
My transition to the queen of hell

This is a story of a person not only being transgender but also changing to be the queen of hell.

Joannnichole · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Gaining power

Some time passes, and I learn a lot of magic I also learned I am skilled in most of them and I am mostly skilled in necrotic magic. I can use it to heal and I am able to bring back the dead as slaves that are undead. My second-best magic is that of elemental powers. My strongest elemental magic has to do with my blue demon flames. Over the years we found out that with the link I can always contact Jessica no matter the distance between us and feel her presence. We even learned how my magic has affected her powers and has learned how things will manifest to show the change in her for using my powers. Luckily, the few times that she used them in test did not change much. Her skin took on an exceptionally light blue wherever there was body hair to the point that you do not notice it too much. Me on the other hand I grew horns and my blue skin and fir took on a more normalized level compared to when I was born. My bright contrasting red hair and blue eyes took on a nice color also. The years pass without any real problems, at least not any problems that made her need to use the power that she was granted by me. We have really found the uses to our eyes and she even learned that because of the changes brought on by my powers she is not as affected by fire then she was as a normal human. She still burns but not as easy. Me on the other hand I am immune to fire that is not as hot as my blue flames. If they are hotter than my flames, then I do get burned but I also found out that it is impossible to burn me to death. After a time, I settled on a look to use for my illusion and made sure that whenever we were out or in contact with anyone that I used it. Things were going nice over the years and I was happy.

One day everything changed a demon that fancied himself as my parent's betters said he was going to make me his bride and take me away. In response to that I called out to my demon dad and asked him what I should do. He said that if I do not want to be his bride, I must best him in the games. That was the last I heard from him in response to that. I asked the demon what the games are, and he looked shocked that I knew about that. "The games are a group of tests that those that we have made contracts with and those of demonic blood will have and the best out of 10 challenges wins. If you feel like that is the path you want to take know that if you lose not only will you have to be my bride, but you will be required to kill your slave feed me her soul and then bear me a child." My response was, "Not only do I except the challenge but I also give you the requirement of forfeiting your place in the hierarchy of the demons to myself and my house and to channel your power into me for all of eternity." At that there is a blue flash as my demonic father shows up in a ball of blue flames. "I see she took the games route now that is agreed on, we need to set the rules and the timeframe." I responded with. "Yes, father I would like to know the requirements of the games and I would like to know our true family name. I am of your blood after all I need that information, so I know what house I am fighting for." At that he smiles and says. "I am the great king of the demons Lucifer. We are the highest-ranking demon house in the lands. Since you are the only child of mine and to top it off you summoned me before you were reborn as a female even means that you are one of the most powerful halves in this age. You Joann are the hair to the throne of the demons and to top it off you have a mastery of our powers beyond that of most your age. You need to gain a minimal of 4 more contracted slaves and grant them powers befitting positions inside of your house. I want you to go and charm a seller into handing over a fitting house for your position and take your place above humans. We will meet once again in 4 weeks to set up for the first trial with the limitation that if Joann doesn't have the minimal amount under her she must forfeit and let Gregor of house Crimson take her as his bride and he will be elevated up to our house and named the new hair to my throne." With that he left just as quick as he appeared, and Gregor bid me adieu with a kiss on the hand. Once we were rid of them, I looked to Jessica and asked her what she thought of it all and her response was a shock.

Chuckling she responds. "You want my true and honest answer? I know you can read my mind, so I will tell you right out front. I think you are trapped by this. I think it is best to have the games and I think it is best to agree to the rules. I know you do not want to marry him even though I have to say he is hot in more ways than one. But I do not think he is worthy of the house we just found out you are a part of. Even if it means I must fully give up my humanity I will use all my powers and those of the ones you gave me to serve you. I will gladly become a lower class demonic being. I would even gladly die for you my princess." I had no choice but to blush at that part I must get used to that one. "Fine first thing is first we have to get a new place to live. Then we must build my army and slaves to, so you will be required to find me people that will make a contract with me, so I will give you knowledge of a spell that will let you travel instantly if you know where they are. You will need to keep in mind that the more you use it on your own the less human you will be." With that I touch her mark and send my knowledge and power into it and then I activate a gate to the nearest town. "We will head there first and have a look around now I have to pick do I use my illusion or not I think for now I will." I then activate my illusion and grab Jessica's hand and step into the gate spell and then I am on the outskirts of the town. Now that we are back in normal populace, I must remember how to use the human language of the land we are in and then I take the lead. We walk to the realtor and ask to see the biggest, privet and most secluded house available. She says sure I can do that, and we are escorted to her car and she drives us a short way out of town and up to the gates of a beautiful mansion she gets out and opens the gate before driving us up the drive to the front of the house. I have to say it was the best-looking house I have ever seen in person and I have lived two lives at this point. I look the realtor in the eyes and say, "Thank you for showing me my new house now please kindly hand me the dead and keys to the place and leave and do not call out my name unless you wish to form a pact with me. With that I hand her a piece of paper and tell her to wish to see me with the whole might and will and I will show up to grant her one wish in exchange for her soul and servitude. Then I make her forget that last part and, in its place, tell her that we will work out the contract of the pact if she ever calls on me and I drop my illusion. She looks at me in shock but does not scream or run due to my charm and she informs me that she will do as I want.

Once she has left, I look at Jessica and tell her. "You need to go get new furnishing for the house I want period correct things that have a lot of class. I want the stuff free of charge and here by tonight. I am going to try out a new skill I just thought up. With that I say in infernal, "Come forth my wings I command you to take flight." With that wings pop out of my back and they are a black with blue tips. I try to flap them a few times testing to see if they work and if they grab the air. Seeing that not only do they work but they are able to make me feel lighter I smile and try to lift off. To my shock I can feel the strain of my body pulling on my wings and can even feel my body start to lift off the ground. I was surprised at how hard it really is to do this. Even worse I was getting exhausted fast. I knew that without practice I will never master this new power, so I took the rest of the day to practice this new skill and I was shocked to learn that once I started it was easy to grasp where I need to improve and what muscles I had to work on. Once I was thoroughly worn out, I went in and got a drink of water. Then I took a walk around my new house and found a spot to put a safe I used my link to inform Jessica. "Jessica, I want you to pick up the best safe you can place important things and paperwork in it. I need it tonight and then I want you to pick up the things to make warding charms so that I can make it so someone that isn't related to us can't pop in to any place in the house except the entranceway. I also need you to pick up some beautiful dresses and gowns for me so that I can look the part." With that she responded with the affirmative and the link went quiet. I lounged around until she got back and then I told her. "I am going to show you my new skill and I want to test something out at the same time. Follow me; I want you to understand what I was practicing with you gone." With that I let my wings out and hold them aloft with them open for her to see. She lets out a gasp of shock at the sight of them and asks. "When have you had those?" MY response is, "I just got them I called them into being today. I was shocked to see that they worked the first time. I am still not the best at using them yet, but they will have a lot of use." With that I lifted and flew into place and held myself aloft. I went to the spot that gave me best sight of the grounds and called up the link and waited to make sure she responded and then I showed her the view of the spot with my idea. "This is where I want a rose garden maze and here is the spot, I want a big pond. This is the spot that I want to put a nice pool." I made sure to overlap the way I see it with the image. I wait until she responds. "Did you know you can overlap things like that with your thoughts and transfer them like that down our link? That was amazing." "No, I didn't but I felt that with the link like it is I should be able to, but it takes a lot of consideration on my part."

With that I land next to her and she shocks me by reaching out and stroking my wings. It produced a shiver down my spine that I did not expect. She shocked me even more when she said. "Your wings are very beautiful and make you seem like the sexy vixen of a demon that you are." Then she does something I would never have thought she kissed me. Now I should let you know that my magic that I granted her has made sure that she was kept younger than she would be so she still to this day looks wonderful. I was shocked at first, but I quickly responded to it and reciprocated the advancements on her part. I quickly embraced her folded my wings around us and took control this will be the first sexual thing I have done since I was reborn, and I was going to enjoy this. I told her that I was going to take and break in this place and my body at the same time. I then snake my tail up her pant leg on the outside and touch her with it. With my tail I stroke her vagina on the outside of her pants. I then reach out and grabbed her breast. I am then shocked when she starts to respond in kind. I experience for the first time the pleasure of being touched and I enjoy it. I tell her I want her to help me experience what it is like to have sex as a woman with another woman. With that she takes me to the master bedroom, and I call on my powers to manifest a magnificent bed to go with the room and I pull her to it. Its then that she starts removing my clothing being careful not to hurt my wings and making sure to keep showing me attention. She starts by giving me a deeply passionate kiss and then she leads be to the bed once I am in my bra and panties lays me down and I let her take control. I am ready for whatever she does to me because I am very horny and wanting this. I let her start kissing me down the jaw line then she goes to my neck and works her way down it. I then gasp as she takes off my bra and grabs my breast directly for the first time. She then starts to work her way down to my chest then it happened she kissed my nipple I grabbed her head and held her there for the first time I had my nipple in someone's hot moist mouth. The shock that went through my body was more than I ever experienced in my old life. I was really enjoying the feeling and the way the tingle feeling goes straight to my vagina. The ways I was feeling, was beyond anything I have ever experienced before. I was never able to feel like this as a man and I am glad I did this. After a short time, she moved from my breasts and nipples and then started traveling down. She lingered for a bit at my navel and then kept traveling before her breath even touched my mound, she just grazed it with a finger not even touching anything else. I am shocked at how good it felt then she just blows cold then worm breath on it for a bit and it was driving me crazy. My tail started to flick faster and faster. I could not take it anymore and grabbed her head and forced it into my crotch. The moment her tongue touched my flesh I cried out. I was shocked at how strong the feeling was and then I lifted her head and said, "I want to reciprocate please turn around." She stood removed her clothing and complied with my request. I was so happy to dive my face into her crotch. The response I got was overwhelming almost as overwhelming as the first few moments of the contact from her. I was really enjoying myself and then it hit me the building up of pleasure like a big wave was growing and waiting to crash once it happened I let out a scream of ecstasy into her mound I clamped my mouth on her clit and didn't let go until she was bucking and screaming along with me. That was my first time having an orgasm as a woman. I then tell her I have an idea and want to try something. "Lay back I want to try using my tail in a way that will be similar way as to that of how I would use a male part and fuck you with it. I want to see if it feels good. I know my tail can be really sensitive at times." She complied and lay back on her back with her legs apart. I crawl up to her start kissing her and make sure that she is comfortable and off to the side a bit from me. I then take my tail and slowly move it up and down her slit until I know she is ready and slowly put the tip in. I experience the feeling and enjoyment of the sensitive feeling of my tip being enveloped I did not want to hurt her and so I did not put too much in then she shocked me and had an instant orgasm. She looked me in the eyes and said. "That was the best I have felt since I stopped seeing people to take care of you. I can't wait to have enjoyment like this with you and once you get yourself a male to have for the first time you will love it." That brings forth a smile.

So, a couple days go by and I have not had anyone call out to me to make a contract. I looked to Jessica and said. "I want you to go out and try to find anyone that is left wanting. In life I need you to find a person needing extra help with the life and the power to live. I would like a male, but a female is even ok. I want you to find people who are even willing to give up life as people and have let them know that you know someone that can make things better." She smiles and responds with. "Yes, mistress I understand that." "You know I don't make you talk like that ever." She just smiles and waves and walks out of the door in the wonderful dress she has on today. I go out and practice flying with my wings I am getting a lot better at it and have to say I am really starting to enjoy it. I found out that if I use my tail in the mix, I am more stable in flight and I have to say it made it less tiring to fly with that help. That is when it happened, I got the first call from someone wanting to summon me. I open my gate spell and go right to the location with wings out and all. I then say. "You summoned a demonic being to make something better?" To my shock Jessica was there and she had a big smile on her face. I then see a man next to her with a gun held out pointing at her. She goes, "Yes dark one. This man says that no one can help me or him and that he is going to shoot me. I am lucky your appearing spooked him in a way that made it so that he did not do anything yet. Will you please make the gun un-able to harm anyone?" I look at the guy and point at the gun. I see it burst into a blue flame and then he drops it with a scream. Then he looks at me scared like. I look back at him and say do not move. He then is stuck in my charm. I then tell him, "Answer me honestly, what is wrong, and may I be able to improve it?" With a shaky voice he responds with. "I have lost my job my wife and my life in general. If I am un-able to have anything, I should just mess up someone's life and take my life with it. I do not see a point anyways. Are you a real demon?" "Yes, I am a demon or the child of one anyways. I can give your life meaning and you will only give me your soul and live my life as my slave. I will make you powerful and able to make your life as my servant worth living. You won't be wanting for things if you serve me she is mine and if she wanted to you would have been dead before you could pull the trigger that is the power I have to give. Would you like to sign a contract with me?" With that he drops to his knees and begs me to let him live and promises not to do it again. I ask him again, "Do you want to serve me? You would have lost your soul to my father if you killed yourself and her anyways. In this way you can give me your life and soul to be my servant you will gain power and purpose for your life."

"Yes, Mistress Demon I will serve you and I will further your glory. I will sign a contract with you and make my life over as your slave." Seeing how truthful he was being I asked. "Is there anything you want in exchange to being mine?" His response is one that I was not expecting. "My only wish is to be able to fuck you. I think you're hot and I will love to be with you." I was shocked to say the least. I had to process that one and I saw that Jessica was smiling at that I use my mental link to tell her to fuck off and then I tell him. "Fine we can have sex, but I have never been with a guy, so you will have to go at my pace. I want you to lay down and remove your clothing." Then I point to Jessica and using my link. "Jessica start kissing me and making me hot and heavy as you remove my clothing for this." Once I am nude, I squat over his face and tell him to lick me and get me ready. "You will have to get me ready since I have never had anyone or anything up in me. I need to be ready to take you." Once I am kneeling over him, I am riding his face getting good as Jessica and was paying attention to my chest I was really getting close. I felt my second ever orgasm rising in me from the depths of my soul. As I was coming down from the high of the orgasm, I moved down to straddle the first dick I touched since I started the life as a Demon. I slowly lowered myself as Jessica helped support me. As the tip of his penis entered my vagina, I was so shocked to notice how much it was hurting I used the link to convey the pain and hurt that I was feeling to Jessica. I was happy when she started to redouble her efforts improve the way I was feeling. She then told me. "Relax, you need to let your muscles relax or it will just hurt more as you stretch open. I will be here to help you. I love you my Demon Mistress. I hope you enjoy your new toy." I relax a little more and try to enjoy it and lower myself to the point of begin touching my hymen I breath in and drop all my weight down on him and took him the rest of the way in me. I let out a cry of pain from the sudden loss of my virginity. I look down at him tears in my eyes and say no more possible backing out and light my fingertip in blue flames and touch his chest over his hart and say. "You tell me your name." He says, "My name is open to be changed I gave up my life when I said I was going to die." I then continue. I burn the mark in him and the use my necrotic abilities to make the flesh heal with the blue flame mark and watch his eyes change and all. I then tell him. "You Jason are now my servant you must serve me and my bloodline for all time. I require you to do all I say, and you will never be able to lie to me or hide anything form me again. Jessica will inform you on your charges and jobs when the time comes. I will have you for the time being lay still until I am done. If you cum in my pussy I will make it, so you can never cum again and you won't like that." I watch his affirming reply and inform him of his changes just like Jessica's. I also increased his physical strength while I was at it. I then started to feel less pain, so I started moving my hips and my body. I then used our mind link to make sure that he was not about to cum and overlapped the feelings with my own. I also linked Jessica into the pain with low amounts of pleasure. I then blended the three of our minds together as a catalyst for it and watched as they both gasped in surprise. I then bend down to his face kiss him and bite down on his lips to get his blood. Once that is done, I pay attention to the link and keep going until he is about to cum. I then lift off him and then finish him on his chest.

"Ok Jason you are now my servant. You should have noticed by now a few of your body changes and the other changes. If you have any questions let Jessica know and she will inform you. I have also increased your physical strength because I wanted you to be one of my stronger people since I know you won't have much magic ability unless you tap into the power of the Lucifer bloodline. If you do that each time you use it, you will be changed more and more. I know not all that will change but you will not have the same looks as a half as me." I then bend down and start putting on my clothing painfully. I have Jessica help me out, but I had to ask her with our link. "What the hell? Is it supposed to hurt like that the first time and after? Why the hell do I have to hurt myself for him? But I know one thing at least he is not that bastard Gregor I would not have liked to have him be my first. I am going home, and I am going to hop into the bath, and I am going to not put anything up there again for a long while I need to get used to this. I didn't have to feel this type of pain as a man." Next, I commanded Jason, "You will be required to keep Jessica safe. If I find out that you have tried to have sex with anyone without me giving approval, I will punish you. She is important to me so never let harm come to her." "Yes, my demon Mistress I will protect her with my life. Are you ok? I did not hurt you at all did I? I didn't want to hurt you." I shook my head and said. "No Jason I didn't hurt more then I should I just don't like how my body responds to things like that and others I am still new to a lot of things in my short life. I will be fine but if you upset me then things will be different. I own your life and soul now." He responded with an affirmative and got dressed.

Jessica then told me. "Miss Joann I am going to try to find others to form a contract with you. Is there anything you need me to do while I am out?" I shook my head no. "No Jessica I think I will be fine I am going to talk to my dad let him know I have another contract and hold out on the fact I am no longer a virgin if I can." With that I waved and opened my gate and left back home. I started a bath and got in and soaked and sent out a link to dad. "I have a second contract now and I have to say I am glad I do. I do not want to marry Gregor. How are things going on your end dad?" I feel the link open on his side and he said to me. "Yes, I know you do I can feel your power and I also know what you paid for this contract and I can't say I approve but I can't fault progress and results. I do think you should have saved yourself seeing how you are a part of demonic aristocracy you should have gave it to your husband but, oh well that is life, I guess. Now that you have another contract, I think I should let you know that the power gained by the contracts you gain will increase the lifespan of you and your direct servants. Contracts and servants of your house are two different things. Only mark the servants and the contracts just take the blood of to seal the contract. You got that right?"

"Yes, Dad I do, I will make sure to watch out to not make that mistake. I will make sure that only the servants of the house are the only ones granted the power of the house." With that he responds. "Yes, good I will let you soak now I know you must hurt." With that the link is dead again. I am left alone with my thoughts and pain. I sit there for a while and let the almost scolding hot water work into my joints noticing that my body is not really feeling the heat today I crank it up using my blue flame from my fingertip. Once the water is almost boiling, I am happy with my heat levels. I sat there keeping the water at the right levels for a while and just let the heat wash away the pain of my deflowering. Once I was feeling better, I climbed out of the bath and went to get something to eat. I called on my links to my servants and checked up on what they were doing. To my surprise they were handing out fliers about the possibility to have a wish granted and by the looks of them they had a summoning circle. Judging by what I can see they will summon me just by asking for a wish granted. I think that is good magic. So, I use my link to ask. "So, who used more of their magic to make this possible? I like the circles, but they had to come at a big price." At that Jessica answers. "It was a mix of your power and my magic that made them possible love how complex they are. I already told you I will give up my human life for you and I will show you how I look without my illusion when I get home miss. Please understand that I do not need to be human anymore. All I care about is your liking me." I am touched by her words and say. "You are important to me I would not be in this life without you. "

After that conversation, my dad opens the link with us again and says I need to get myself a familiar to do my bidding. Then he just cuts it off. I call on my knowledge for information on how to get a familiar and find I can conjure a magical creature and use a spell to link it to me. The linking spell is like the spell used to make a contract. I open my link to Jessica and demand. "Jessica, use the transportation spell that I taught you to come home this instant. I want you to use that talented mouth of yours to sooth my pain. If you hurry and get here, I will even get you off. Also, I want Jason to go get a whole cow I think you need to give him money he isn't trained in charming and I want the cow for a spell I am going to use." She responds with, "Yes Miss I will right away."

She spends the next hour of time to bring me to orgasm a few times before I start to feel better. I ask her to try using a finger or two on me. She starts to use one finger to trace around the lips of my vagina and slowly hits all the places that are sensitive to sensation and to being stimulated sexually. She then slowly starts touching my opening and reminds me to relax the worst part was over already today I had a dick in me and a larger then average one at that. I keep my body and mind on the feelings I am getting from this and she even uses her mouth to keep me on the edge of another orgasm as she slowly works her finger into my pussy and slowly moves it around I am not used to the feeling of something moving around in me but I was enjoying the feeling of the sensations she was bringing about. I did not know that something being in my pussy can feel this good I encourage her to keep going. I am starting to really get into it when I feel her touch my g-spot I didn't know that it was this wonderful to touch it and I have to say it was all it took to send me over the edge to a mind blowing orgasm that I don't think I will be able to match for a while.

Once that was done, I told her. "Show me your changes to your body. I want to see you nude and showing it all off." She replied, "Yes ma'am I will show you all that I have taken on yet including the changes made by the spell I used to get here. I am even fuzzier than I was yesterday. It is only the spots hair would normally grow and it is a blue hue just like you. I am feeling what feels like horns coming from the top of my head like yours. I am also feeling what I think is a small tail starting to grow. I would like to just get the change over with, but I do not know what will happen or how long it will take using your power, so I would like to ask you. Will you find a way to make it happen now and make it be more like you are? I do not want to be an oddity like I am starting to look. I want to look more like a half or even a demon. I am starting to think you are more than just a half. You show signs of being a full demon having your wings and having your whole look. Is there a possible way?"

"I don't know I will call on my knowledge and my dad and see if there is a way you are going to be required to use illusion magic from now on anyways, so I see no harm on making your changes more like those of a half." With that I call on my dad. "So, is there a way to make my servants change more of that of a half she is already looking like part demon just not that of a half demon like me? We are also thinking I may be more of a demon then half, but I think that it may be because of the contracts. What do you think?" "Well I think that there is a way that your contracts are changing you more like that of a demon you do have the wings after all. I was surprised when you popped them out like that. I also think you can change her more like a half. The way to do it is to poor more of your power into her fill her with your magic and your demonic power and will her to be changed. She is a contract holder with you, so it is possible. To change her so, are you sure she wants to be changed in this way?" I link her in with us and ask her. "So, are you sure you want to give up your humanity? Are you sure you want to make yourself into a half?" Her response is, "Yes. I want to be completely transformed instead of what will happen with my own powers. I did a contract with Mistress Joann for power and I would love the power of a half not just a contract holder servant." He lets out a chuckle at the sound of that. "Yes, I believe you did, didn't you? I agree you should be given the full extent of your contract." I look at her and smile. "So, you ready to give up your humanity? You ready to gain your power?"

I leave the link open and instruct Jessica to lie down. I then move over her and place my hands on her one on the forehead and the other on her abdomen so that the two powers will flow where they are meant to flow. I then work the two powers my magic and my demonic powers into her. The wings on my back flair at this and I feel my demonic powers growing. I know that I am well beyond being a half at this point and drag her to the levels of being a half as I elevate myself to demon hood, I elevate her to half status. I then remove my hands and admire my work as I say. "There you go you are now what I was a half. I am no longer a half I am almost full demon now. I can feel it you have the tail the horns and the blue fur. I know you can even call on the blue flames of my house also. I know you want to see what we look like in a mirror. Come with me." We walk to the big mirror and I strip down also and admire the looks of the two of us next to each other. I was afraid that my transformation would be one that made me scarier, but I somehow got hotter. Did my breasts grow bigger my hips wider and my overall looks sexier? I think it did.

Jessica says. "Dam we are two hot demonic chicks. I can see that your demonic transformation was a good one and you are almost a full demon and I can also see that I am a true half. I would like to try something." With that she holds up a finger and I instruct her to focuses on her finger and think about fire. With that she produces the blue flame. "Wow! I do not even feel myself change anymore from your powers. I am beyond that, now are not I? I mean I was changing each time I touched onto the powers of yours but now it's like I am almost that of your house." With that my dad pops up behind us. "Yes, I think she did better than I felt could be I have to say you are no longer human. You are a true half I am not sure how you did its Joann, but you did. I feel a tie to you like one of the family. I have come to welcome you into the bloodline and say you make one good half. If it were anyone else, I do not think you would have come this far. I also could tell you are almost a full demon my child I am proud of you if I knew you had this much potential and power I would have sought you out from your first childhood. I would have changed you myself then for free and I would have taken you as mine. I am positive now you are my heir and you are my child. I shall watch over you from now on. I must go back I had to welcome our newest member into the family."

Just like that he is gone. I turn to her and smile. "Well how does it feel to be a part of my family? I know one thing though you are still my servant. I am proud of you my Jessica." With that she smiles her new half smile and says. "I thank you once again for this change." "I am glad you are now one of us. You are now more powerful than ever. I will enjoy watching you figure out your powers. Now let us link with Jason and find out where he is." He is now in a secluded place trying to accomplish my goal I set on him. I instantly open the gate spell and holding my wings in a proud position and I grabbed Jessica's hand and said stay proud of whom you are now and hold her close to me. I then step through the gate and pop right out in front of Jason. He lets out a gasp at the sight of the more demonic me and the full half Jessica. "Jason this is Jessica's new form. It is not how your demonic powers will manifest themselves I think it is best that you try to avoid using your demonic powers. I would like you to lie down so I can increase your strength more than it is now. I want you to have power in your body that you can avoid using the demonic powers that you have." With that he nods and lies down. I place my hands on him one over his heart the other on his abdomen I then push the demonic powers on his to increase his strength.

"So, Jason I want you to forgo the search for now. Let us head home I have some teaching I must do for the both of you the proper way to use your power and strength. You will need to know how to tap into the demonic power Jason if you are to protect us and if you end up in a situation where the strength, and us alone is not enough. Also, if you have a situation where I must call you to me, I want to know you can call on my power to send you to the right place and time. I will enable you to draw from me, so you do not have to endanger your humanity. I will expect you to be able to use the spell before the day is done." I then open the gate spell again and grab on to both and step through it. Once we arrived, he said. "Yes Miss Joann. I will do that." I then open the link between us and poor the knowledge into him on the spell and open the link to the point that he can tap into my power if he is near me. I instantly feel the draw of him pulling on my demonic power. I then tell him to use my link to put the spell to use. "I will then go with you to see that the spell worked right I want you to use it to return to the place I first met you and then return. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Miss I can understand that. Is there any way I can improve the ability to use the spell?" I responded with. "Just picture where you want to go in your mind, now get to work." With that he practices for a bit and since he has no skill in magic the draw on my power is high. I end up having to tell Jessica. "Link your power with mine he draws too much power since he has no skill in magic so managing demonic power is too hard for him to do skillfully." "Yes, miss will do. Is there any other way I can help?" I shake my head and try to help him regulate the demonic power. He takes a few tries to get things right but just before he has used up almost all my power and has used all of Jessica's power, he has finally got the spell right.

Exhaustedly I tell Jessica. "I need you to teach him how to regulate his demonic power when he is using a skill. I need you to keep doing it with him linked to you unless he is also going to give up his humanity the problem with that is he doesn't have the skill to manage his power or to use illusion magic." "Miss I for one, think he may be best just using his physical skill. I think you are the best judge of this." I smile and then respond. "I agree he has no skill in it I just am glad he has the skill to make the spell work. Fine at the least he can use it in the minimal requirement. Alright Jessica, go and get a really good meal to celebrate addition of the new servant Jason." Then she smiles and puts on her illusion and uses it to hide herself and opens the gate. She then goes to get the food. "Jason, I need you to go pick something of good looks out to put on for the two of us." "Yes, Miss I will right away. Is there an important look you want to have?" "I want you to pick out a nice dress. I am thinking blue."

He agrees and then goes to get the clothing out. I am glad I chose to get a lot of male clothing. I unfold my wings and test them. "Yep my power is almost completely gone. I need to figure out a way to replenish it. Wait a second," I tap into my magical power and give it another test and notice that the power is more manageable with the addition of the magic to the demonic. I give it all a test. Ok if I mix the two, I not only draw on them less, but I also gain more power over what I use. Let us, say that if I am using my demonic all the time to do something then if I mix the two, I can make it use a lot less if I am using my magic with it. I link to Jessica. "Hey, you ok he was a large draw on us. I was almost tapped out." "Yes, miss I am doing fine. What can I do for you?" "Jessica! I figured out a way to make the strain on our powers less and make them more powerful. I think you should link together your magic with your demonic power tapping into them at the same time to do anything the draw on them will be less and the power of what you're casting is increased." I noticed that she took that time to think. "That's a great idea! I never thought that it could be possible. Does it work with everything?" I had to think about that one. "Hold on I will check."

I point and using my magic and my demonic in conjecture I use my blue flames. I was suppressed the flames are not blue now. I have just made a purple flame. I make that flame stay at a spot and use just my demonic power and make my blue flames and they are blue. I put the flames near each other. I test the heat and the power of the two flames they are near the same the pure demonic blue ones didn't work as well on me, but the purple magic infused ones worked better to harm me but had less power. "Jessica, I tested it and I think you should be here with me, so you can see and understand yourself. I will have to say it changes the power to something new." I can feel the shock on her mind. "Yes, miss I understand. I have found a nice meal and have charmed you some servants that will take care of normal everyday things. I think a few maids and butlers will be useful until you make more contract servants." I agree with her and inform her to hurry back.

Now that things are moving in the way it should be, I made it a point to take care of myself some more. I went up to my room and started to get prepared I saw the blue dress that was put out and opted to put some changes to the dress that will give it more contrast to my blue color. I added hints of red and pink to the mix. I then went and did my hair and made sure that I looked good. I then put the dress on and checked to make sure my wings worked with the dress and they did not have a problem, so I did not have to try to hide them. I have not tried to hide them since I increased my demonic levels and have not thought about it. I reached out and stroked my wing and enjoy the feeling of them. I am wondering what I should do about the days to come. "What do I do about the games? I am not gaining willing servants to sign a contract with me." I did not notice Jessica pop in, and she answered. "Don't worry my demonic princess I will help you." I forgot her new looks, so I was spooked by the blue thing that just popped in on me. "How the hell did you make it into my house with my wards?" "Wait miss it's me Jessica!" I let the purple flame of my mixed power go. I look at her and say. "Oh, Jessica I am so sorry I almost hurt you. My new power is deadly to you now. When I mix magic with the demonic power, I get this purple flame and I know that it is affective against demonic beings." "Wait, you found a fire that hurts us? I thought that our demonic bloodline was resistant to fire." "Yes, I know it was a shock to me to. Normal fire and demonic fire do not really hurt us. We get pain from it at times but not a lot. I have not gone to hell, but I would think that it can be hot to us. I think it is my increase in power, plus the increase in my magic and my changes in my demonic standing. I don't know we will try to see if you have the same fire as me."

"Jessica lets step outside so that we don't burn down the house." We step outside and I call equally on the two powers in me and make the purple flame again and show it to her. "Jessica reaches out and touches this flame. I made sure that it is a bit weaker than I can do to make sure you don't get hurt too bad." Reluctantly Jessica reaches out and touches the flame and pulls he hand back fast. "I think that is a holy flame miss you may want to talk with your demon dad and see what he has to say about that." I think about it for a second and agree. "Yes, you are right I should take the moment to confer with him about this." I open my link to my dad and ask him. "Dad I have a few things I need to ask you about I need to call on your knowledge of the ages. I have a question about a new flame I can use." His response is one I did not expect. "You have a question about some new flame? I thought you can only use regular flames or the blue flames of my bloodline. I expected you to be limited like that. I will be right there." I look at Jessica and let her know about what he said.

By the time I was done saying that my demonic father showed up and asked. "So, can you show me this new ability you have my daughter?" I call on my magic and demonic powers and produce the purple flame. "So, this flame hurts more than any flame I have ever felt. Normally I do not feel pain or do not feel a large amount of pain. But this purple one using my magic and demonic power is painful." With that he reaches out and touches it. He pulls his hand back fast with a hiss. "Fuck that hurts! I did not expect that one. When did you figure out you can bring forth this flame?" I filled them in on how I was feeling drained after helping Jason and how I wanted to see if there was a way to manage my powers better and came up with this. I also informed them of how things with my two powers were stronger in some ways but weaker in others. "Well dad what do you think about this flame? Jessica thinks it may be a holy flame." He thinks for a moment and asked Jessica. "So, can you do this to? By what she says she just mixes her powers 50/50." "You know I don't know I will have to try." With that Jessica tries a few times and it is just the blue flames of demonic power. "I don't think it is possible for me. I can't seem to get the two powers to mix my demonic power is rejecting my magical power and I can't seem to get them to except each other." I was shocked. "How can you not do it? I do not think I am that powerful I did not do anything that did not seem like a normal thing. How is it that I can do it and you're not able?"

They thought about it for a while and then Lucifer thought about it for a while then he spoke up. "I think I know what the reason is. I think I know why you did not switch to full demon when I thought you have at first. I think you are also part angle or some other type of holy being. I can feel it in you now that your humanity is fully gone. I do not think it is something that should even be possible, but you are a child of both gods and demons. I think if you really would have thought about it you would have a third power, or your magic can be linked to your holy side. So yes, I think your purple flame is a holy flame." That was a shock to me. I did not expect to find out that I am part a holy creature. "So, let me get this straight I can be the downfall for any demonic being if I am not carful and I can be the demise of all that is the demon then I need to watch what I do." With that he smiles and informs me. "Yes, you need to be careful, but I do say if you are ever fighting a demonic being don't be afraid to use your purple flames if need be. No matter whom you are fighting. If during the games, you have a situation that you feel you are going to lose and you have no choice but to fight back I need you to win I am starting to not want you to lose because of your new lineage information that we just uncovered. I think I know a better way to get yourself more people to serve you under contract. Never put your illusion up I want you to let all people see you for who you are the ones that will contract with you will come forward the same goes to you Jessica. If you do this people will be lining up to serve you." "Yes, father I will do as you said. I will keep my illusion down from now on. I will even keep my wings out seeing how I am not using anything to keep them out. Jessica will even keep herself exposed like this. I want you to see my wings and my flight to I think it may all be linked to being part demon and part heavenly being. It just happens to feel like it was connected once we found out that I am of this mix I felt it may have something to do with it." "Hmm you may be right. I think it may have something to do with it because your wings are nothing like the ones, I saw in the demon world."

With that I took flight and let him see my wings at work. I then landed and did something I have never done I went up and embraced him as a daughter should. I looked a little taken aback by it all, but he embraced me back and then we said our goodbyes. Once he was gone, I turned to Jessica grabbed her and lifted her up in the air with me. I experienced the strain of taking an extra person with me for the first time and just put a little more magic into the mix with my demonic ability and I am happy to say that it surges in me. I feel renewed power and strength with that I find that I am not having any problems. I fly her back to the house and land us outside the door. Once on the ground I was shocked by the kiss that Jessica placed on my lips. "Thank you so much! I loved the flight and to know that about you are so wonderful. I think I am falling for you if you are not against it." I was stunned here I am being confessed to as a woman and a demon. This was all new to me.

"Wait a moment I was not expecting someone to fall for me. I am a demon for one and for two I changed you." She lets out a laugh she said. "I changed you first remember I found you in the bar all those years ago and you where alone and hurting in your lonely life. You did not know what to do with yourself, and even thought of killing yourself. You did not want to live life as a man anymore and I change all that and now here you are standing here, and I felt it was the perfect time to tell you. I am in love with you. I wanted to be with you since the beginning." That shock was another thing I did not expect. Here I am being told that a girl is in love with me and that she was in love with me for a while. I was even the one that took away her humanity just because I wanted to have her be more like me. "Well I think I will have to respond, won't I? This is a shock I have to say. I can except your fillings but know I am not going to be like a normal girlfriend hell I am not human. If you cannot live with that, we are not going to have this type of relationship. Is that agreeable?"

She sat down on the porch and it looked like she was thinking. A few minutes went by and then she spoke up. "Yes, I understand you are not the human that you were, and I know you are not going to be able to have a normal relationship with me." She then reached out with her tail and then she grabbed my tail with it. I forgot that she now has a tail. I looked into her eyes and embraced her then I took her face and kissed her deep. Using my tail, I hold her tail, enjoying that we are together. I then took her into the house. I took her up to my room and slowly helped her get dressed. We spent the next few hours in bed together I used my link to inform Jason that we were not going to be having the party tonight. "We will have the party after the servants start working here. You are to go to town call a cab and use the money in the bank account that is tied to the card in the safe. The password for this week is 21-15-15. Once you take the card and go, I want you to go get dinner from a Chinese food restaurant. Now if you understand that I want you to get to it." "Yes, miss I understand."

With that I returned my attention to my newly half lover. I will have to take the time to get to know her new body and I will have to take the time to enjoy myself. Its then that I get the call for a summon. I tell Jessica to get dressed we are being summoned and I want her to go with me. It sounded like that of a female. "Well Jessica you ready to help me get our second servant. Well second after Jason joined us." She nodded, and we got dressed. I put on a hot contrasting red number to go with my wonderful color. I then grabbed a similar one for her and handed it to her to put on. I then opened my gate spell and grabbed Jessica after we were ready and then lifted off the ground and went through the gate. Once there the girls gasp at two demons flying into the room from nowhere. She looked like she was just barely over the age of 18.

I looked over to her and asked her. "You summoned me to help with something?" With that I let us down onto the ground. I kept my wings in full view. "What can I do for you? Do you know the price of a contract with a devil?" She looks at me with wide eyes. Are you a devil? I thought you were an angel the way you appeared before me like this. "So, what are you able to do and what will the price be?" "I can do almost anything with my power. I can make someone do things I can regrow limbs I can do almost anything." She lets out a whimper of tears as she then asks me. "Can you bring back the dead? I lost my dad in a war overseas. I would like to get him back please." With that I open my link with my father. "I have a young girl asking me if I can bring the dead back to life. Is it possible?" He responds right away with. "If you know who it is and correspond with me we can working together return him to life at a big price they will both have to sign contracts and I will let you have them both if that so pleases you." I look her right in the eyes and tell her. "I can bring him back for a price. I can do it for both of you signing a contract with me." "Dad I am going to only make one take the mark of a servant." He responds with an affirmative. "I need your dads name and then we can go on." "My dad's name is Brandon. He needs to come back home to my mom I will pay any price to have that happen." I tell my dad, "He is Brandon is it possible to bring him back?" He responds. "Yes, but you have to go find his body. Then you will have to dig him up."

I look to her and ask. "Where is your dad buried, I need his body to bring him back to life?" "He is buried in the local cemetery we can go to him now if you want." "Yes lets. Grab my hand we will use my powers to get there right now. The price of this is you will be signing a contract and serving me as a servant you will be changed you will have power and would lose a part of your humanity. If you agree to this, I will take ownership of both yours and your fathers' souls. You will serve me your father will not have anything to do with that. Are you ready to take the contract if so, I will do my part?" I look to her waiting to hear her answer and she just wordlessly grabs my hand. I hold her and Jessica close and lift off the ground and use my gate spell to move us to the cemetery. Once there I let them down and she shocked me with a question. "Will I look like her when you are done with me?" I responded with. "That depends on what you do with the power I give you. If you use it a lot, it will change you but not as much as her. She chose this. She wanted power and she asked me to change her like me. If you use the power of my bloodline a lot, you will change into a part demon. You will not be a half like her. If you end up not looking good with whatever changes my powers give you or you ask me nice enough, I will change you."

She takes the lead and starts walking to her father's grave. Once there I take a finger and point to the grave, "Arise and be reborn Brandon your new life is upon you. I demand you to come from the other side." Using my link, "Father is Brandon ready to come back? I am ready." He responds with. "Yes, is his body ready?" With that I razed his body out of the grave and held his body up with my powers. Once that was done, I had my dad send me his soul. After the two was put back together I healed the body and restarted his life. With a gasp, "What the hell how am I back here? I was dead just a minute ago. Why am I here?" I laugh at the question and answer. "I am the one that brought you back to life. I am the one that you owe your life to now. You will sign your soul over to me in exchange for your life. With that you will be allowed to resume your life as if you never died. I will change things to say you got medically discharged after you have been shot over seas. Do you agree to my terms?"

He looked thoughtful. "You mean to tell me you are looking to own my soul?" "You want to get back to your family, right? I want to get you to have a good long life. You only must give me some of your blood to sign the contact and once you have died again is when I will collect your soul to serve me with your eternity. That is all that you will have to do." With that he looked a little shocked. "I would love to return to my family, but I don't know if I want to give up my soul." I let out a little chuckle. "You don't want to pay the price of this? Fine I will look to another to gain the fee. Let us go see your wife I already have a deal with your daughter, so I will work out the details for the requirements. You are free to go I have a deal I have to finish up." "So, you have a deal with my daughter?" I grabbed Britney by the hand light my finger looked her in the eye and held it to her breast I then lifted her finger to my mouth and bit her finger lightly until it bled once that was done I looked her in the eye. "You are now my servant you are now linked to me I will now enact the contract to charge you with the power." I then placed on hand on her legs and one on her chest. "You will have the power of speed and dark vision all the time. The other things that you are able to do as in call on the demonic power now resting in you, I will teach you at another time to harness the power to use." She looks around with her new sight and looks like she is now enjoying herself.

Her father gave me a disbelieving look. "Did you just sign a contract with my daughter? What is this about her having demonic powers and all?" I smiled at him. "I made her one of my servants. She agreed to serve me as my servant for the rest of time. She is now going to be part demon for the rest of time not as much as Jessica here. She asked to be changed this much I agreed. You have a choice now. Sell me your soul or I talk to your wife and see if she will take the same agreement that your daughter just did." With that he looks a little pissed. "You want to dam my wife and kid to a life in hell? You want to have them serve you? What do you get out of this?" I look at him with a smile on my face. "If I can get your whole family to serve me the better but I only require two souls to pay the price. One to pay the fee of bringing the body back to life, and the other to pay for the returning of your soul to the body to bring it back to a full life. Now the two souls can serve me right away or just one. I am open to you or even your wife. Hell, I would even take any other children you have instead." "No! I do not have any other children and no I will not let you take my wife. I will sign the contract and I will be willing to do the later date claim one that you offered at first."

I let out a smile and walk up to him. I look him in the eyes and lift his finger to my mouth and bite it. I let him feel the pain and I take in his blood. "You are now in a contract with me. When you die again, I will claim you soul. You are un-able to go to heaven and you are un-able to have redemption. You will serve me in your death but in life it is yours. I will let you have your freedom. Your child for one is going to serve me in life and death. She chose this and will pay the price. I will not keep her away from your family forever. If she does not overuse her powers she will not be changed too much. If she avoids it for the rest of time, she won't be changed at all from how she looks now." He looks sad at that, but she looks fine with it. "Britney are you ready to leave. I will take your dad home with us and the only people who will know about his revival are you, him and her." I opened the gate spell and grabbed Jessica, Britney and Brandon and went through the gate.

We popped in right in front his wife. She let out a big scream of shock and then she backed away from the sight of me. "Don't fear I have brought you a gift. You have been missing someone for a bit, now right? I have brought your husband back from the grave. He will have a long life if nothing big happens. I even made it seem like he never died and was discharged from the military with a medical discharge. He will be here to love you for the rest of each other's lives. If you ever need me again for anything just call out to me. I am Joann the devil. If you call out to me, I will then show up to make a deal.

I then turned to Britney and told her. "You are free for the night to get to know your dad then I want you to use the link that is between us to contact me tomorrow. Once you contact me, I will come get you to train you. After your training we will talk about what is going to be required of you over the rest of eternity." The mother looks at me and asks. "What do you mean about that? She is required to do stuff for eternity do you own her soul or something?" Yes, she has made a contract with me in exchange your husband is back with you and everything is going to be fine. She will be able to be with you guys occasionally." With that she bust out into tears and ran to her daughter. He went to his wife and said all things will be fine she did not do anything wrong.

"If you want me to, I can alter her memories to make them think that you went off to college Britney. I can make it seem like anything happened. Just say the words." The mother opens her mouth and says. "No! I do not want to have my memory changed about my daughter. You are taking her away from me and I do not like that enough. Now you want to make my memory of her?" "Mom, do you think you can live with me changing? Do you think you can live with the possibility of me looking more like them?" "Not really baby, but you will be my child no matter what you look like." Now that this was done, I will go home, and you will be picked up tomorrow. I will let you three get back together for a reunion. Britney I will talk to you tomorrow." "Yes miss. I will see you tomorrow."

With that I opened the gate and took Jessica and went through it. I had a long day and wanted to take a break. "Jessica I am tired I want you to bring Jason with you and come up to the room. I need to have my stress and body relaxed. I want to be worshiped. You will even be doing the sexual part and Jason will do the rest. I want fun and relaxation. I am a demon and may as well act like one occasionally." With that I went up to my bed took off my cloths and relaxed. Jason and Jessica showed up right on time and I spent the night getting pampered.

The next day I opened the link to Britney and ask. "So, you ready to start your training?" I then pop in and say. "To late no backing down. You must do what I say now. Let us go get you trained up. I will keep your power from changing you today while I teach you to use your power." She is shocked to see me for a second and then. "Mistress Joann. I did not expect you yet. What do you mean you can keep my power from changing me while I learn?" I just smile and say. "I will open up the link between us and let you use my power then use the once that you now have. I will take the strain until you learn the basics. I will even test to see if you can use regular magic also. I think if you do not have to use your powers then you should use regular magic to improve the situation. Magic in of itself can do a lot and I can use both demonic powers and magic. Now take my hand and we will go. I will let you say goodbye to your parents first."

She nodded got up and went to the other room to say goodbye to her parents and then she came back into the room. Once there I opened my gate and grabbed her and took her to my place once she saw it, she gasped. "Oh my god you live in this big place?" "Please tell me you didn't just invoke god's name. We do not have anything to do with him. But I understand. Yes, I live in this place and the stronger your demonic side grows from you using your powers things will not go good for using god's name most of the time." I then opened the link and opened the power flow and supplemented my lost power with my magical and surprisingly holy power to keep my drain down. The rush of power coming and going was wonderful. Ok Britney I will impart you with the knowledge to use the power you have. I then impart her with knowledge of the flames and the knowledge of the teleportation spell to open the gate and transport herself. I have her first practice the fire and then how to teleport herself each time going with her to keep the link open. I then use the link to call Jessica and Jason to the garden telling them to use the teleportation power that Jessica can do. Once they showed up, I told them. "OK guys I have a task for the three of you. I want Jessica to train Britney to try to use magic I am thinking that if she can it will be best. But if it is impossible, I want to know as fast as possible seeing how Jessica trained me, I think she should train Britney."

With that I turned to Jason. "Ok you ready to train to use your strength I am going to come after you I will use a mix of my powers and magic and other abilities. I will not kill you because I will not have you here to serve me if I do." "Yes, miss I will serve you for all time." With that I took the time to train them up on how to fight and defend me a fight with demons. Once the three of them know what they can and cannot do I turned to them and told them. "Ok I know what you are able to do and I am a little sad to see that Britney is week in magic. I will do my best to teach you each how to improve the abilities of each of you. Now I need Jessica and Britney to work with me. Jason take the car and go get the lunch. I expect something nice. You still have the card on you right?" He nods. "Yes, Miss I have the card. Is there anything anyone wants special?" Both the girls said whatever is fine and I requested a stake meal.

Jason left, and we did our training. "Ok, Britney, and Jessica I am going to work on your magic fighting skills more. I will also work on getting it so Britney can also use her hands to fight, be it with a weapon or something like that." We started working on her magical growth and working on their fighting with magic. Jessica also practiced her demonic powers and magical at the same time. "Ok that's enough of that. We know what can do and cannot do. I do not want to exhaust all our power. Now I have a big question for Britney. Would you like me to change you into one of us permanently and make you into a half? You will not be able to go back to being, a human, Ether way you will be serving me for all time. I will be willing to change you. I'll let you make the choice." Britney looks at me with a deep thoughtful face on her. "Britney, I promise I will even teach you how to hide it so that you will be able to see your family without them knowing. I will be able to make you have the power to always be able to protect me and to gain the contracts that bring me power that in turn makes you more powerful. The biggest reason I am bringing this up is I know you will end up having to call on the power and it will change you over time to be a weaker version of us. If that is going to happen then I would rather you be changed to the best of your abilities, than you be left to be wanting later." I watched her think about the situation. She was shocked, and she looked a little scared. "You want to change me? If it's what my Mistress wishes I have no choice but to comply." I shake my head. "No, I will not force you to take this but if you don't want to be left lacking then we should talk. Jessica can tell you what it is like to be stuck with a part body before it was done. She went through the same thing she didn't want to be stuck like that."

She looked to Jessica and she nodded. "Yes, I will have to say that I was in misery for being like that. I wanted to be brought to the same level as Joann it powered her up so much that she even became who she is today. I will never be able to make up to her how much she helped me. She made me who I am today to be able to be happy." I was so happy about the way she told us about it. "Plus, the biggest part of my choice to be who I am today is because I am in love with her. I was so happy when she agreed to change me and even more so when she reciprocated my feelings and we came to agreement. She can't be tied down, but she will always love me, and I know it to be true because she never lies about anything and I know it to be true." Britney looked like she was in shock at that news. Then she looks very thoughtful. "You are saying I can be even more powerful? I can be like the two of you?" "Yes, Britney I can make you just like Jessica. I can make you more powerful then you could have been on your own from this point. If you do this your service for all time will not be that of a soul but that of a mystical being. You will still look a lot like you but with the demon traits added."

I was waiting to have an answer. I was worried she will just agree to make me happy, but I was still worried that she would be hurt by it all. "Ok I will do it, and no I didn't do it just to make you happy. I want to be happy I want to make you happy and I want to be able to serve to the best of my abilities." I looked at her with a little concern and doubt in my eyes. "You really truly want this?" "I know you have the power to do almost anything and I will never be more than happy to do this. You have brought my dad back to life and you have showed me what I can do and what I will be if I do not go this path. If I except this I can still, make myself look like I am if I want to or I can look like the new me or I feel I may even be able to look like anyone. So, if I do this, I will be who I truly should be now. I am a person who makes a deal with a devil and I am willing to become whatever that person is."

I was more than shocked that she is willing to do this. I was not thinking that she would be willing to. "Ok then Britney I need you to lay down on your back and in the nude so let us go into the house. I will let you open the gate with your abilities right now and we will tag along. Once there I will tell you what needs to be done." She opened the spell for the first time on her own and grabbed on to us like she was instructed, and we stepped through it. Once there I instructed her to remove her clothing and to lay down on the bed. "Ok Britney now that you are nude and on the bed on your back, I need you to relax and except what's happening to you. I will then do the work of your change." Once she was in position, I put my one hand over her heart and one over her head. I then poured my magical and demonic power into her and used it to change her body. I changed her demonic side up to the same levels of Jessica and made sure to make it so that her body started to change before my eyes. I used the magic to raise her capacity to store the power and her demonic power. I made sure that she was then also still getting her power enhancement to her speed. I then finished it up in a way that made her look just like me and Jessica in color and keeping her looking enough like her old self that you know who she is. I then looked at her and saw that the firm has grown, and tail has grown, and the horns also has grown. She also has the blue eyes and flame like look to them it looks like her eyes are a blue flame. Only thing she will be missing for all time unless she developed the ability to grow them is the wings.

"Ok Britney stand up and look at the mirror and see the new you. You will never have to worry about overusing your power and it having any negative effects on you anymore." As I said that I felt a rush of power through me. I was overwhelmed and had to sit down. I opened my link to my dad and told him what I just did and ask. "Dad what the hell is going on with me. I feel a surge of power and I feel dizzy. I don't know what's going on I feel hot and all." He does not say anything but just pops in in a blue flash of fire and walks up to me. "I see that your new servant makes a good half also and that you did it for speed. I even know what she looked like beforehand, so I know what you have accomplished. So, you are feeling dizzy and hot and like your power is rushing into you? I think I know what is happening to you. I think you are developing more again. I think you now no longer have any human parts to you and your demonic and holy being parts are as much as it can be. Now all that can happen is you get stronger. I think since you had almost no humanity left that once that was used up your demonic power and your holy power just rushed into you all at once. I think it will happen each time that you take a contract or change anyone. I think if things keep going like this you will even surpass me one day."

"So, you are saying I am just getting stronger and that is all it is? I wonder if I have the power to use all three of my flames at the same time then." I hold up three fingers. I focused on the index finger and use just my magic and made a regular flame. I then focused on my middle finger and produced the blue flame keeping magic pouring into the regular one also. I then focused on the ring finger and produced the purple flame poring magic and demonic power into the two others and the both into the flame to produce the holy power that is the result. I was happy that it worked because that was something that I was not able to do before. All three of them looked shocked at the display of power. That is when Britney asks. "You can produce three different color flames? How do I do that?" "Britney I can do the regular flame that is the one on the pointer finger and the blue demonic one on the middle and the one on the ring finger is a holy flame from my holy being side that we didn't know I had before I changed Jessica. I was just a half for most of my life like the two of you and this is my dad. He is the great demon King Lucifer. When I grew my power and developed, I was able to bring out my wings on top of using the magic and demonic flames. I was then able to use the holy flame after I changed Jessica and made a contract with Jason. I now after changing you and making a contract of servitude with you and a contract with your dad I gained a lot of power."

I looked at her. "Britney, I want you to get dressed now since you didn't feel the need to and have seen yourself then we will all pop out to the garden and you will practice your powers I want you to try to use your flames. This is how you use it." I then poured the knowledge into her head. "I want you to use the blue demonic flames first and then use the regular flame. Once that is done, I want you to try to use the purple. I use equal amounts of magical and demonic power to do that I also mix the powers for other things to have a better balance to the use of things. Now once you are ready to, I want you to try it." She consecrates on working the power the way I instructed her. Then she points, and the blue flame is produced after the flame is produced, she drops the flame and tries to produce the regular flame. This one seems to come to her a little harder, but she does get it done. She then tries on the purple flame and once again the two powers do not want to mix.

She shakes her head. "Miss I can't produce the purple flames I feel the powers collide and refusing to mix. The mix of power is wrong unlike how it is done for you." I look at her with understanding in my eyes. "Yes, that makes perfect sense most would not have the racial mix that I have. If they did, I would be worried. Now that being said I would like to make a request and no it is not an order." I waited until she answered. "Yes, what is it miss? If it is in my power to do so and it is something that isn't bad." I looked her right in the eyes. "I would like you to reveal the way you look to your family I will understand if you don't want to and feel like it is a bad idea. I just think it is then best thing that can be done. You are after all not just human anymore." With that she had a shocked look and gasped. "You want me to reveal my now self to my family and to deal with that?" I nodded. "Yes, I want you to. Your family already knows you are serving me, and they already know what me and Jessica look like, so I think they will deal with it."

She looked a little sad at that. "I am afraid that they will hate me for it. I don't want to have them resent me for the rest of their lives." "That is fine if you feel that your revealing to them made them have undo despair then I will remove the bad memory from them, and you can just keep yourself hidden from them. I think it is better for us as a people to be in the open. I will like you to give it a shot and see what happens." With that she frowned. "Fine I will do it. I will show them me and if they get to upset, I will tell you to fix it immediately I expect you to be there with me when I do it." With that my dad piped up. "I think it is the best to be in the open also. People who do not know about and cannot summon a true demon is increasing. We need to take whatever steps possible to get more contracts." I nodded. "Yes, we do need that also. You and Jessica get your power form me, so you do not need to personally have contracts signed. I on the other hand if I do not keep getting contracts I will die eventually from the lack of power. My dad is the same way, but he gets his from other ways and he has been getting contracts for decades. So, are you ready to go talk to and show your parents?" She nodded, and I opened the gate. We then stepped through it without my dad who just went back to hell.

Once there Britney under her illusion called a family meeting. "I called us together to inform you of something important." With that she dropped the illusion. "I am now a half. I was reborn as a half demon. I am now able to serve Joann for all time. As long, as she is alive, I am serving her. I will understand if you find this disturbing and if it is to be disturbing, and you cannot live with this knowledge then there is a out. I had to show and tell you two about it." She started to have tears in the corner of her eyes. Her dad spoke up first. "This is what it means to serve her in life? I am surprised that it includes that." I had to speak up at that point. "The reason I like to change the important ones that have is so that they are there by my side for all time. The others are stuck in hell sending me their soul power to sustain me. So that is the reasons behind me." Her dad looked impressed with my response. "Wow I am shocked that you told us all that. I understand that I am to serve you in my death and that Britney is to serve you in life. So, you wanted to keep her longer than that?"

I nod. "Yes, I want to have her serve me for all time. I am to be the next ruler of hell and the demons after all. I have a question. Will you Brandon be willing to change your contract to serve me in life also? I would not require you to use serve me like that and I will not require you to change yourself. I only need you to know that if you agree you will change in a manner that will increase your life span and make you stay younger longer. I will also require you to serve me in a fight of demons. The fight will be called the games." He sat there thinking and shocked me. "Yes, I will serve you. I would not be alive if you did not revive me. What changes will happen to me and what should I expect?" I smile and respond. "You will be the same except you will be able to see in the dark and you will be stronger. The only downside is if you overuse my power, I put in you then you will change. The changes will be a less dramatic version of the changes in your daughter. Are your sill willing to do this?" He did not even hesitate. "Yes, I will serve you, but I will not be willing to change like my daughter did. I will live life as a human just one that serves and protects you."

I nodded and walked up to him. I lit my blue flame on my finger and using my power of healing with it to protect him I put the mark over his hart then I placed my palm over it. "I command you to serve me for the rest of your life. I then poured my demonic power into him increasing his physical and mental strength. I watched his eyes change his body take on the power. I then felt the link establish itself. Using the link. "Ok Brandon you are now one of my servants. I can tell that the transfer of power was perfect. Your brain has more power to prosses things, and your body is stronger. You will even be able to tap into the demonic power. You can use it to teleport and even use it to produce the blue flames of my bloodline. I will stop by tomorrow and pick you up to take you to practice using it so that if you ever need to its available." He responds in real life. "I am happy you chose me and are able to impart that wisdom on me. I understand everything you said, and I understand that you will be picking me up tomorrow." His wife looks confused.

"You answered her without her speaking what happened? Why are your eyes like that and what is with the burn on your chest? What did she do to you?" I looked at her and was about to answer her, but he spoke up first. What she did was take possession of me now instead of when I die. I am now empowered and stronger than ever. I will serve to protect her like I did in the military. I will fight by her side and do what I can to keep our daughter and her safe. Plus, I think mistress will be willing to let me live with you as long as I answer her summons." She was looking extremely sad about that, but I had to pipe up at this point. "Except for training and on the need for protection I will allow him to stay with you and you don't have to worry about bills hell if you all want I can even let three of you move into my mansion then you all will be safe. I will not force you to move though I would like you to think on it. Also, Miss I am sorry I changed your life big time in the last two days, and I will not be able to stop changing it. I could accept you into my flock also if you would like."

With that I turned open the gate spell and prepared to walk through it. I knew that Britney could return to my place if when she was ready, and I knew that Brandon can now hear from me at any time. Right as I was about to talk through the gate them mom said. "I am sorry I am not able to except you offer and I am not going to serve you. I am sorry but it's how it is." With that I just smiled. "Don't worry but I am heading home." With that I step through and join Jessica at the house.