
Chapter 13: Lost

" Ryoko, Ryoko please wake up Ryoko!"

She opened her eyes slowly and the first thing Ryoko saw was Axel's worried face.

He was looking at her so anxious and but Ryoko didn't say nothing to him, she was still confused from what had happened.

Was it just a bad dream or she really met Toshiba?

What was he trying to say to her?

" I don't like it when people try to separate us"

So that was the reason why he put her mother in a deep coma.

Ryoko had so many questions in her head but she knew it wasn't the time and place to think about this.

" Axel what happened where are we?" asked Ryoko and started to act as if nothing happened.

" Well I guess you got to scared from that fly so you fainted. Those huge birds left us here and I don't have a clue where are we by the way are you okay?" said Axel worried

" Yeah I'm fine, but where is Desdemona is she okay?" said Ryoko

" She right here don't worry" said Axel and behind his back Desdemona showed up

" Booo I'm here finally you woke up! Can we go home now I'm really tired" said Desdemona with a childish voice.

" I'm glad you're okay and no we can't go home first we don't know where we are second I suggest to wait for Yuto" said Ryoko

" Wait for him?? Ryoko he clearly put us into a trap and you're saying we should wait for him, this is your plan??" said Axel nervous

" Chill Lex I'm sure Yuto knows what he's doing he would left us in such a foreign land" said Ryoko

She was happy that Axel and Desdemona at least she wasn't alone but...

" Wait a second where is Haruto? " asked Ryoko

" Haruto? "

Desdemona and Axel saw each other confused and in that moment they relaised they forgot about him!

" Does that mean brother is lost, so we're never gonna see him again??" said Desdemona sad and tears started to apper in her eyes

" Hey hey calm down we'll find Haruto he must be here somewhere around right?" said Axel and tried to comfort Desdemona

Still nothing was working and she started to cry as a little child ( she's a little emotional).

Ryoko was trying to figure something out and started to quickly study the place.

Overall it seemed as a quite land with lots of trees and with a good atmosphere.

The thing that worried her was that the land seemed really big and the forest near it seemed ever bigger.

So what were they gona do?

" Ryoko I think we should search for Haruto" saud Axel

" You're right but what if yuto comes plus we can get lost there we don't know nothing about this place" said Ryoko

She wanted to find Haruto but what if they caused more trouble?

What were they gonna do?

" We should find him we can't leave him here! Why don't you wanna find him he's your brother!" said Desdemona angry towards Ryoko

" I want to find him to Desdemona but we should think about the risks what if we get lost plus maybe Haruto is with Yuto we don't know nothing first we must make a plan.. "

" Screw plan I want to find Hatuto NOW. I don't want to get stucked here with you! " shouted Desdemona

" So go and find him! First think with logic if you want to find him then with feelings!" said Ryoko calmly to Desdemona trying to not lose her patience.

" What am I gonna do know this is a new land and we don't know anything?" though Ryoko

She was just hoping for a sign of Haruto so we could find him.

" I think we should start searching from here.. wait a second do you hear this?" said Axel to Ryoko

Suddenly Desdemona stopped crying and everyone was being quite.

They knew since Alex was a alpha he could sense things from miles away so this he said he heard something for sure something was going on.

His eyebrows frowed and he for sure was suspicious about something.

Axel started to smell and his senses were being stronger than ever.

" I think Haruto is right there" sajd Axel and pointed his finger at the forest.

If his senses felt somifor sure something was going on there.

" I have a bad feeling about this" said Ryoko

She could do nothing but only to trust Axel's senses and to hope they could find Haruto without any kind of trouble.

" Common let's go" said Axel and with these words they entered inside the forest without knowing what trouble they had to deal with.

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P. S Happy Halloween guyss :))

aleksandra_pano10creators' thoughts