
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantasi
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78 Chs

Vision 1 - We need to talk (2)

I was sure if there was a wall beside me. I would be banging my head on it right now.

The more I hear, the angrier I am getting. Imagine If I were to tell, Who would believe me that she just happen to find me in the middle of nowhere? and her charming smile was only making me feel like she is mocking me.

I could see a hidden amusement in her smile. She was enjoying my condition too much. I gritted my teeth and asked again - trying to figure out more information.

" So where am I? "

" On an island. "

" ...And where is this island? "

" It is a small island between the country Atlas and Oceanus."

"... And where can I go from here? "

" You could go to Atlas, which is relatively very close compared to Oceanus. "

" Atlas? Oceanus?... where is that? "

" Atlas is one of the four Great Kingdom Countries of Cloud Continent, and Oceanus is one of the four Great Water Kingdom countries of the Underwater Continent, Atlanta. "

The conversation went like it was between Quick Brown Fox and Rapid Rabbit. What the hell is this woman talking about? Cloud continent? The underwater continent? Does that even exist? I thought she was making fun of me, so I spoke with a threatening face.

" You are not funny. "

" What are you talking about? I am completely serious. "

Suddenly her interested face turned as her eyebrows squinted to a frown, and I couldn't help but release a muffled laugh. She had a real serious expression which made the situation more laughable to me. In an effort to maintain the conversation going, I tried to speak something again.

" How did you find me here? "

She gestured so that her palm opened slowly after making a fist to explain her words with gestures.

" There was a huge beam of light, so I came here to check it out. "

Well, at least that was something believable, but I didn't see any light beam. Thinking that I should ask some more questions, hoping to learn more about the situation, I spoke cautiously.

" So, how did you get here? You must have had a boat somewhere. "

I looked around in the direction where I thought the shore was, but I couldn't see past the forest. Trees were covering most of the area. Persephone answered, her voice was somewhat exhausted.

" I don't have any boat. I flew here. "

" So you have an airplane?.. Helicopter? "

" Nope, I flew through the sky without anything. "

" You flew without anything? …like a bird? "

I asked with uncertainty, hearing my own question and finding it stupid but to my surprise, Persephone nodded her head.

I don't know what to say at this point. This is the second time in my entire life that I got this strong urge of a feeling to hit a woman.

She is playing with me. I felt so stupid. Is she trying to make me feel worse? or she just doesn't care? This is going beyond the limit, I never should have expected an answer from her. Doesn't she realize how crazy she sounds? My mouth got sour and I spoke showing a little bit of hostility and disappointment.

" Forget it. You were never gonna tell me anything. "

" Don't accuse me. I answered everything you asked me. "

She said that, but she didn't look offended at all. I laughed inwardly, how could I not? I felt like I was in the wrong here.


I took a deep breath to release the anger rising in me. I tried to focus on whatever bullshit conversation I had with Persephone. 'Atlas' 'Oceanus' 'The Cloud Kingdom' and 'The Underwater Kingdom', it was obvious that these places don't exist but it was not like I have never heard of them before. I recognize those names very well. It was from the World I dream about.

After turning gears in my head, I concluded that someone who read my book had kidnapped me, or at least the woman in front of me had read the book. That was the only reasonable answer I could think of right now.


Persephone looked at Arthur's confused face. It was obvious that he was thinking that the woman in front of him is crazy. Persephone was having a really good time, How often do you find someone in his condition?

To be honest, Persephone could just clear his doubts. But being a higher existence, she is bored of everything. She just wanted to have some fun with the Handsome boy.

After some time she was about to show him some magic to clarify his doubts, but Arthur spoke while showing a serious expression before she could do anything. His gaze seemed like he held all the aces to this situation.

" It seems like you have read my book. So you must know who I am. Why are you doing this? "

Seeing his serious gaze Persephone's heart started to beat fast. She thought to herself.

' What is this feeling? My heart is pounding from this human's gaze. '

' This is so much fun. It is so much fun to tease him. '

Persephone has never felt something like this. She never had any interest in anyone before, but something inside her was making her feel curious about Arthur.

Arthur had no idea what Persephone was thinking, he was too confused to think straight anyway. He was not a fool he was smart and intelligent, but who would rationally think that they are in the whole other world?

If Persephone wanted, she could keep teasing Arthur, but she believes 'if you don't like the truth, just don't say it but lying just attracts trouble. Don't lie unless you are ready for the consequences that come with it.'

Even while she had the conversation with Arthur, she never lied, she only spoke the truth. Not because she was considered of lying to him, but the consequences to lying to him doesn't worth anything.

But she also doesn't want him to hate her because she didn't want to end this entertainment so soon. So without saying anything, Persephone activated her skill, then her body started to float above the rock she was sitting on.


Based on how the conversation had gone till now, I wasn't expecting a rational answer from her, but then suddenly the woman sitting on the rock started floating. My mouth hanged open with disbelief, I pointed my finger at her while speaking in confusion.

" How are you floating like that?! "

" You were denying my words too much. So I have to show it to prove it. Action speaks louder than words, right? "

Persephone spoke looking toward me with a teasing smile on her face. She moved and circularly floated around me like she was sizing me. I asked looking at Persephone in skepticism.

" What the hell? You must be using some machine to float. "

" No machines, It is one of my skills. "

" Skill? …You are taking this too far."

To show me that she had nothing attached to her. Persephone stopped mid-air and did a twirl like a ballet dancer.

Under the night sky, She was beautifully dancing in the air, she really had nothing attached to her. I doubted my eyes but I cannot deny what was happening in front of me. A sudden realization that she is telling the truth hit me.

"You mean to say, I really am at Teraa? "

" Indeed this planet's name is Teraa, where humans, elves, dwarfs, fairies, mermaids, and dragons reside. You can also find demi-human, Vampire, and many other species too. " She spoke like a graceful queen telling news to her subject.

Confused I looked back at the sea as I spoke. " But how could this be possible? How could I suddenly be in this world? "

Persephone also put on a confused expression " I don't know. I could feel your soul is foreign to this world, normally no one would be able to tell. They will require very high cosmic power, or its knowledge to tell the difference. "

"It also seems that dark matter is affecting you differently. Your body seems like a normal human, who is not compatible? but you have a very dense aura of it around you. "

As Persephone was speculating about me, I was in my own thoughts. I tried to sink into the reality that I was actually on Teraa - my dream world- and not on earth.

I was still not sure what Persephone told me. How could I? Will a normal person believe this situation? but seeing Persephone float like that I started to believe her.

I was thinking about a lot of things, multiple thoughts just came into my mind. Thoughts like, How I lived my life on earth, about my family, my friends, and other people, and my dreams.


Persephone knew that the man in front of her was in his deep thoughts, she understood a little of his situation, but then, suddenly Arthur started laughing.

" hahahaha.... oh my god hahahah."

Persephone got curious as to why he was laughing like that. She thought he was having a mental breakdown. But his next words made her realize she was wrong.

" hahaha...hahahaha... Am I really free from that damn world? free from that broken family? free from those disgusting friends? free from those leeches who called themselves lovers... HAHAHA...HAHAHA. "

His laughter started normal but soon it became louder with time. Hearing Arthur's words one would wonder, what kind of life he had lived to say those things about the people who are supposed to be the closest to him.

Persephone thought the same thing but she didn't say anything. Because she knew that sometimes those who are supposed to be our closest are the ones who can hurt us the most.

In the night, Arthur's words can be heard from any corner of the island. He had a big smile on his face, his smile almost looked like a grin. Persephone also smiled, which made her look even more seductive.


" Do you believe me now? "

I heard a sweet voice in the middle of my moment, I turned my head towards the voice. I did realize before that Persephone was a mature woman with a perfect hourglass body, She was beautiful like an angel and seductive as a demon. The adrenaline I was feeling made me want to hug her slim waist and kiss those red lips.

' This woman is dangerous '

I clenched both of my fists and compose myself. I tried to answer her as naturally as possible.

" I don't know, but I can't deny it either. "

Honestly, rather than believing her, it was more like I want to believe her. I looked towards the sea and then suddenly a part of the space infront of me vibrated, or rather it vibrated.

From that distortion, I saw some text appearing in front of my eyes on a long keyboard size purple-colored tablet.

[ New existence " Arthur " has accepted the world. ]

[ Scanning existence soul. The Profile is being generated ]