
CHAPTER 2: Demonville.

(The Next morning).

"Wake up sleepy head". Evelyn screamed into Helen's right ear.

" No, no I still want to sleep". Helen grumbled.

'She must be very exhausted'. Evelyn thought, then she said " Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for your trip by now".

Hearing that Helen jumped from her bed and ran to the toilet with an immortal speed, after some minutes she came back to the room hurriedly wearing her black trouser and T-shirts, black coat and leather boots, she clumsily fixed her emergency dagger in her boot, then she fixed her belt around her waist and put some small bottles of liquid medicine in it,after that she hurriedly took her sword then hugged Evelyn and quickly ran out while saying goodbye.

Evelyn who has been watching the scene just chuckled, then she also left to get ready for the trip. Their coaches were already informed about it so they weren't going to get punished for not attending class. After she was done preparing her clothes, she went to meet with Nicholas since the both of them had to meet with the rest if the council today.

"Good Morning beautiful". Nicholas greeted as immediately he saw her.

" Good Morning to you too handsome". Evelyn replied with a huge smile.

"You seem happy today".

" Why won't I be, I am gonna get rich, infact let's go to council Albert first".

"The coins are for the mission".

" so, you mean to say you spend while you are in a mission".

"Fine, you win. Now let's get going, I still need to pack".

" Huh, you are packing for a mission?".

"No, but I am need to polish my sword".

" Hmm, thank goodness I am much more skilled with daggers, so I won't be bringing a sword with me"

"Yeah Yeah keep bragging about your capability, let's get going". That being said, Nicholas dragged Evelyn with him to the lab.

When that got to the lab Anna was already expecting the both of them. " I have been expecting you two since last night, come on let's begin".

After an hour everything was completed and the result were beyond okay. So they headed to the finance hall.

When they got to the hall, they explained everything to council Albert and they received the money.

" Let's go get ready then". Saying that they departed and went for their rooms.

When Evelyn got to her room she took a shower against, she washed her hair and combed it into a ponytail. She wore a top and leather pant. She put on a two thigh holster which she placed her daggers into, she wore a dark hooded coat and a pair leather boots with dark gloves.She kept small bottles of drugs for emergencies.

When she went to the hall to meet Nicholas he was already waiting for her, he was also dressed in the same color and style but in a manly way.

"It is remaining just 15 minutes for the carriage to arrive here, should we use the chance to quickly have dinner or the other way round". Nicholas asked.

" Let have a quick feast, I really need to feed my precious belly" saying that she dragged Nicholas to the dinner hall, when that got there Evelyn hurriedly served her self with a lot and different kind of food.

"Seriously, are you even a lady?" Nicholas asked and she shook her head and replied " I have already been changed into a man since age four, so I am more manly now".

"Yeah, it brings back old memories, I mean who would have thought that you and Helen can become besties now, the two of you really hated each other, one was the beauty of the school and the other was the brain".

" You mean to say that I am not beautiful?!". Evelyn exclaimed as she gave him a hard glare as if she was going to rip his head off if he did not say she was beautiful.

"Come on, beautiful. You are more than beautiful, you are perfect". Nicholas said as he raised his hands up in the air signalling that he has surrender.

" Mmm, I knew I was, I just wanted to test your vision". Evelyn said proudly.

"Tsk, narcissist". Nicholas murmured while clicking his tongue.

After some time they finished their dinner, then the went out side and waited a few minutes. 5 minutes later a carriage arrived at their front. They hopped in and they carriage left for their destination. The journey to demonville was a two days journey.

They rode till the next morning but they stopped when they came close to a small inn, since they wanted to have some breakfast. The rider packed the carriage and Evelyn and Nicholas entered the inn.

" Good Morning, what can we do for you two". The old lady said while cleaning the floor.

" Do you have anything for us to eat?".

"Oh yes, but it is only pasta and sauce".

" Seriously, can pasta even fill up my hungry stomach". Evelyn grumbled but Nicholas clearly heard it.

"Just manage it for now" Nicholas said then he turned toward the old woman and asked " How much are two plates?".

" four gold coins young man". After she answered he dipped his hands into the pocket of his coat and gave it to her.

Few minutes later she came with their food and they dug in and left when they were done.

They continued the journey for a day and 15 hours they they found an inn and decided to spend the night there. But before they got out of the carriage the both of them and their rider sprayed their body with a blue mixture that would help conceal their body scent.

"This is where we will be spending the night, tomorrow we will go to the forest to figure out what the problem is". Nicholas said as they both entered the room. They decided not to waste money and spent the night in the same room since it was only one night.