
My Uncle, My First Love

#R18 “I told you, Abri.” He didn’t dare to look up to meet the eyes of the girl in his lap, afraid he will give in to what she wanted. “But intimation is part of a relationship as well. It has been three months since we started dating, I am just afraid you are treating me well because—” Abri’s voice was getting smaller after each word due to the fear that her words may contain some truth. “Because I love you as an uncle, not as a man? Abrielle, I am 32 not 22. I am a man who knows exactly what and who I want.” No man can resist the request of the woman he loves for intimacy. But for Leo, it isn’t the right time. She is just 18! How can he have the heart to ravage a girl who is 14 years younger than him? “Then why?” Living with her uncle for ten years led her to know him like the back of her hand but since their relationship started, she started to feel unsure and lost. “Because…” breathing deeply, Leo responded while looking straight into her pupils, “I like it raw and rough. And you are too young for that, Abri.” Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and she was left speechless for the next three minutes before she smirked. She ran to the room and she said, “Not because your bones are old that you can no longer do it?” He gave her this ‘Really?’ look before he ran towards her like a leopard. After he caught her, his fingers that were on her waist tickled her and he questioned, “How dare you, little pie? Do you already regret what you said?!” Abri was laughing hard because of the tickles that she can’t seem to finish a single sentence, “P-please, I-I am s-sorry—“ “Too late!” Hearing the laughter of the girl he loves, he can’t help but smile while his heart melted at her adorable look. She is just perfect, perfect for him. ********* ***The cover isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever owns it. Comment if you don’t want me to use it, thank you.***

bag_softies · perkotaan
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12 Chs

Thoughts About Her

"Y-you...what are you doing here? Did you hear what I just said?"

"Not only I heard it, but I also recorded it. Because I would like to see how your dad who has better connections than my uncle can answer to your scheme."

"You bitch! I will kill you!" We heard movements and we were all aware that Sonia tried to attack Abri and Abri being the trained obviously overpower that slut. Even knowing she is trained didn't stop my brain from worrying for her. Anri, what did you do to me?

"You better listen to my words if you don't want your family to disappear the next day."

"W-what do you want?"

"Good, I want you to transfer 200 million to this account, and leave quietly."

"200 million?! You are fucking crazy!--"

"300 million, not a single cent less and I want it in an hour."

"I-okay, just let me go please." I think that slut knew what was better for her although I was curious why my Abri needed money when I gave her half a billion for her 18th birthday. I know she didn't use it but I don't know why.

"You can go, wait, fix your hair. For your curiosity, my uncle isn't just good...but a beast in bed. I must say slut, my condolences for losing your chance to have a blissful sex life with my uncle... as if you had that chance from the start. What are you waiting for? Leave!"

I liked her bossy temper and full of confident words. My Abri is just amazing. She defended me even though she never knew what I am like in bed, but I must say she guessed it right. I like it rough and I can be like a beast due to my high sex drive.

For the last two years, I didn't have sex and maybe that explains my frustration. Otherwise, why would I imagine how it will feel to hold Abri in my hands while I jerked off? Gosh, I am corrupt.

The whole week after, I didn't visit Abri. I know I was being a coward but I couldn't help it. A few days ago, I went to vent my sexual frustration because I kept thinking about her, and how her body feels in my chest. But I didn't even stay a minute with the other girl because I compared her to my Abri and I felt like a jerk.

For the first time that night, I recognized my feelings for Abri were never just a guardian to a girl he raised. I touched myself thinking about her. It is as if the awareness of her having feelings for me opened a new side of me that I didn't know existed. After my release, I left my apartment in anger.

I spent all night drinking with Dave, and him being the understanding he is, told me to accept my feelings for her and try to talk about it with her. I told him I will think about it and so on a week passed.

Today according to the weather report, there will be a thunder and during every thunder, I go home to help my Abri sleep so I decided to visit her. But by the time I got home, she was already asleep so I assumed she knew about the upcoming thunder and took a sleeping pill to rest. Since I haven't decided what to do, I didn't want to give her false hope, so I told Butler Franklin to not tell her about my visit.

Little did I know that night, Abri was so scared because of the thunder and waited for me all night.

The next day, Sam, my secretary, told me he got a call from Butler Franklin while I was in a meeting. Butler Franklin told him that Abri applied for Galaxy University. I felt for the first time in decades scared. Am I going to lose her?

When she became 16, I told her she can go out even to study in public school if she wished, since her appearance has changed and was safe. But Abri refused. After she got her masters, which I am so proud of, I thought she will never need to go to school, so I was relieved until today.

That day, I wanted to text her, but I didn't. I was afraid, afraid that when she saw the real world and met new and great people, I won't be the center of her life anymore. Because I had my doubts, maybe she thinks she likes me as a man because I surrounded her small world.

When she was alone, helpless, and weak, I was there for her. When she needed someone to guide her, someone to hug her, and someone to help her, I was there for her. I can believe that she loves me, but I am not sure if it is as a man or if she just misunderstood due to confusion.

Even though I have feelings for her, I decided to be selfless and let her explore the outer world. So that she can identify her feelings first. If by that time, she still has feelings for me which I doubt she will, I am going to marry her. Otherwise, I will just pretend like the past didn't exist.

When she moved to the school dorm, I was excited for her. This is her first time going out alone in the past ten years and I waited for her to share the news with me, but she didn't. She only contacted Butler Franklin and Sofia.

Did she hate me already? I understand I was being a coward for the past few weeks, but there was nothing I could do. I can't ask her to start a relationship with me because to me it is either all in, or all out. In our situation, a relationship that ends with a breakup is unacceptable because it means breaking the relationship we built for the past ten years. Although I am ready to get all in, I want to confirm she is the same as me before we start anything.

Two weeks passed since she moved out. There were many times I mistakenly asked William to drive me to our home to remember she wasn't there and that I had no one to visit. I was getting easily irritated which made my employees depressed, not that I was good-tempered in the past, but I was better than now.

A life without her sucked. And I hated it. I heard that she asked butler Franklin to send the rest of her clothes and that's when my soul crashed. I regret it. I shouldn't have let her go to that college. I should have been a little selfish and held her back. Even if her feeling for me was misunderstood, I wouldn't have minded.

What if she liked another person? What if she forgets me? What if she realized she didn't like me as a man? What if she....?

My head hurts from overthinking and I couldn't sleep well as if she was the only peace in my life and without her, everything turned chaos.

Bonus: if it got 5 votes today.

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