

She hated Alphas and detest the ground they walk on however you won't blame her. She had been through a lot in the hands Alphas, the discrimination, loosing her whole family and becoming a slave all because of an Alpha's selfish decision. She haboured hatred and zeal for revenge but just when she was finding reasons to continue living again her life took a drastic turn. She got the opportunity to finally take her revenge on an Alpha but unfortunately he happened to be her soul mate. Would she continue with goal of revenge or would love conquer her?

Endurance · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


Son of a bitch! I cursed as I stroll along my driveway. How could I let this shameless man affect me this way?

I wonder when I would overgrow this or rather when it would stop because as far as I know I am very much grown now but yet it still persists. I am presently 22.

Yes I may be the strongest and deadliest alpha but inside me still resides the little traumatized boy that won't let go and I hate how vulnerable I feel each time I gets aggravated.

I also hate how easy I get irritated in some senseless topics that wasn't supposed to. I hate the hurt, hatred and helplessness I feel each time topics of betrayal are brought up.

Not like I can blame my father but I still detest him and I turned out this way all because of him. My mother went through a lot and for that I will never forgive him not even now that he is under the ground.

My family and how I grew up is not worth discussing and I always avoid the topic as much as I can moreover not like I have anyone to share it with. It hurts that I was a product of an illegal relationship of my father.

According to history my grandfather told me, my father and my mother had been in a relationship for all their life that at some point it looked that none of them was given a soul mate.

My parents started dating in their teen years and up till their mid twenties none of them had found their soul mates. Normally when wolves can't find their mates in their packs they travel round the world until they find them but because my father was an alpha he can't leave his pack and his duties.

My mother could leave but her love for my father made her stay, they promised each other forever and she became his Luna. It is unusual but alphas can crown a woman who is not his soul mate his Luna, it's very unusual but it does happen when Alpha can't find his real mate.

Alphas shouldn't go without a mate because a pack without a Luna will always be incomplete. It is the Luna's duty to bring the alpha back to his sanity when he loses it, alphas are known to be more animalistic than the others because of the intense power they naturally possess and this is the main reason he needs his better half to keep him in check.

The Luna is also seen as a mother figure for the pack and no household is complete without a mother so the councils always keep pressurizing the alpha until he crowns someone his own.

To the public, my parent's marriage may look like some political parents but it wasn't. My parents did love each other and the evidence was everywhere in my house especially from the portrait they took together, they looked so happy and fulfilled.

They were the fantasy of many.

They had me a year after and my childhood was almost a blissful one but not until a woman showed up. She was my father's mate and just like that my blissful childhood was ruined.

She was the daughter of a council member and in case you are wondering how my father never met her before, she lived with her mother's family all her life.

I can not blame my father though, when the moon goddess gives one a mate she makes it in such a way that nothing else matters except being close to the mate, loving, caring and protecting him/her. Even though I so much want to blame him I can't, he was only doing what was naturally expected of him.

My mother was dethroned, I was five years old then. Her tears that night has never left my memory since then. She was genuinely happy for my father and wished them well, she introduced me and asked me to love and respect my father's mate but then she went back to our room at downstairs where we now live and hid in the bathroom.

She told me she was bathing but through the rushing water I could hear her embittered cries as she let out her heart. She cursed the moon for hating her so much to make her go through this. I stood at the door listening to her sobs till around midnight when she came out.

After that day my life continued getting worse, my father stopped playing with me always like he used to before. We increased at the dining table and my mother was no longer sitting at my father's right hand, another woman was. Suddenly my father was not only my dad, I got a brother but my mother was never pregnant and the children's room was no longer mine including my toys and others.

My mother was lonely even though I was there, father totally ignored her most of the times as he was so caught up with his new family that we gradually became invisible in the house.

As if that was not enough, the new woman, my now step mother suddenly hated my mother. I could remember her saying some hurtful words to my mother each time she gets the opportunity. On one occasion she hit my mum and when my father intervened he blamed my mother, later on mother skipped dinner out of anger but father never went to ask her to eat.

These and stuffs like that continued and the house kept becoming unbearable as the days goes by.

One day I would never forget was the day my step brother climbed the roof top by God knows how. My mother and I was the first to see him and without thinking twice mother rushed to save him. My step mother was terrified just as I was and with her scream father dashed out of the house just in time to see mother holding the little boy.

She had reached there on time and caught him before he jumped down but the incident was misunderstood and guess what? my sweet step mother who saw everything happened actually turned the story around on my mother trying to throw her child from there.

Father did not ask questions either, he quickly took the child from my mother and before she could explain he gave her two loud slaps that sent her flying to the other side.

He looked at mother with so much detest I had never seen. After that day we moved, my mother and I or rather they moved us. Our things were moved to the boy squatters few meters away from the alpha's house and we started living. I was 7 at this point.

I know it may sound weird but living there was more peaceful and bearable than the main house. The house was small and cold especially during the winter but we were managing happily. The shower had no heater so we always boiled water then dilute it with cold water to a bearable temperature. Mother made sure I wore extra clothes and drank enough hot water because of the cold, we slept with extra mattress and covers and that way our life was moving just fine.

Father never visited us here, not even once and I really missed him. He only sends us food through the cook three times a day.

Mother and I could go everywhere we want but not the Alpha's house. I remember once crying all day asking mother to take me to father but she refused, instead she cried with me and when we have cried enough we consoled each other and continued living.

Grandfather did visited but not every day, I would hear him complain how father was so stubborn and never listens to him. He would bring us some more foods and some money for mother, having him around did brighten my days each time he visits. I once asked him if father did not want me again, he smiled at me, the wrinkles at his face becoming more visible. I suddenly realized that grandpa was gradually looking older.

" He can never not want you, you are his first heir, the next alpha. " this was what he said to me and engulfed me in a hug.

Life went and before long I became adapted to our new life. Mother started business at the market. She sold fruits and vegetables to support us, according to her we can't continue depending on grandpa every day. I also helped out but only two times a week because I had schools every other days where we were taught wolf histories, how to fight or defend ourselves and others.

Life was almost perfect but then my worst nightmare happened, mother died. I was 10 then. It was in the middle of the night, the rain heavy and thunderstorms blaring furiously.

Mother had been sick for about a week but each time I talked about tell father she would refuse. She was taking some herbs but it didn't seem to be working.

On that fateful night I woke up to see mother sweating, she was burning up even though the weather was deadly cold. It was raining.

I tried to help her the little ways I can but nothing was working, I socked napkins in water and placed on her head, warmed her herb juice and gave her but still nothing was working. I couldn't take it any longer, I was scared and I didn't want to loose mother.

I set out in the rain running to the Alpha's building and luckily the back door was open. I rushed to the used to be my parents room and knocked, Father was surprised to see me all wet.

I frantically told him that mother was sick but before he could fully understand what I was saying there was another loud thunderstorm which was followed by a scream from the opposite room which used to be mine. Father and step mother rushed inside the room, my step brother was having a nightmare and he was afraid of thunderstorms. They left me dripping wet at the door while they attained to my brother.

I left dejected and when I got back home mother was worse. I cried doing all I could to make her better but she did not get better, she died on my hand . I cried and cried but nothing could bring her back, no one could even hear my voice as they were swallowed by the rain and thunderstorms.

When Father arrived some minutes later I had already gone numb but seeing him fueled the anger in me and I attacked him. The anger was consuming me and at the same time tearing me apart painfully. I didn't know what was happening, it felt like my whole body was on fire and breaking into pieces and then everywhere went blank.

I work at grandfather's house, an IV was stock in my arm and connected to a drip bag.

According to him I shifted that night and has been out for six days, it is very unusual for a 10 year old to shift at such a young age so the first shift took a big toll on me.

I gradually remembered what happened that night and the worst part was that I had missed mother's burial. I hid and cried for days.

After that I stayed at grandpa's house after he literally forced me to. Life went on.

Grandpa died two years later and left his gold mine for me to the surprise of many, Grandpa's asset was supposed to willed to father but instead he willed them to me. With the help of his manager I started running the mine at fourteen, 14.

I grieved grandpa almost longer than I did for mother, he was the last family I had. My hatred for father and his family never ceases if anything it grew with days.

I physically challenged my father for the throne by seventeen and took the throne from him as stated by the werewolf constitution. A father hands over the alpha title to his son at nineteen (19) but if that was not the case the son has to fight the father and take the throne.

Father was the strongest wolf of his own time but I was unusually strong for my age, I crushed him but surprisingly I couldn't bring myself kill him, I guess the saying that blood is thicker than water was true after all.

I was crowned at seventeen and since then I had maintained my identity, no one messes with me and survives it. I became a heartless beast who only cares about my pack, every other things comes after.

"Alpha, " Harry screamed at my ear jerking me out of the past. I looked around me and realized that I was standing at the door, only God knows how long I have been standing here lost in thoughts.

"Alpha is everything alright? I have been calling you but you seemed lost in thoughts."

" It's nothing. " I replied pushing the door open as we entered. I moved straight to my office upstairs and he followed suit.

" We made sure to escorts Alpha James far away. " he started as we sat down opposite each other.

"oh, " I replied aparthly, it is not like he could actually do anything if they didn't escorts him far enough, he would be stupid to try anything.

" Seriously Lucan, you accepted his offer instead of bloodshed? " Harry continued switching from my beta to my friend, smiles on his face.