
Chapter 935: Anna’s possessiveness.

Chapter 935: Anna's possessiveness.

Victor opened his eyes and muttered: "All my enemies in this Sector are gone... The small fries are missing now, and the rest are those who fled to another Sector."


Victor didn't do things half-assedly. From the moment he established his complete dominance, he worked on secretly eliminating all those who attacked him and targeted his Family in the past.


By following his code of conduct: Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth, and Blood for Blood, he did not forget those who harmed him. However, there were some specific cases in which this code of conduct did not apply, which was the case of Luan, Aphrodite, Persephone, Mizuki, and other Beings who were initially his enemy but became his ally and in some cases, his Wives.