
Chapter 2: The secret room

"Ryoko, Ryoko please wake up!"

Ryoko opened her eyes slowly and she saw that the horse- drown carriage had stopped.

"Are we at the Palace?"asked Ryoko Axel

"Yes we finally arrived!"

Ryoko left the horse-drown carriage and saw the place. Wow, her father really was an important person in the kingdom but she never has been in the palace, especially this time was different.

This time she wasn't there to have fun but it was her moment to shine and to prove the society that she was the one.

"Why are you still staying there? Are you coming or not?" shouted Desdemona at Ryoko

"Oh yes.. I'm coming!"

While they entered the palace Amaris and Bellatrix could easily recognise Ryoko's excitement and fear.

It wasn't easy for her to be participate in such a tough competition and to be in the same time the stereotypical lady high-class admired.

"Ryoko remember we will always be with you no matter what happens so relax and enjoy this party!" said Bellatrix

" She's right no need to stress this much you are sweating so much!" said Amaris

Both her friends were right. Ryoko's face was super white and her hands were shaking whole time.

It was the first time she felt this nervous and she didn't know what to do!

" Thanks girls but I'm okay you can enter first!"- said Ryoko

Her friends left and entered in the ballroom while she stayed like a statue.

So many thoughts were in her head,would she convince the king to participate in the contest, would she be the one?

" Hey chill! Just think it as another boring ball and the most important have fun!" said Axel

" Yeah, you're right! It's just a ball important is to be confident as I'm always, right?" said Ryoko

" Yeah you're right! Now I think its time to enter the ballroom before we'll be late" said Axel

Ryoko breathed deeply and closed her eyes while she opened the ballroom door.

When she opened her eyes everyone was staring at her until she smiled and interduced herself.

Even after her presentation still so many eyes were on her.

She recognised that she wasn't dressed like other ladies.

None of them had worn a costume but only high heels and glamorous, expensive dresses.

" Invitation said that the contestant are in a secret room of the palace but where" thought Ryoko while she was exploring large ballroom.

"You are looking for the secret room right?"

Ryoko turned her back and saw a tall, handsome guy. It was the first time she was seeing him so that means.. he's a contestant to?

"How do you know?"said Ryoko

"Not hard at all. Why would a pretty lady like you prefer to explore this ballroom instead of having fun with other nobles?" said the strange guy

"Anyways my name is Yuto what's yours?"

"My name is Ryoko Hinode and I'm participating in the competition"

" Amazing! I guess we should help each other to find the secret room" said Yuto

"Yes you're right wait... you aren't surprised that a girl is going to participate in this competition?" said Ryoko

"Well as long you have skills and are from a noble family why not?" said Yuto

Ryoko was shocked because this was the first time someone wasn't judging harshly her decision but instead was supporting her.

"So bad that we are rivals because I think you would be a good friend" said Ryoko

" I don't really want to do this so we still can be friends" said Yuto

Yuto had brown hair and beautiful, round Hazel eyes. His skin was so smooth and fair and had a small, elegant noise.

His outfit surprisingly was matching with Ryoko's outfit a suit similar as hers.

If Ryoko was a normal girl she would think he was kind of a prince or something like that.

"I think something is off. Like they should have left a clue for us to find the secret room right?" said Ryoko

"You're right. I don't think they expect us to search the whole palace just if... they have left us a clue" said Yuto

Suddenly Ryoko took out of her pocket her invitation and saw it carefully. Yuto was right there must be a clue somewhere maybe in the invitation was their key to the secret room.

"I'm reading it but I don't find there nothing. Why didn't I think it before so I could do more researching!" said Ryoko

"If you don't mind can I look your invitation i forgot mine at home" said Yuto

"Yeah take it" said Ryoko

Calmly Yuto started to check Ryoko's invitation. Suddenly he noticed something and asked Ryoko to keep the invitation near his hands.

After a few seconds in his hands was staying a small, blue fire.

"Throw it here" said Yuto

"Are you crazy? Why should I throw my invitation on fire?" said Ryoko

"Just do it if you want to find the secret room!"

Ryoko wasn't 100% sure but she had heard some stories that said the blue fire helps you to find the truth always.

By the way this was the only chance to find the secret room.

"OK I'll do it!"

Ryoko throw her invitation in the fire and suddenly a big fume was created.

"Look the fume is showing us a... map!" said Ryoko

" I told you... you should have trusted me" said Yuto and smiled

The fume-map was telling them were the secret room was and it was behind...

" Let's go I know were it is!"said Ryoko and started running

"Ryoko wait for me!" said Yuto and started running behind her.

After a few minutes they arrived at the library. It was really big and full of shelves with different books.

" I knew it wasn't closed" thought Ryoko

"Usually library closes early when emperor throws a party but this time its opened and the library lady isn't here.. luckily she's so annoying" said Ryoko

"The fume-map showed this part of library. Maybe our solution is there?" said Yuto

Youth showed Ryoko's for what he was talking about and she was shocked.

So the secret room was in the dark library?

To enter that part of the library you must be a magical creature or to have a special ability.

"There is the dangerous part of the library but the library's lady isn't here so I guess we can come in" said Ryoko

She opened dhe door and surprisingly it wasn't closed.

She and Yuto started to search for someone there but it was only two of them.

Suddenly they heard a big noise and when they turned their backs.. the door was closed.

"Ryoko it isn't opening!" said Yuto while trying to open the door

" Shit we're trapped" thought Ryoko nervous.

" I think we should try to find a way to get out of here" said Ryoko

The dark library was really a huge place. There you could find so many different books in different languages but you could find and gems, misterious drinks ect.

After they looked the whole place Ryoko released they where just walking around and not going somewhere until...

" Hey look that table! That wasn't here before right?" said Ryoko

They came near the table and there they found 10 boxes.

" 8 of them are opened already and are here left knly two boxes, let's see what's inside of them!" said Yuto

Both of them opened one box and there they found two drinks one red one blue.

Each of them had a note.

Yuto one said: " This drink is the one which lead you to find the truth".

" Wow so poetic but how will it help us plus how do we know it's poisonous?" said Yuto

"Chill little boy let me read mine know" said Ryoko

" Is.. is this possible??"

Ryoko's hands started shaking and she almost throw her drink.

" No it can't be him is just.. just a misunderstanding"

"Ryoko, Ryoko are you fine?"

" Yeah Yuto I'm fine...what the heck are those human bodies?" said Ryoko

After all, this time they released that near the table there were some human bodies.

Yuto started to check them but they heart beat was fine even if they looked as they were dead.

" I think they are under a spell that it's like a kind of coma.." said Yuto

"Wait a minute! One,two, three, four there are 8 bodies that means 8 drinks are drank by them. So the two other driknks are for.. us?"

Ryoko and Yuto started at the glasses knowing what to do but still... they weren't really sure.

"We don't have time! The ball will start soon, better to drink these drinks to find out the secret room" said Ryoko

Yuto agreed and in the same moments they drank their drinks.


" Where am I, why do I feel so dizy"

Ryoko wake up and saw around. What the heck she was... I the ballroom!

Everybody was dancing happy and chatting with each other. She could see Desdemona dancing with a young boy... wait he was Eduart, a spoiled noble kid ( as she was).

Then she could see Belladonna talking with some ladies and laughing with them.

" Such a fake brat" thought Ryoko disgusted.

Then she could see... Axel and he wasn't having the best time of his life for sure.

He looked a bit upset and worried.

Luckily Bellatrix, Amaris and Suho were there for him so he wouldn't feel lonely.

Yes, around him were so many young ladies to.

" Something is off why is nobody recognising me as I'm invisible.."

"Why are you waiting your time looking at them they don't know you're here"

Ryoko turned back and say 9 young boys and the emperor!

"Your majesty!" said Ryoko while bowing

"Ryoko what are you doing here.. I mean I was expecting your brother to be part of this meeting" said emperor surprised

" I know majesty but..."

Ryoko started to explain the emperor what had happened to her brother and who he couldn't even came to the ball.

She told him that since her brother couldn't participate she would replace him.

" You want to participate in this competition?" said emperor

" Yes sir I don't think why can't I participate? I have all the criteria so I can replace him right?"

Everyone in the meeting gasped shocked. None of them excepted a girl to participate in this contest.

" I don't have a problem but we should ask the other participants to. What do you think misters?" said emperor

" This is ridiculous! Sweetheart you should be dancing with your friends, let us do our job you do yours" said one of the participants

Ryoko started to laughing crazily while none was talking

"I don't know what's is funny can you please tell us sweetheart?"

"You want to tell me what's funny? The funny thing is that this "big, strong guy" is scared for a "little girl" to participate in a competition. Or are you scared I'll beat you in the first round?" grined Ryoko while looking to the guy

"Me scared from you?! Please I can beat you anytime!"

" Well prove it" said Ryoko

She took out her sword and challenged him to a duel.

"If you lose I'll participate if you win I'll leave."

"Easy I agree!"

The guy took his sword and the challenge started.

Both if them were really good at swords but in the end Ryoko was the one who won.

" Oh my good sweetheart didn't know you were this good, you must treach me how to use my sword" whinked him at Ryoko

"You're right. A little girl won against you so you really need some lessons" said Ryoko

All started laughing and the guy a little embarrassed cause he started blushing from Ryoko's irony.

After the duel emperor was sure about Ryoko's skills so he let her participate in her brothers place.

" The reason why I called you for this meeting is to interduced you to each other. Then all of you can go to the ballroom and celebrate" said emperor

"Good idea. Hello everyone my name is Edgar Ann and I'm a vampire. I'm really curious what are you sweetheart, you must be really talented to win against a vampire like me" said Edgar, the boy Ryoko challenged

"Nothing special at all. My name is Ryoko Hinode. Everyone in my family has a special ability but I haven't discovered mine yet or maybe I'm just a ordinary girl with no superpower."

Since Ryoko is over 18 she must have discovered her special power but for some weird reasons she still hasn't figured out what is her power.

Maybe in this competition she could discover her special ability.

" My name is Arius Abital and I'm a wolf men but don't worry I won't eat none of you" said Arius and others started laughing

" Hi guys...I'm Uriel and I'm an angel.."

"I'm Hassan Birg and I'm a oracle."

" I'm Zeonis a satyr."

"I'm Peryton half human and half bird."

"My name is Abberton Gray and I'm an illusionist."

"I'm Arnold and I'm a magician."

"I'm Yuto Hirai and I'm a countdowner ( countdowners are people who can know everything about someone's death or biggest tragedy in their life)"

"You're from Hirai family??" asked Uriel scared

Hiring family wasn't just one if the most powerful families in the kingdom but one of the most dangerous to.

They were well known for their ability named "countdown" and at the same time they were really creepy.

They were crazily rich but still their house was far away from the Palace and they weren't very friendly people.

They never organised parties, rarely participated in a ball or in a event these are the reasons why so many people didn't like them.

" I guess know you know each other, it's time to come back to the ball." said emperor

With a click of his fingers they all were again in their bodies.

What they entered ballroom everyone was cheering and talking about them.

Emperor introduced them to the guests and talked more about the competition.

" Ladies and gentleman's it's time to start the real ball!"

With these words wainters started serving food and drinks, orchestra was playing a song while the singer was singing.

Everything was fantastic, everyone was having great fun but still..something was off.

Ryoko had a bad feeling and she couldn't even explain it why maybe she was just a little stressed.

"Oh my god is that crazy or what? Is she really going to participate in that competition?"

" She's just show off just trying to act cool when she's just an ordinary girl you know about thee rumors she still doesn't have a special power."

" What a shame about her family instead acting like a educated lady as Desdemona she's acting soo ugh.. boylish"

Some ladies were talking about Ryoko and they didn't even know dhe was listening.

" Imagine how bad her father must feel oh dear.."

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies but to clarify something.

1. My father supported my decision

2. Yeah I might not have my power but at least I'm not the one who talks shit about others." responded Ryoko calmly

Ladies watched scared and started to apologise and explaining that they weren't talking about her.

" Miss Ryoko werereally sorry if we offended you but..."

" Why are you feeling sorry you're right. She's not and she'll never be a lady" said Desdemona

" You're right desdemona you're a lady but I'm.. a boss lady something you'll never be. Now if you do t mind I'm going to find Axel. Bye!" said Ryoko and left while Desdemona was watching her angry.

" Bruh here is so freaking boring" thought Ryoko.

She went out in the garden to take some fresh air when suddenly..

"Are you looking for me miss Hinode?"

It was Axel

" Axel I thought you were with Suho"

"Suho ? What are you talking about?" said Axel

"Duh your bestfriend you were with him all the time" said Ryoko

"Aaa yes him my best friend hahaha. Anyways I must show you something really important" he tried to grab her hand but she didn't let him

"Wait a second...you're not Axel! He would never forget Suho plus how did you find me here?" said Ryoko

"You haven't changed still that smart girl" grined "Axel"

His eyes started shining and slowly they were... Black.

" No this can't be. You... you putted that note in my drink you're still alive??.." said Ryoko scared

" Why do you look sad didn't you missed me?"

Ryoko looked and him shocked and slowly her worst nightmare was becoming real.