
Purity of soul is tainted

How days passed by Aarohi didn't take on tab, tomorrow she has to leave her house again. Now things are better for her maybe for just few days.

After tomorrow she have to go to college, which she is not actually looking forward. Everyone says one should enjoy college life made an social connection, what social connections when they will use you and disappoint you treat you like shit they loose the value.It is better to be alone, it shows peace.

"You must be looking forward for your new step towards the society." Her therapist said to her, her lifeless dull eyes made him wonder what she had experienced in her at such young age.

"What is so great about this so called society?" She muttered herself and didn't reply his words.

Looking at her silence, he didn't say anything what he thinks why she is so calm even facing such huge part of life, he remembered how much he had enjoyed his college life it was the one of the best moments of his life.

He just smiled at her calmly who looks very difficult to understand. But after few minutes she replied,

" Yeah, I am looking forward." But it doesn't seem like looking forward but she is treating her college life as burden.

"Good to hear." He smiled and said although he can see her non existing eager.

"So see you tomorrow at the same time." He smiled and said to her, Aarohi nodded and after thanking him she left. Sometimes she feels this person in front of her could see through her soul and her deep thought and it terrify her and she wants to be in her close shell.

What her doctor don't know is she never really open with him she is pretending to be close with him, it also shows she has not trusted him yet. She takes lots of time to trust someone even though he is her therapist she has no intentions to open up.

She feels safe when no one knows her and this is also something that makes her extremely lonely.

She knows once she open up people will trample her wounds and point out her scars.

She is very aware of these society how things works are cruel and creepy. She has experienced it and once people see the soft side of someone they will hit hard there.

Aarohi was reading book where she saw a quote says 'No characters is pure nor soul is ... Wounded character tainted the soul and every tainted soul is suffering...'

Her eyes stucked into this words she suddenly remembered

"Aarohi, you are the purest soul I ever saw."

Now the same person tainted her soul. And the same person said,

"You are cruelest person I ever seen you ruined me and my life."

He said she ruined him and his life how can she ruin when she is the one who lost him her whole world. He came to her as a faith and he crushed her faith. He once said "no matter how world treats you I will be your shield."

Yes, he became her shield gain her trust made himself her aide and one day he made huge mistake which she cannot forgive even if she loves him and just because she cannot forgive his sin, he pointed his fingers towards her,and backstabbed her with his cruel words knife, wounded her. And at the end make himself a victim.

And his cruelty tainted her soul it became so dark now even if she wanted anyone again in her life she won't be able to trust anyone, now she has no strength nor she is capable to trust anyone.