
My Vampire System (Next Generation)

Earth had faced it's great challenge and had over come it with the sacrifice and blood of selected few now earth had been reborn from its ash like a Phoenix being reborn and with it comes the trouble on a new beginning Earth is facing.......no, the universe is facing the treat far bigger that what they had faced before and the hero of all time and his fateful comrades are all gone leaving the weight of this new threat in the shoulders of a younger generation. Althas Talen most mount up to the responsibility placed on his and his comrades shoulder as they stand up to defend the milky way galaxy from doom. I'm initially sorry for taking down the former write up, but I promised this one would not be disappointing and its like a sequel of the original novel.

umukoro_prosper · Komik
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dragon Prince

Their concern is the same as mine when I out the issue through my thought faculty, when did I become the dragon Prince of Devon clan, what does that even mean in the first place, for good reason I don't this I would like what it meant

Seeing Immortui retract his angry aura, adjusting his posture after hearing Devon words only spell more trouble for me, and right to it, it came crushing on me like a tide of wave

"So you finally decided to do the right thing after all, but why him, I thought you had refused to pick a suitable Prince due to the fact you haven't seen one powerful enough, because you are scared to lose to me

What had changed now, you couldn't find the Mr perfect for the the idea image you have in your head" Immortui taunt Devon but got no reply from him, he focus his gaze in me for a good while before he readily gave Immortui his answer

"Who I pick and how I pick him isn't a concern of yours, all that matter to you right now is Devon clan now have a Prince" Devon spoke relaxing back Into his sit

He had no other way to save me from Immortui hands for starring at him in the face, he knew Immortui nature and isn't ready to destroy this planet in a battle with him just to stop him from killing me, even at that, there is no telling how far he is willing to go, just to fulfill his desire

One of immortui trait is his endless relentless, he doesn't like taking no for an answer, due to this trait of his, many planet and people and been destroy due to disagreement that lead into intense battle at last

"If he really is your clan Prince like you said, why are your council member shocked at your word" walking away from me to the center of the room, at which he created a boney chair from the body and bones of the two dead guard

"We were still discussing it and was yet to decide before you barged in" saying that he turned to the others who still had their heads bow to the ground in fright of two, "from today henceforth mkby Kayne is the dragon Prince of Devon clan" his voiced boomed through the hall, going last the already destroyed wall into the cities and island around

"Great then, am sure he would be meeting my clan Prince pretty soon then, the demon prince of immortui clan" Immortui chipped in before shifting his attention away from me, to him I don't worth his time, am good as dead to him anyway

The title of dragon Prince is the only reason am still alive, but that doesn't matter now, sooner or later he would have his sweet revenge on me for disrespecting him

"I noticed a familiar energy, one belonging to that bastard, I thought he had been thrown down here like us after all the enthusiasm he displayed to please them, for some reason the energy signature had disappeared a while ago

On my way down, I passed through a destroyed planet and could feel the energy signature of those three lingering in the air" pointing at Casper, Irish and song who immediately start sweating bucket when the felt Immortui gaze land on them

"If my guess is right, you should have an ice about it, so mind letting me in on what it might be, I didn't see him anywhere around here" he added taking a quick glance at me one more to to ascertain if it had anything to do with me

Feeling nothing from me, he discarded me again just as e had done in the first place, while for me I'm thanking my stars for having deactivate the vampire physique after Devon restored my life force from the brink of death. Distinctively also he had linger his haze on Casper for a few seconds before shifting them back to Devon

"I felt same too, but just like you I found nothing about it, he isn't here and I doubt they would send him down here any day, as for the energy, it went out as quickly as it came" Devon went in to explain a few other things while doing his best to cover every plot hole, so Immortui wouldn't find interest in me and sort out to know what my ability is

On the other hand, Immortui sat there looking at Devon for sometime without saying a word when Devon was done talking, "I would be returning then, I hope you let me know of there is any update

And don't forget to send your Prince to thrones according to the rules, if I found out you were playing on my intelligence," he stopped his words here but the meaning is pretty obvious

Devon didn't fret at his word, starring him down in the eyes, at the same time he wouldn't want to allow things to get to that point where it would result to both of them fighting once again, "he would be there in three days time, need I remind you though, a not scares of you but I don't want my pride to cost many people their life's"

"I know, and for the sake of the people, let's hope you do the right thing" standing up from his boney chair that soon start disintegrated into dust, leaving no trace of the bodies or the bones behind

Devon watched Immortui back fade away from the throne room, before breathing in relief, Everyone else did same, they couldn't be more happy with Immortui gone from this place, redressing themselves, the wore back the air of superior they once had

"I don't mean to be rude one, but picking this youngster as the Prince of our faction don't just out his life in danger but all of ours

You know the burden of becoming a clan Prince, one had to have the strength and wit to should such burden, but him..., he doesn't even have the strength of a legendary being which is considered the weakest of weakest in this world".

"what dark Lord says is the Truth, we would not only lose if he is our prince, but we would lose so badly to the point smaller clans would top and trample on our prestigious integrity" the female figure added to dark Lord words

"I have little faith in him, we have to do out best to help him grow in this three days he would be here with us, either way we would still have to choose a Prince anyway" Devon responded, in care snout their worries

They would have love to say more or even persuade him over his choice, but hat too they knew is a waste of time, Devon won't budge eben of theyboffer him the world, he value his words and pride of a dragon more than anything.


Outside the castle huge door, Immortui stepped out of the castle with a frown expression, he was murmuring and grumbling about something when he stepped out, "Devon you think you can play a fast one on me

I would show you why am know and fear even by the ancient ones" a crazy grin itch in his face as his figure levitate Into the air and like comet shot out of purple planet heading for his own planet


Somewhere within the city of purple planet, Casper, song and Irish sat in a tavern, more like a bar because the place looks futuristic even though it still kept the spirit of medieval era, you could see people carrying weapons or are clothed in armour sited around with this tavern

Imagine the era of warriors and how they act when the come into a bar after a successful mission or are just chilling out with other warriors, talking and singing, playing strength match games and many more

Especially the half naked elf like beauties dancing to the timbering of s skillful musician's that is exactly how this tavern the trio sat to had their head clear is, from the moment the left the castle, they had been pissed

"I can't believed he was picked to be the prince of Devon clan after we had been selected and train so hard just to make it to the mark he could pick on of us" Casper after gulping down the content of his jug in one go complained

"We don't have a choice on it Casper, we were all trying to win the spot, its not like we had been selected and then dropped because of him"

"Song had a point Casper, none of us had been picked initially, the were only trying to see if any of us could fit in the spot" Irish added

"You guys dot get it, if that kid hasn't showed up, one of use would have been picked, instead a whimp is picked in our place" Casper retorted back

"A whimp who almost sent you off to forever land, don't forget so soon who he dealt with you" song reminded him if his ill fate before Irish saved him

This had increased his rage even more, his energy was sipping off all over the place causing the others around to be uncomfortable, none of them dare come over to asked him to stop or dare scold him

"I can feel your pain, its so annoying when you are giving your all in a bid to impress and please someone only for you to be neglected without a single appreciation for all your effort" a voice sounded from behind the group

Turning over to see who it was, their eyes socket widen in shock, never in their life time did they expect to encounter this figure here, talk more of having a conversation with him, it had left them too stupidfy. They didn't know what wat is best to respond to the input of the new comer



first let me start off with appreciating you all my readers, its been a funful ride, the comments, paragraph correction comments, reviews and votes really got me into wanting to write more. Thanks

now for the main reason am writing this, you all can tell though this book is a fanfic of MVS universe, bits still partly not

I'll say its an adaptation novel from MVS universe, it had its own elements which are the characteristic of a novel and then the fanfic link

that brings me to the decision of making this book into a novel as it leaning more to the new elements than the fanfic link

though the fanfic link would come up once in a while in the book like the quest Devon gave him, it will dwell more on the new elements

so let me know what you think

thank you once again.