
One Week

Izuku woke up, he was on a bed and felt no pain from the injuries he previously endured. The room he was in had a desk with a computer on it, two chairs next to the desk and another bed that was empty. Izuku was looking at the medicinal posters that decorated the room when he heard someone come in. It was a short, elderly woman with grey hair styled into a bun with a syringe looped through it, she was wearing a doctors lab coat with pink boots and a pink helmet on her head. She used a giant syringe or a cane-shaped like a syringe to walk towards Izuku.

"You woke up? To think you were hurt so badly from your own quirk, it looked like your body wasn't used to handling the power of your quirk at all...here have some gummies" - Old Lady

Izuku froze a bit after hearing the part about his quirk, but he quickly snapped out of it and regained his calm face and took the gummies, he ate them so he could buy a bit of time while he was waiting to think.

"[So that's a way people can tell about my quirk, I'll need to hurry and train my body more so I can use the quirk without harming my body, but that would take too long. Anyway, I should settle the current matter with the story I and All Might came up with]. I only recently got my quirk, I'm a late bloomer so what you said is true. Your the youthful hero, recovery girl right? Thank you for healing me, I hope I didn't trouble you. Ah, I'm Izuku by the way. Can I ask what happened after I passed out?" - Izuku

Sometimes in the Hero Academia world people didn't gain their quirks straight away, it could take years for their quirk to show and until then, they were called quirkless. All Might and Izuku used this fact to their advantage and decided to use this as a way to cover up, how Izuku actually got his quirk.

"Oh my, so polite yet so many questions, yes, I am recovery girl and no need to worry, it's my job. So a late bloomer? From the looks of things you'll need to work hard to get that quirk of years under control, you have a strong one. As for what happened after you passed out, well nothing much as everything was over. Which reminds me you should head back home, it's almost late in the evening, it seems you worked your body hard, it took the chance of you being passed out to rest." - Recovery Girl

"Ah, it's already so late? I should quickly head home or my mom would worry. Thank you for your help. Goodbye." - Izuku

Izuku then quickly ran out of the room without waiting for a reply. he felt like Recovery knew something about him, so he didn't want to stick around.

"[Hmm, since I'm already in U.A I might as well scout the place out. Let's check out the Hero support department, I need to see if they have the machinery I need, it would help my plan in the early phases.]" - Izuku

Izuku then started to run around the building, there was no one around, as the students weren't in class today because of the exam. Izuku while looking like he was lost was able to find the support department lab, the door was a big metal door that didn't look like it would open.

"[did I do all that acting and fumbling around for nothing? No, I should pretend I'm lost and knock on the door to get directions.]" - Izuku

After Izuku knocked on the door and waited... Nothing happened. Izuku decided to knock again, still nothing. Izuku didn't give up and knocked even harder and still nothing...

"[Is there no one in there? But Recovery Girl was still here so the other teachers should be as well, especially the support department as they probably have a lot of work to do. Am I going to fail when I'm so close? No, I can't fail, I'm going to knock it down!!]" - Izuku

Izuku hated this feeling, it made him feel back into his previous self who couldn't do anything. He hated it so much that he was actually going to use 'One for All' to knock the door down. As Izuku was struggling between his rational mind and crazy mind, the door opened. A small, skinny man with long orange hair wearing a big yellow helmet appeared.

"What is it?" - Yellow Helmet

"[Dont need to smash it down. Isn't this the excavation hero Power Loader? Anyway, I should start acting and looking around]. Hello, my name is Izuku, I was here for the exam but I got injured and was unconscious, I was then bought into the nurses' office to rest until I woke up." - Izuku

"I didn't ask for your biography, what did you knock on the door from? I'm busy." - Power Loader

"Ah yes sorry, well what I was trying to say is that I'm lost..." - Izuku

"... How can you get lost, everything is so obvious..." - Power Loader

Izuku put on an embarrassed face and started to look elsewhere, Power Loader thought he started to lose eye contact in his 'embarrassment'.

"Whatever, just go down the corridor and take a left, and carry on and take a right towards the stairs then walk down them to the bottom floor and just walk out." - Power Loader

"Thank you, sorry for using up your time" - Izuku

Izuku then followed the directions and got out of the building. He started walking back home.

"[Hmm, I was able to notice a few of the machinery that's needed, I couldn't get a good look at the ones further into the room but with the ones, I saw I should be able to get a good start on creating the nanobots. Anyway, I should hurry and get home, I only have a week before the letter of my acceptance arrives. I hope I wasn't wrong about the qualities of a hero part, otherwise, with 16 points, I'm not 100% sure I'll get in.]" - Izuku


Izuku was laying on his bed, he got home late to discover a worried mother... After he coaxed her he came into his room and decided to plan what he was going to do for the next week before he joined U.A. I should start planning about the nanobots, whether the 'One for All' quirk helped him in his plan of taking quirks or not, the nanobots were necessary for his plan to monitor his body.

"[Well at least I have found the place where I can make the nanobots, I should design a suit with them as a disguise. With the suit I can explain to All Might why I'm making them, the nanobots in the suit will help reinforce my body when I use the quirk so I take less damage, how if he can get me permission to keep track of the cameras in a street, I can be able to do my hero work much easier and keep the street much safer and most of all, it's self-repairing. Although, if I mention the second part and All Might goes to ask permission, the government might take an interest in that idea, now how can I give the government something for free... I'll copyright the idea in this week, no, I'll copyright nanobots. Hopefully, they'll end up funding me. Seriously just because it's technology from centuries ago, people have ignored it when it's so useful. Ok so I'll work on the copyright now and in the morning I'll start on the design.]" - Izuku

Izuku got up from his desk and got a piece of paper, first he wrote down his to-do list.

"[So the list of things to do is: 1) copyright nanobots, 2) Design the Nanobots suit, 3) ask All Might to get me permission to work in the support department lab, 4) find a technologically based teacher in U.A to help me with the hack proofing of the nanobots and if I can't find one ask All Might to ask one of his friends, 5) get all might to get permission to access the cameras and online signals and finally 6) gather up money for the supplies to build the nanobot suit... Unless U.A allows me to make the suit for free, after all, it is going to be my hero suit and they do provide the hero suit for free, I'll have to wait to find out. Ahhh, this is really annoying, I can only do the first two myself and need help for the others, even after all my research... But I guess it's better than risking it with my 1 year of experience instead of going for someone with many years of experience. I should get started I only have a week.]" - Izuku


A week had passed, Izuku had stayed cooped up in his room the entire time and only coming out to eat and relieve himself. His mother thought it was due to him doing bad at the U.A exam, so he became depressed.

On this day Izuku received two letters, one of them was from U.A and the other was from the government copyrighting bureau. He opened the copyright one first and started to read.

'Dear Izuku Midoriya,

I am pleased to inform you that your request to have the ownership and copyright of 'Nanorobots' has been approved.it is....'

Izuku quickly skimmed over the rest and finally thought how his plan was coming on track. He then put the letter away in his draw and opened the U.A letter. He could hear his mother walking back and forth outside, probably in nervousness. A round disk-shaped object fell out of the letter and then started to project on to the wall.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!!!, I had to do some paperwork that took some time, so I couldn't contact you. I'm sorry." - All Might

"[So that's why I couldn't contact him]" - Izuku

All might then started to talk and was told to hurry things on. Izuku decided to ignore most of it as he knew it was just All Might trying to build suspense. He even went as far as to say that he was close but a lot of other people got more than 16 points.

"The Entrance exam the other day was not graded only on villain points." - All Might

"[Finally, the part I was waiting for.]" - Izuku

"How can a hero course reject people who save others and do the right thing? Call that lip service? Bring it on! This is a job that requires risking one's life to put that lip service into practice. RESCUE Points! And they're given by a panel of judges. It's the other basic ability, we at U.A look at." - All Might

A board then showed up on the screen, it showed Izuku's name, his villain points showed 16 and his rescue point showed... 92! His name was at the top with a 1 before it.

"Izuku Midoriya, 108 points! You Passed... No, not only did you pass, you got the second-highest score in U.A history. I got the highest of course HaHaHaHaHa." - All Might

"[Wow, that's a lot higher than I expected, did they not take marks off for getting so seriously injured? Well I guess that's where risking your life as All Might said comes into play.]" - Izuku

All Might then got serious, and looked straight through the camera at Izuku, it felt like All Might was actually in the room.

"Come, young Midoriya. This is your Hero Academia!" - All Might

Izuku already stopped paying attention to the disk after he knew he got in.

"[Theres still a few more finishing touches needed for the suit.]" - Izuku


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So I realised all my chapters always end up being longer than I expect them to be, this was actually the chapter that I planned to be the shortest, should have been something around 500-1000 words but look what happened. Anyway like you guys requested, another chapter has appeared. although it doesn't affect the storyline, it's more of a side story but it's got a few important parts to remember so yeah.

I also realised how inconsistent my story is, some times I go into detail of a character and other times I just expect you guys to know who I'm talking about, as you all have probably watched My Hero Academia. Example, I still haven't described how all might looks. The reason I wanted to describe people was to let people that haven't seen My Hero Academia to be able to read this web novel as well. But honestly, I don't want to go back and fix this mistake even though it will only take me a few minutes, so if your such a reader then just look it up, please.

You could probably see how I don't know anything about business and copyrighting, so if any of you do please drop a comment on how that stuff works, so I can update this chapter and seem more clev... I mean to improve the chapter and story.....





Writing this chapter, I realised how hard fan fics are to write... The characters already have a personality that you have to follow and iv been doing that for the previous chapters and even quoting them mostly, but I'm afraid for this chapter...except for the start where I did research recovery girl and bit and quoting a few thing. I gave up after. So from now on the character aren't going to be as accurate. Sorry.

Bodhisattva_Pandacreators' thoughts