
So sexy....

The tea shop opens its doors and Dina steps inside dragging Angelo after her. She looks around and spots in the back of the shop a boy with blonde hair.

Her smile brightens and with big steps she gets closer to the boy. It is her only best friend. There is no coincidence that the friend is actually a boy. She felt a deeper sense of friendship with boys rather than with girls. Her tomboyish attitude contributed to her preference. Well boys were at least more opened than girls.

Dina lets go of Angelo's hand and tip toe she approaches the chair that the boy is sitting on comfortably without knowing what awaits him. She tries to slap his head but he catches her hand before she could touch his blonde curls.

She sights and slaps him with her other hand. How does he always know when he can't see her?

"Auuu! It hurts! Where have you been? Have you lost your phone? Or were you just ignoring it like always? I called you 20 times, girl!" He frowns as he glares at the girl that doesn't seem to understand how serious he is.

Dina pulls the chair and sits down, giggling at the boy who lost his composure for a moment.

"You never stop to amaze me how over protective you are! Actually, I did lost my phone, one way or another… Sorry for making you worry, August."

She smiles sweetly as he stops glaring and ruffles her hair. They knew each other for over 7 years. Their relationship could rise question marks to anyone. But in reality that was how he treated her. Like his younger sister, said August once. But who knows how he truly sees her.

As the two act like a couple in front of him, Angelo rises his eyebrows and feels his blood rising.

'That's why she was so happy ... This little …'

He grabs August's hand. How dare he touch her so casually in front of him? She never let him be touchy with her but this August can touch her?

'Not fair… '

August glares at Angelo and says between his teeth his response to the sudden grip he received.

"Who are you? And why are you grabbing my hand like this? Do you want a piece of me?" Angelo grits his teeth and controls his strong desire to punch the guy who, in his eyes, tries to impress Dina.

Dina eats the cake that August gave her. She is tasting the sweet and flavored strawberries that ornate the little cake. She wipes with her tongue the whipped cream on the corner of her mouth and continues to take spoon after spoon from her favorite dessert.

She is startled when August stands up making the chair fall on the ground. The two boys are at each other necks prepare to land the first punch.

As she looks at the two she turns to take one more spoon from the cake.

'Can't they let me eat the cake in peace?" She frowns and slams the spoon on the table. The boys attention in on her and she turns her head.

Her glare gives them a chill on their spines. Dina has fire in her eyes and the dark complexion inspires danger. The calm but criminal expression is one thing they didn't expected from her. Even if she still has some whipped cream near her mouth, they don't dare to laugh or continue their bickering.

"I want to eat in peace. If you want to fight, go outside." Dina growls and waits to see what they are going to do. She was pretty sensitive when it came to food.

Well, August knows what she can do if you bother her when she eats. One time was enough for him to understand that he should not mess with her when she enjoys her meals especially desserts. After taking the cake from under her nose and ate it in one bite and mocking her for not being able to eat it, she punched him in the face and scared him one week. Since than he swore to not disturb her when she eats. She can be pretty scary without trying to hard. Just after he bought her another dessert she forgave him.

Angelo doesn't seem to want to let go at the boy's shirt. He is surprised to see her face. He smirks. The face she makes is his favorite from now on. She looks hotter than being just serious.

'So sexy … I want to jump her …' He shakes his head. What is she doing to him? He frowns and looks at August with hatred.

'I bet he thinks the same! This bastard!'

Well August is nor excited nor scared. He looks at the girl with calm and thinks what to do.

"Look, just let go. It is better not experiencing it first hand!" He whispers to Angelo. His serious expression makes Angelo think that he was a coward for stopping because of a girl.

"Do you want to be a man or a pussy? Let's go!" Angelo drags him outside.

He can't believe that Dina's best friend is a coward.

August is tripping a little as the boy pulls him outside. He didn't wanted to fight nor be a coward, so he follows Angelo in silence.

Dina is pleased and turns to eat her cake. As long as they didn't made a mess inside, everything should be fine.

'The cake is so delicious! I wonder if August is going to be ok? He did judo …. But Angelo is a vampire … August is going to be fine …. Right?' Her train of thoughts is accelerating as she realizes that August could be killed.

Dina runs outside in a hurry. She need to find them since they aren't near the shop.

Angelo is landing a jab and August takes few steps back. His nose is bleeding and his hair is messy. The clothes are also not in a good condition. The dust from falling on the ground is painting his pants and coat. He takes of the coat and tosses it on the side.

"How about we start fighting for real?" August's eyes redden and his nails grow. His sharp teeth are seen when he grins at the boy. Angelo is throwing his jacket too and swipes his hair back. His nose is not bleeding but his cheek is red from the punch he took from August. Both were on equal grounds.

Angelo glares and his eyes are now dark red. His hair flies wildly in the wind and his long teeth are ready to bite the boy in front of him.

After their transformation their skin was like new, no scratch nor blood.

"Does Dina know that you are a vampire? Are you scared she would hate you? Are you into her?"

Angelo smirks as he puts on the plate the boy's weaknesses. It was easy to see that August had some feelings for the girl or more like he wanted to be close to her. He knows the meaning of the eyes August gives Dina, from the first glance.

"And what if I like her? You are in the same boat!" August laughs and stares at the boy who frowns more.

Angelo knows that his feelings are somewhere there but he doesn't want to reveal them, much less to August.

"I am not. I will never put myself in a boat that will soon sink." Angelo glares at the boy and casts in a foreign language a spell.

"You are a liar that doesn't deserve Dina!" August transports himself behind Angelo. This way he can grab the boy's neck .

"Like hell you deserve her!" Angelo disappears and leaves August to look around for him. Where did the fiery boy vanished ?

He is above August and he whispers another blood spell.


//Yes, master! // The blood flows down over August and catches him in a red big crystal.

All vampires knew that a vampire being in another vampire's blood will cancel his powers.

Angelo settles his feet on the ground and with his hand prepare to transform him into a crystal, he walks around smirking.

"You didn't learn yet all the spells, my friend. I can easily make you disappear and never see Dina again."

August is keeping his composure and looks at the boy who thinks he got the power. Little did Angelo know that he was the most powerful vampire alive after his father.

He smiles as he follows Angelo with glances.

"Did the cat got your tongue?" Angelo stops his strolling and looks at the man who is silent. Something is weird. Whenever a vampire was in a crystal, they would panic right away. August is either proud or has a trick under his sleeve.

"My name is August de Laire. Does this name sound familiar?"

Angelo stiffens. How can this name not sound familiar to him.

Sebastian de Laire, the lord of vampires, is the sword enemy with his father, Ralph. The both families wanted the same thing. The position as the lord of the vampires is something they still fight for as their sons are at the age of becoming the next lords.

"You are his son! That bastard!" Angelo feels his veins popping. He makes his hand in a fist and the crystal diminishes.

August takes out a small ankle knife. With fancy movements worthy of a martial artist, he slashes the blood wall.

"How can …" Angelo's breath is cut short by the hand chocking him. August is smirking.

"Neither did you read all the book about vampires. You should now that half vampires can't be caught in a crystal that easy."

Angelo is slapped and his body falls on the ground.August flicks his hands and looks forward.

"Guys!" Dina is screaming running to them. Her face is sweaty and her hand is waving at them.

The boys transform to humans as Dina gets closer. The secret should stay between the two.

'How come Angelo is on the ground? 'She goes straight to August. Dina glances at the boy on the ground.

"August! Are you hurt? Angelo is … very strong. "She checks on him.

August grabs her face.

"I am fine. "He wipes the whipped cream on her lips. "We talked a little. See! None of us are hurt."

Angelo stands up and beats the dust out of him. He exchanges looks with the boy and he knows that is useless to make Dina care even a little about him. She is worried just for the jerk that is her friend.

Dina turns to him and giggles.

"I wonder how you managed to not break your head this time…." She grabs him by the arm and ruffles his hair. "I didn't knew that my friend can beat …. a vampire. "She whispers the last words to him so that August can't hear.

Angelo rolls his eyes and slaps her head.

"As if you know! Let go!" He shakes her off and walks before them. She is so unaware that it pisses him off.

August talks with the girl behind as they stroll towards the shop.

"What is his weak spot? Tell me, pretty please!" She whispers to the friend who is overjoyed seeing her so excited. Her puppy eyes are adorable.

"You really want to know? You have to pay." He glances at Angelo who flinches.

"What do you want?" Dina pouts. He never asked for anything from her. What is wrong with him?

"A hug. That's all. "August talks louder and spreads his arms.

Dina finds his request very innocent and she is about to fall in his arms when a hand stops her.

"You go with me!" Angelo lifts her over his shoulder and runs with her, leaving August behind. He can't permit the bastard to hug Dina on his watch.


I want comments so badly ! Let me know your opinion on this chapter !

redladycreators' thoughts