
My Uncle, My First Love

#R18 “I told you, Abri.” He didn’t dare to look up to meet the eyes of the girl in his lap, afraid he will give in to what she wanted. “But intimation is part of a relationship as well. It has been three months since we started dating, I am just afraid you are treating me well because—” Abri’s voice was getting smaller after each word due to the fear that her words may contain some truth. “Because I love you as an uncle, not as a man? Abrielle, I am 32 not 22. I am a man who knows exactly what and who I want.” No man can resist the request of the woman he loves for intimacy. But for Leo, it isn’t the right time. She is just 18! How can he have the heart to ravage a girl who is 14 years younger than him? “Then why?” Living with her uncle for ten years led her to know him like the back of her hand but since their relationship started, she started to feel unsure and lost. “Because…” breathing deeply, Leo responded while looking straight into her pupils, “I like it raw and rough. And you are too young for that, Abri.” Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and she was left speechless for the next three minutes before she smirked. She ran to the room and she said, “Not because your bones are old that you can no longer do it?” He gave her this ‘Really?’ look before he ran towards her like a leopard. After he caught her, his fingers that were on her waist tickled her and he questioned, “How dare you, little pie? Do you already regret what you said?!” Abri was laughing hard because of the tickles that she can’t seem to finish a single sentence, “P-please, I-I am s-sorry—“ “Too late!” Hearing the laughter of the girl he loves, he can’t help but smile while his heart melted at her adorable look. She is just perfect, perfect for him. ********* ***The cover isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever owns it. Comment if you don’t want me to use it, thank you.***

bag_softies · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Sleeping With Her


"...he seems like a wise person," commented Ruth, and I nodded with a painful smile.

"I know I shouldn't have such feelings towards the man who raised me, but I...I can't help it. Looking at him standing by the window starting at nothing, but a forest filled with darkness, I feel his loneliness. Without him knowing, I always stood behind him staring at nothing, but his back...the back that I want to hug so badly. Yet I didn't." My tears wanted to fall, but I prevented them by gulping almost the whole bottle.

Ruth forcefully took the bottle from me and said, "That's enough, you are drunk."

"You know what is the most painful, Ruth?" I asked with madness displaying in my red eyes.

Ruth shook her head and waited for me to speak.

"It's knowing that you can love only one person, but you can't have them. I lost before I even tried, it's so unfair! I sometimes think...think that if he didn't raise me, would I have had the right to be with him? But it's stupid to think so because I would have never known him and loved him like this..." I was talking. Maybe because of my drunkness, I told Ruth things I wouldn't have if I wasn't drunk.

She was a good listener, but I pitied her because she had to bear the drunken talkative me. When she patted my back, I told her about how my uncle used to pat me too. When she asked me to sleep, I told her how my uncle used to help me sleep whenever there was thunder.

My uncle this, my uncle that. Eventually, she got tired, so she put her eye mask on me and let me take her to bed to sleep.

***Leo's POV***

The dinner didn't go as planned. I thought she was going to stay so I prepared myself to tell her how I felt. At first, I thought it was a selfish move to tell her now because she may feel pressured to accept me. But I wanted to be selfish.

Unfortunately, before I was even given a chance, she left. When Emily asked whether she could stay for dinner, I agreed quickly because lately, my overthinking self has taken over me, so I am not mentally present and become quieter. I didn't want Abri to feel bored, so I agreed.

Abri avoided my eyes throughout dinner. I assumed she felt guilty now that she realized she didn't like me as much when she saw the outside world. My heart sank. While she and Emily were talking, I wasn't listening, but looking at her intensely.

I wanted to change my plan for tonight, but I changed my mind when I imagined her with others. How could I stand someone else kissing those cherry lips of hers? The lips I desired so much to devour every day.

My brain started to think of her inappropriately without my permission. I asked myself how she would feel on my lap. I remember when she was young, she was so soft that I feared I would crash her if I put a little strength into hugging her. Is she still the same? Probably not, since all the training she went through. But her beautifully cupped breasts and her ass say otherwise. I wanted to feel them.

I knocked some sense in myself by biting my lips and that's when I heard Emily say, she may not be single soon. I wanted Abri to know I was coming for her, so I voiced my agreement with Emily. Little did I know, this little agreement is the reason that broke the last thread that kept my Abri here?

After Abri left, I asked Emily to leave. She asked if there was anything she could do for me, but I was too irritated to play her polite game, so I went to my bed, ignoring her.

I was thinking what could have gone wrong, but I couldn't. To spend Abri's break together, I almost got no sleep to finish all my work for the next three days. Since I am done with my important work, I was supposed to have three days off with her, but she didn't even plan to spend the night here.

I was sad, so I asked William to drive me to a bar, Nick's bar. On our way, I asked William, "Did Abri arrive safely?"

"She did arrive safely, but..." He seemed hesitant to say something and I urged him, "But what?"

"Mr. Lincoln, don't tell Ms. Abri that I told you." He said and I was annoyed and worried at the same time about what it could be.

"William, I am your boss." My words were enough to make him report everything.

"Ms. Abri was crying all the way from the mansion. She come with her luggage and I thought she was going to spend some time here, but she told me she is going to bring it back. She also told me not to tell you about it." Hearing William's words, many things got clear in my head, while many questions popped up.

Why did she cry? Was it because of me? What did I do? My Abri...

"William, drive to Galaxy campus." I somehow guessed she may have misunderstood my relationship with Emily, but I wasn't sure. If she came with her luggage, what drove her away? I need to clear everything up and tell her what I think before I lost her.

After 30 minutes, we arrived at the campus. Knowing the security won't let me in this late, I called the principal and told him to order the security to let me in. When Abri come here, I got every formation about her. I know the direction to her room, her roommates, the people she talked to...etc. It was for her safety and my peace of mind, so I don't regret my actions.

I knocked on the door of her room and was opened by the girl called Ruth.


"Call Abri for me," I said without delay.

"She is asleep," said Ruth. And I didn't believe her.

"It is 8.30, don't lie to me." My words seemed to have offended her, so she said with anger, "She got drunk because of certain someone and is sleeping right now."

I felt like that certain someone is me. But all I wanted at that moment is my Abri, so I told Ruth, "I will take her then."

She didn't disagree and let me take Abri which surprised me for some reason. I carried Abri in my arms and heard Ruth saying, "Take care of her."

I nodded and was about to leave, but she stopped me and said, "Wait, I know it isn't my place to say this, but she really loves you a lot. Reject her respectfully if you are going to."

I said nothing to that and left the room. My Abri is light, much lighter than I thought. Feeling her head laying on my chest, I was ecstatic. According to her roommate's words, she still likes me as a man. I was never this relieved.

In the car, I sat her on my lap. My wish to let her sit on my lap was fulfilled sooner than I expected. My heart was in peace as if the world's worry doesn't concern me. I can feel her whole body on me. She was wearing the same white short dress, her smooth legs were exposed and I wondered how it feels to touch them.

My arms tightened around her and I looked away to not think what I shouldn't.

I took her to my room because, for some reason, I felt like sleeping with her tonight. Since that day, I never slept with her even during the thunder. I just helped her to sleep by patting her head to let her know I was there for her.

I miss sleeping and waking up with her in my arms.

I didn't care about changing or brushing, I just laid with her and slept while hugging her from the back.


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