
Blood on her lips

Angelo feels his heart rate bursting when Dina closes the distance between them. Her big eyes are seductively shaped and she licks softly her lower lip, slightly biting it.

'Will you lose it?' Her thoughts are accompanied by her mental giggle.

His mind is blank and he gasps when she grabs his hair, moving his head on one side, leaving his neck unguarded.

Her nose is brushing against his neck and a smell is making her salivate for an unknown reason. She feels the need to bite it right here and then.

Without hesitating much she pierces his skin with her teeth. His blood flows in her mouth as she sucks it with hunger. So sweet!

The boy feels a burning sensation where she bit. He frowns as he feels his blood being drowned by the girl that eats happily.

His thoughts are mixed …. her hate towards vampires will make her hate herself …..but this will save her later. Will she forgive him?

She isn't sane now so till she regains her composer ...he will leave no traces that she bit him or drunk blood. He will wipe her mouth and put her to bed.

Vampire blood has a sort of pheromone that makes the almost vampire victim go crazy and lose their memory as they drink blood or when they crave it. An almost vampire is a human that was given blood by a vampire not bitten by a vampire.

So, Dina is unaware that she drinks the blood of the bastard he hates. And a vampire to top it all.

Angelo grabs her hand that is clenching his hair. She groans…. He sees the scratches and sighs.

'This is what you wanted to hide …..are you hating yourself …. why?' He presses his lips on the scratches. He knows that she will never tell him why ….at least not soon.

Dina gulped and wipes her mouth and looks at him with thin eyes as if she wanted to devour him more. He feels like prey … just she can make him feel like this …. he knows the feeling too well.

She grabs his shirt and presses her lips on his. Biting his lower lip aggressively she licks the blood that is dripping down his chin.

For a second she rises as she licks her bloody lips . Her grin is contagious and chilling.

He gazes at the animal on top of him. Angelo's hand moves behind her neck and draws her closer in a kiss.

Was it good what he does? He knows that he will never have a chance with her being awake. His mind settles that he will just kiss her. Nothing more ….

The kiss leaves both of them breathless and she falls on his chest.

"You drunk too much …..so greedy …" He pats her hair and stays for a few minutes like that having her leaned on him. The couch is comfortable so no need to rush. She will be asleep since she is not used to the blood, so her body needs to adjust. Sleep is the way her body handles it …

As he stays there his mind is processing things that he has no power to prevent or to change. August is one of them. He is worried about the way Ilona trusts him. She trusts him too much for her own good.

Dina will be disappointed. And he will hate him for revealing August's intentions at some point. Angelo wishes that this will not make their relationship worse than how it is now…but that's exactly what will happen.

She will probably never trust anyone after she finds out who is August.

He kisses her forehead and lifts her. He passes the living room and goes into the bedroom.

The boy lets her body gently touch the blanket on the bed. He leaves to wash himself …..

Dina's eyes open …. The bedroom door is the thing she sees first and as she moves herself on her back, the ceiling is the perfect surface where she can stare and think peacefully.

'What is he trying to do ….? The bastard better have a good reason …..'

She lets herself sleep for real and decides to keep her mouth shut till she finds out more.

As she falls asleep, her thoughts are a mess…..His kiss on her wrist and forehead …. also, the passionate kiss ...'What is he doing …..wasn't he hating me ?.....' Like she can understand him! He is a mystery to her.

Her mind tires out and just as he gets out of the bathroom she is already in the dreamland.

Angelo's wet hair is flipped back by his hand. His shirtless upper body would have been a blessing for Dina if only she wasn't asleep. He sits next to her on the edge of the bed and wipes the blood with a moist dressing.

She flinches a few times but he continues to clean her up. He is focused on her lips as he wipes the last drop of blood.

'Should I kiss her one more time?....why not ….'His serious face is contrary to what he feels like on the inside. Like a kid, he was happy to have his way without her consent. Angelo was feeling a little too excited to steal the kiss even from his perspective.

His hand caresses her cheek and his puckered lips press on hers. Dina's lips are rapidly kissed by the suddenly energetic boy.

'Tastes …like water …'

He giggles and stops, surprised at his own laugh. Since when did he giggle like this …. maybe when his mother was around …. that's the only time he remembers giggling like this.

He brushes his thump against her cheek and sighs …. yea …why is he into her …. when he clearly hates being with people.

What was he doing? His hands are covering his eyes as he has his elbows pressed on his knees.

'Like hell, I care about her …maybe is just physical ….' He raises his head and looks stubbornly at the girl that sleeps peacefully.

'Yea …she is pretty ..nothing more ….and she is crazy ….and unmannered too. I don't like her ...' He smiles but when he realizes what he does, his palm hits his cheek.

'Wake up, Angleo! She is just a thing you need to be the leader. Right?' His confused head is heating up so he concludes that he should turn off the light and sleep.

He throws himself on the other side of the bed and stays on his back having one arm under his head.

His eyes close. In his heart, he knows that no matter how much she enjoyed being with the girl she will never be safe around him. Pushing her aside and making him dislike her will help him make the right decisions in the future.

His fear of losing her had already pushed him to do something that is already harming the girl. Giving her his blood will make her ruin herself …when she will find out about it. She will be a vampire like the ones killing her parents.

Angelo knows how she will feel …. but he will never regret his actions.

Dina fidgets and turns around. Her head is under his arm and her hand is hugging him. Her leg is also mounted on him.

Angelo opens his eyes and raising his eyebrows he looks at the girl that looks tired. He rises her head placing it on his arm. She moves a little her head as if she was cuddling him.

'You are a witch …..' Angelo flicks her forehead. As the girl frowns, he places a kiss over the red point he made.

He sighs again and again …..like an old man.

The morning sun is lighting the silent room. The youngsters are in each other arms as they left the blanket at their feet. Dina's legs are clenching more around the boy, as he hugs her more. Are they stupid?

Anyways, the cold air is making both rise at the same time to take the blanket. As they put the blanket on them with their eyes half closed, they cuddle more.

If only the damned alarm was a few minutes late.

Ring! Ring!

"The fuck!" Dina yells as she turns and stretches her arm to take the phone. Angelo is hanging to her waist, as she rises and sits on her butt.

Sleepy as she is, the button she barely sees on the screen is being pressed by her violent finger.

"Who the hell needs alarms…." Dina mumbles pissed off.

"Hello?..... Dina?" The voice from the other side startles her as her voice reveals who has the phone in hand. She opens her eyes wide and sees the name on the screen.

…. Father ….

She looks at the boy sleeping clinging to her. Dina hits his head and he mumbles in an angry voice.

"Don't hit me…." He wants to turn around but she stops him with one of her arms as she puts the phone in front of his face. Like he could see.

"Open your fucking eyes ….." She whispers desperate.

"Where is Angelo?" His father is growing impatient as the girl talks to Angelo instead of talking to him.

Angelo opens his eyes as he hears the sound of Ralph's voice. "Yes, Father!" He clears his throat and snatches the phone from the girl's hand.

"You guys have to come to the villa fast. Now!" His voice is serious and gives them a chill. Ralph, his father, never joked, so Angelo looks at Dina with worried eyes.