
5 Years

Its been 5 years since then. He never came to find me. I couldn't get rid of him in my mind. I felt alone until I found out I was pregnant with twins.

I suppose he wasn't that bad after all to give me those pills. I thank him for that.

I dearly love Xiao Xiao and Xiao Mo and also have raised them with plenty of love and care.

In order to fulfill my kids need I worked hard to accomplish my goal and became a famous designer. I changed my name so that no one can know my real identity.

Famous companies want to hire me to be their designer.

Mr.Lu have accompanied and supported me to achieve my goal.

Mr.Lu like me a lot and also treats my children like his own but I couldn't like him back the way he does to me.

I feel sorry for him but first love is first its hard to move on but I would give him a chance but not now.

Today I am going back to my country for my new job.

I wish not to Meet Su Main