroundings to see what happened, he saw Aizawa with his hair flying in the air and his eyes blood red.

"I erased your quirk! From what I can tell, you can't control your quirk, can you? Do you intend to become incapacitated again? It may not be your intention but if you do that people will have to come to save you. In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people by himself and created a legend. Even if you have the same reckless valour, you'll just be decked and turn into a useless doll after saving one person. Izuku Midoriya, with a power like yours, becoming a hero isn't possible. Iv return your quirk." - Aizawa

"[Well it's not like I want to be a hero, but it's a necessary part of my plan. So I can't be incapacitated? Throwing a ball with incapacitating myself... Hmm, in sports where you have to throw a ball, iv heard the pros always use their fingers as it's easier to manipulate the ball. If I throw the ball and use 'One for All' at the tip of my finger it should have the same effect but only my finger will be damaged. Although I don't know if he will accept that, that's the best I can come up with.]" - Izuku

Izuku then began to wind up again, but this time the red lines of when he sues his quirk didn't show up. Aizawa just kept the same face, not letting anyone see what he was thinking, that was until Izuku was on the final part of the throw, as soon as his finger lit up in red patterns, Aizawa stood shocked, the ball was blasted away, when Aizawa looked at his phone to check the distance it read 786.9 meters, he looked up to look at Izuku.

Izuku was standing straight looking down at his finger, something clicked in him, but he decided to put that aside and turned to Aizawa, Izuku looked at him with a calm smile while clenching his right fist. As Aizawa looked at Izuku he couldn't help but see the shadow of the symbol of peace behind him, his eyes widened and a smile crept onto his face.

"This kid..." - Aizawa

Aizawa was about to announce the results since Izuku was the last to do the test, but that's when Katsuki ran at Izuku.

"Hey! tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" - Katsuki

Izuku was slightly surprised, but he reflexively got into a combat stance and was ready for a fight. He was even slightly excited. That's when Aizawa released his cloth and wrapped up Katsuki. Aizawa told them to stop making him use his quirk and then got everyone rounded up to give out the results.

the last person was the invisible girl and while some people weren't expecting it Aizawa kicked her out. This shocked everyone, even Izuku. A lot of them tried to protest but Aizawa just told them this.

"While it's true I can't kick people out, but I can transfer them, she'll be going to class 1-B and I'll pick someone more worthy to sit in her place. That's it, class dismissed. Midoriya, have the old lady fix you in the nurses' office, tomorrow will be packed with even more vigorous tests. Prepare yourself." - Aizawa


Izuku just left the nurses office and was on his way home, he was told he couldn't keep injuring himself otherwise it could bring serious consequences. However, Izuku just smiled.

"[when I first used my quirk it severely injured my left arm, it shattered my bones and ruptured my flesh and muscles, when I used it to land it only fractured my bones in numerous places and ruptured the flesh and only slightly for the muscles, so why did only my flesh and muscles rupture when I used the quirk on only my finger? Shouldn't it have dealt more damage? So that's how 'One for All' works, it only gives me just enough strength that is the maximum my body can handle. That is where the secret to 'One for All', the reason I was injured less when I landed the last time was because 'One for All' was spread through my arm and both my legs if I can spread it through my entire body at the same time... I'll need to try it once I get home.]" - Izuku

Izuku was approached by Ilda and the Gravity Girl on his way out, he decided to play along and be nice, he also saw the Creation girl walking as well, so he took Ilda and the Gravity Girl to her and they started walking to the station together.


Izuku was in his room, he was trying out his new hypothesis. Weird noises and muttering were coming out of his room, his mother who was cleaning the house decided to ignore 'whatever' was happening.


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When I planned this chapter out, it was only 4 short paragraphs, I don't know how everything ends up becoming so long.

Anyway finished my assignment, so going to rest until Monday. So next chapter is coming at the end of Monday or Tuesday.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts