
Chapter 3: A bittersweet party ending

"Guys have you seen Ryoko? It's been a while since a saw her for the last time and I'm a bit worried.." said Axel

"Don't worry,she's fine! Maybe Ryoko's talking with other competitors" said Beatrix

"Yes Beatrix is right! Ryoko usually tries to avoid crowded places so maybe she's somewhere else" said Amaris

" Where the hell is she?" thought Axel stressed.

He knew for Ryoko, disappearing suddenly in a party wasn't a new thing but still he had a bad feeling about this.

" How could she spoke to you like that my lady?! Please don't cry!"

" Wait I know this voice!" thought Axel

Axel turned around and saw Desdemona crying and a guy was comforting her.. it was the same guy she was dancing before.

" What is going on here?" said Axel

Always when she and Ryoko had an argument Desdemona would start to cry her tears out and blame Ryoko for everything.

Axel knew that Ryoko sometimes could be savage to her but she deserved it because she was always the one who would start an argument.

Desdemona looked at Axel and smiled happily.

" Axel, Axel you're finally here!" said Desdemona and hugged him

" Desdemona tell me what's going on. Why are you crying and were is Ryoko?" said Axel angry

"I don't know were that brat is and I don't get it why you worry about her so much while I'm the one suffering here!" shouted Desdemona and started to cry even more that before.

Axel really didn't like her but he felt guilty looking Desdemona crying so much so he decided to comfort her.

"Hey please don't cry I didn't mean to make you sad. I haven't seen Ryoko for a while and I'm a bit worried about her that's it.

I don't want you to be sad either" said Axel

After those words Desdemona suddenly stopped crying and her blue eyes started sparkling from happiness.

She hugged Axel even more and he hugged her back.

Everybody in the ballroom started giggling with each other about their weird situation.

After a few minutes orchestra started playing again and everybody chosed their partner for a dancing.

Both Desdemona and Axel weren't saying a word, both of them wanted to dance but none was asking each other.

" Should I ask him? No, he must ask me first this is what my mum have tough me!" thought Desdemona.

While looking at her Axel thought that maybe she wasn't that mean and Ryoko could be tough with her sometimes, she was still so young.

" She was really sad before, maybe if I ask her for a dancing it will cheer her up" thought axel

"Hey Desdemona would you like to dance with me?" said Axel

"Yes!" said Desdemona and smiled

They started dancing together and for a moment it felt like all spotlight was on them...


"No no go away, go away!!"

" Ryoko, ryoko please calm down I'm here!"

Yuto was trying to calm down Ryoko but she was all the time screaming and saying strange words.

" No one is here is just two of us!" said Yuto

" He..he's gone?" said Ryoko with a trembled voice

"Ryoko no one was here, it was just you talking with yourself" said Yuto

" You're wrong, you didn't see what I saw!" said Ryoko

"Look I was here all the time. Suddenly I heard you talking to someone so I came here to see what was wrong but you were only talking with yourself!" said Yuto

For a few seconds Ryoko was staying like a statue not saying, anything not even a blink or a small breath.

Her eyes were wide opened and her skin was whiter than ever.

Suddenly she started shaking and crying.

She looked so hopeless and so scared.

Yuto was so confused and didn't know what to do. He really wanted to belive Ryoko but he could understand nothing of what she was saying.

" Ryoko I don't know what scared you so much but please stop crying, whatever scared you before now is gone. Here is just you and I" said Yuto

Ryoko looked at him and started laughing.

Her laugh for sure wasn't a happy one but a creepy one.

Her eyes suddenly stated to get darker and her skin strted ti become even whiter.

"Are you thinking I'm crazy?"said Ryoko with a creepy voice

"Oh no this can't be real" thought Yuto scared

He took Ryokos hands and started to say some words in a strange language.

Ryoko wanted to go away but Yuto started to say words even louder and she started to scream.

"Let, lett me go!" said Ryoko with a deep voice and angry

"It isn't going, it's really strong!" said Yuto

" I won't let you go until you will be yourself!" said Yuto

" Let me go!" repeated Ryoko but in that moment she fall on the ground.

" He's here i know it he's always with me" said ryoko with the tiniest voice she could do.

She was feeling so dizy and wanted to get up but it felt like ground was a magnet for her.

The last thing she saw was the sky and hearing Yuto worried voice in her head..

" Ryoko, Ryoko are you okay?!"said Yuto scared

"What happened? Where are we?!"

Ryoko opened her eyes slowly and started realising she wasn't at the palace's garden anymore wait she wasn't even in the palace!

" I was so worried about you luckly you finally opened your eyes!" said Yuto

'' What are talking about we were at the ballroom" said Ryoko

" You don't remember anything don't you?" said Yuto

" What is he talking about what should I remember" thought Ryoko.

She was so confused and she had so many question but her head was hurting a lot and she was feeling very dizzy.

"You should rest now, I'll come back later ok?" smiled Yuto and left

Ryoko tried to sleep but she just couldn't. She was feeling like something inside her was telling her to find out what happened to her.

" Anyways I'm bored, why don't I explore this place" though Ryoko while looking carefully the room.

She went to the door and tried to open it but... it was closed.

" What the heck, why is it closed" thought Ryoko anxious.

The only way to get out of there was to find another way.

" I think I must be in some kind of mansion, the design of the room seems pretty classy and expensive" thought Ryoko

Rooms walls were grey, her bed was really large and comfy with so many little pillows.

Rooms closet was really large and the table looked nice to.

Another item that seemed pretty interesting was the library.

It was full of books and... every book was rendered in alphabetical order.

" Who would spent so much time rendering all this book as alphabetical order"

While she was looking the books, she saw that one space was without a book.

Something was missing there but what?

Ryoko started to look for the missing book but she could find nothing there.

" Wait the closets drawers"

Ryoko started to open each of them (3)

The first one had shirts and trousers, the second one dresses and the last one...it was closed

Ryoko tried so much opening it but it was like some kind of safe.

There she could see a small circle which it was as her eye size.

" What if I look inside of it" thought Ryoko

She wasn't sure but it could be her chance to escape.

She put her eye inside and for some second all she could see was dark until...

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

"Ryoko what are you doing there!"

Yuto was watching her shocked while he was holding a glass with milk.

" Why aren't you staying in your bed!"said Yuto nervous

" What was that thing inside the drawer?! I need explenation, NOW!" said Ryoko

" I'll explain you everything but first come with" said Yuto

Ryoko wasn't sure but she didn't have a better choice what could happen?

Yuto closed the door and Ryoko started following him. While walking Ryoko was releasing that they were going in some kind of basement.

Yuto was opening so many door but none of them was their destination.

At first rooms Ryoko saw sleepy people, at second chained and at the last rooms they were just ordinary people but something was off in their eyes.

Ryoko was trying to make a eye contact with one of them but their eyes were... without any expression..

"We arrived come in" said Yuto and opened the door

The last room was one of the most luxurious rooms she could have watched in her entire life the only problem was that most of items were black.

"How dare you human come here!"

Ryoko heard a creepy deep voice behind her back.

She turned back and saw a tall, pretty woman looking at her.

Her hair was black and really long, her eyes were red and her skin was perfect.

Everything about her appearance was attractive except hmm.. her horns.

" I asked you a question answer me now!" said woman angry

"Hello ma'am! My name is Ryoko Hinode and I'm from Astaroth empire. Yuto bringed me here because I fainted I guess.. "said Ryoko

Woman stared looking at her carefully and then strted laughing.

"Usually people run scared when they see me angry but you stayed and answered my question brave girl. My name is Lorelai Hirai the goodness of lost spirits"

" What the.." thought Ryoko shocked.

So she was the famous goodness of lost spirits. Everybody in their kingdom admired her but they feared her a lot to.

"You really are so pretty so many people in our kingdom adores you" said Ryoko

Lorelai started laughing even more that before, probably down there she couldn't talk with many people.

"So you have met my son, he have talked about you a lot" said Lorelai

" Son? Does that mean?" thought Ryoko and saw Yuto.

" Mum don't embarrasse me! Anyways can you tell Ryoko why I bringed her here?" said Yuto

" Ryoko I think inside you is growing something really bad... a demonic creature..." said Lorelai

They both were excepting from her to start crying and not believing their words so they started to comfort her.

"Look I know its hard but.." said Lorelai

" I know it nothing knew" said Ryoko calmly

" What?" said Yuto shocked

"Why didn't you tell somebody before so you could save from it?" said Lorelai

"I can't because my mother told me so, it was her last wish before her death..." said Ryoko

Yuto and Lorelai both looked at each other worried about Ryoko.

It wasn't easy to keep a demonic creature inside you for so long.

" How, how could you control it for do long it's impossible..

Anyways Ryoko please can you tell us everything about this demonic creature. If you tell us we can help you" said Lorelai

" They already know, I'm not breaking the promise right?" thought Ryoko

This was the first time she was sharing her story with somebody so it wasn't easy for her but it was the time.

The time to face the truth about her.

"Okay I'll tell you everything"said Ryoko

They seat in their chairs and Ryoko started to tell them her long story...

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aleksandra_pano10creators' thoughts