A oreigaru or snafu/DxD crossover featuring our infamous loner Hikigaya Hachiman who for unknown reasons was suddenly ripped from his reality and dropped into this foreign world filled with danger in every corner. And he needs to find a a way to deal with his new overly attached and attention-seeking 'friends'. I primarily focus on fanfiction.net, when a new chapter gets released or I have some important news, I'll most likely post it there first. I'll try to make things work here as well. Also don't forget to review and stuff, I want to know your thoughts on my story! And all chapters are between 2k - 4k words.
Beta read by Shigiya.
"You've noticed any changes?" I lay on a cold metal table in the dimly lit chamber, the rhythmic hum of machinery surrounding me as Azazel, the Governor of the Fallen Angels and part-time mad scientist, conducted his examination. The soft glow of magical rune-like constructs illuminated the room, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, I remained still, awaiting his response with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.
Azazel moved with precision, his movements calculated and deliberate as he manipulated these strange arcane devices arrayed around me. Each scan sent a ripple of energy through my body, probing for any traces of alteration. The process was uncomfortable, but I endured it, knowing that any changes wrought upon me by recent events needed to be thoroughly understood.
"Your silence isn't reassuring," I remarked, breaking the tension that had settled over the room like a heavy blanket. He had been quiet throughout the examination, his focus unwavering as he delved into the details of my 'transformation'... Or lack of it. I couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety at his absence of commentary.
The man continued his work methodically, his brow furrowed in concentration as he analyzed the data streaming from the diagnostic equipment. Meanwhile, Vritra conducted his own investigation from what he mentioned before, his presence a silent but ever-present observer in the back of my mind. Together, they combed through every inch of my being, searching for any anomalies or irregularities.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Azazel broke the silence. "Before I continue, you allowed the young Gremory heiress to use her Pawns on you which also included the mutated piece, correct?" His voice cut through the quietude of the chamber, drawing my attention back to the present moment. I nodded in response, confirming his inquiry.
"Yes," I replied, my voice echoing softly in the chamber's confines. The memory of Rias' attempt to use her Evil Pieces ability on me was still fresh in my mind. The sensation of her magic intertwining with my own had been both exhilarating and unsettling, leaving me with more questions than answers during the aftermath.
"Did she use the standard ritual? Placing all seven pawns on your chest, using incantations, and merging them with your body to transform you into a Devil?" Azazel's inquiry was precise, his words laden with a sense of curiosity without any notable sign of worry. I took a moment to collect my thoughts before responding.
"I'm pretty sure that's the conventional method for Devil transformation," I began, my mind replaying the events of that fateful event. "So yeah, she used that method." Despite my outward calm, inwardly, I couldn't shake the lingering unease that had accompanied the ritual. The implications of what had transpired weighed heavily on my mind, casting a shadow over my already uncertain future.
"Any pain? Nausea? Headaches? Any kind of odd sensations?" Azazel's questions rang out in the dimly lit chamber, each one punctuating the tense silence that enveloped us. As he continued his inquiries, I couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of unease settle over me. It was like being interrogated by a doctor, only with a distinctly supernatural twist.
I couldn't suppress a nervous quip. "Other than the wounds I got from your former protegée… nothing much. Wait, don't tell me I'm suffering from some form of magical cancer?" The words slipped out before I could stop them, a feeble attempt to lighten the mood in the face of uncertainty.
"Pft-hahahahahaha!" To my surprise, Azazel burst into laughter, the sound echoing off the walls of the chamber. He removed his glasses, revealing eyes that sparkled with amusement. "Nah, you're not sick or suffering from any ailment that I know of," he reassured me, his tone earnest. "You're not cursed, mutating, or plagued by any supernatural affliction. Your body is in perfect condition, kid. Though I would recommend that you do some pushups, situps, and ten kilometer run, build some stamina for your lovely ladies.."
I couldn't help but let out a relieved chuckle, the tension draining from my shoulders as Azazel's words washed over me. "Well, that's a relief," I admitted, a wry smile playing at the corners of my lips. "Though I've been cursed with bad luck for quite a while, so I must admit, I'm a bit paranoid." The humor in my voice was tinged with a hint of genuine concern, a reflection of the events that had led me to this situation.
Azazel nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I understand. But rest assured, your recent streak of calm days is a good sign. Perhaps your luck is finally turning around."
With a grateful nod, I rose from the cold metal table and began to dress myself, testing my limbs to ensure everything was in working order. Azazel led me out of the examination chamber and into his office, where another familiar face awaited me.
"Hikigaya Hachiman," Barakiel greeted me with a nod which I returned promptly. It has been a while since I last saw the man. "How have you been?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I've been... managing, I suppose. Though if I were to add more to it… the longer Azazel continues to remain silent the more stressed I'm becoming. So yeah, it's complicated, to say the least."
"Ah, I heard from my daughter that you've agreed to join her King's Peerage," Baraquiel began, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and joy. "While I admit it would have been beneficial for us if you'd waited for Azazel to perfect his own version of the Evil Pieces to create more Fallen Angels, I am glad you'll be around my daughter more often to protect her. With how things have been lately she sure needs it, that Peerage she's a part of seems to have a knack for attracting all kinds of trouble. It has Shuri and I constantly worry for her safety."
I nodded in understanding, though inwardly I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Well, I was already around her more often than not, more so than the time I spend with my own parents lately," I admitted with a wry smile. "So turning into a Devil wouldn't have changed much in that regard."
Before I could say more, Azazel chimed in, his tone filled with a note of exaggerated optimism. "You're in for good news, Baraquiel. That boy over there is not a Devil, as far as I can tell." His words hung in the air, a surprising revelation that left Baraquiel both stunned and confused — an expression that made me sigh.
"I've conducted enough tests and scans to conclude that he is indeed still human," the blonde-haired man continued, his voice steady and assured. To emphasize his point, I reached for the small cross chain that Asia had given me, feeling its comforting weight in my hand without any adverse effects. "You see, not a single sign of a reaction or even burning. And that same cross was blessed by Gabriel recently."
That part at the end I wasn't aware of, how the hell did this guy even know about it!? Could Fallens and Angels sense specific energy of their own kind?
"How..." Baraquiel's question hung in the air, the same mix of curiosity and confusion growing more evident in his eyes. "Did the ritual fail?"
"That's what I like to know as well," I added.
"It's still not entirely clear," Azazel admitted, his brow furrowed in thought before looking straight at me. "But I can give you a brief explanation. Essentially, the ritual hasn't failed. The pieces are still inside you and attempting to turn you into a devil, or at least that's what they're trying to do."
"Trying to?" I echoed out, my confusion mirroring Baraquiel's. The revelation raised more questions than it answered, leaving me grasping for understanding amid uncertainty.
His humming hung in the air, making the room feel quieter than usual. "That's the only way I can put it into words," he reiterated, his brow furrowed in thought. "It's not a case I've ever seen in my life, and I can't even make heads or tails of why it's happening in the first place. But something is preventing those pieces from turning you into a devil or slowing them down, which also doesn't make sense as it would have just immediately rejected it in the first place."
Sitting down on the sofa, I pondered his words, running through various scenarios in my mind. However, a nagging question persisted, prompting me to voice my thoughts. "But wait, if Sona's used her Pawn Pieces on me and it worked without any issues, then why is Rias's piece struggling in the first place? She even used a mutated piece like I told you, which should be even more effective than normal pieces, right? Perhaps they were defective products?"
"Nah, I may not have the closest relationship to Ajuka but even I can tell you that the man would never make such a mistake with these creations of his. It takes a perfectionist to recognize another and this is definitely not the case. By the way, could you give me a brief summary of how it went between you and Sona?"
Other than having her confess her insecurities to me and making it hard to say no, I recalled the ritual, retelling the events to Azazel, my mind trying to make sense of the discrepancy. "I remember the ritual," I said, tracing back through the memories. "She placed the Pawns onto my chest, and everything went smoothly." Though it wasn't me who was in control of my body at that point; it was mostly Vitra who had taken control. But still, there were no problems, and everything went without a hitch.
At that moment, a spark of realization ignited within me. "Wait, could it be…" I trailed off, the words barely audible as the idea formed in my mind. Both Azazel and Barakiel turned their attention to me, their expressions curious.
"Did you figure something out?"
Without hesitation, I recounted the events that unfolded during my visit to Sona, sharing every detail from our conversation and Vitra's own words that helped convince me to go with his plan. As I spoke, a glimmer of intrigue lit up Azazel's eyes, his hand absentmindedly scratching his chin as he processed the information. "Interesting, very interesting," he mused, his mind clearly at work. Then, turning his attention to the Black Dragon Emperor within my hand, he inquired, "Do you have anything to add?"
Vitra's voice resonated within the room as his Sacred Gear appeared on my left hand. "My partner speaks the truth," he began, his tone measured. "Back then, I believed that there was a way to benefit from the Evil Pieces' power without compromising his humanity. Given that we are currently separate beings technically, it makes sense that if one of us were to be changed, the other would remain the same."
He explained his hypothesis and the cautious approach he had taken. "I wasn't certain of my idea at first and merely wanted to test it out with the help of the Sitri heiress. Of course, if it turned out that I was wrong and we both would have been changed into Devils, then I would have immediately attempted to cancel the ritual with a Delete Field. But no such thing happened, and only my part was affected, with Hachiman remaining unchanged."
Azazel nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Vitra's explanation. Then, with a hint of reproach, he remarked, "Not going to lie, that was rather risky on your part, Vitra. For a dragon as diligent as you, I didn't expect such a gamble. It would have made more sense if someone like Ddraig or even Albion had taken the risk. Given your history with being an Evil Dragon and what you've suffered because of it — I thought you would have been more cautious with such powers."
"You are correct, Governor." Vritra began, nodding in agreement with Vitra's explanation. "But my quest for power was to ensure the safety of both myself and my partner. Our past adventures have led us into uncharted territory more often than not, which has nearly led to our demise. While I admit my decision may have been rash and, in some respects, even foolhardy, the potential for added protection was too enticing to ignore. My host has teetered on the brink of death numerous times, and while such trials often fortify one's resolve and lead to newfound strength, the slightest misstep could spell disaster and I could not afford that for Hachiman. While you are correct in likening this decision to something only Ddraig and Albion would undertake, you are mistaken if you believe my intentions were solely driven by avarice for power, unlike those two boneheads."
I heard him pause, Vritra allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "This path may indeed seem reckless, but it was a calculated risk—one that I believed necessary for our survival in the face of formidable adversaries. It's no longer a question of morality or becoming a slave as many liked to see it as, but for survival. So while I acknowledge the potential risks, I stand by my decision, knowing that it was made with the best interests of both myself and my partner in mind."
After that, we sat in contemplative silence, grappling with the weight of Vitra's decisions. His rationale, though somewhat reckless in my estimation, resonated with a certain logic. While I did harbor minor reservations about his decision back then, my trust in him outweighed it by a large margin. And regardless, I couldn't deny the potential benefits it offered for our mutual protection. 'I lost count of the amount of times I nearly ended up being killed even after I thought I reached a level of power where I could live my life comfortably.' Vitra's gambit, though daring, represented another layer of defense against the ever-present threat that stalked us.
Across from me, Azazel nodded thoughtfully, his expression inscrutable as he absently tapped his pen against the polished surface of the table. His silence spoke volumes, conveying a tacit understanding of the web of motivations that had led to Vitra's decision. "Hah, guess I can understand it to some degree," he finally spoke, his voice measured. "It is not my place to cast judgment upon your actions. Indeed, your choice ultimately proved advantageous in the battle against Vali, there would have been more casualties if it weren't for you."
"Would it truly have been that bad with Sirzechs there?" That man was unanimously seen as one of the strongest beings in the world, one surpassing the original Satans by a wide margin.
"That doesn't mean the other side wasn't prepared for that, Sirzechs has been their lifelong enemy and I doubt the Old Satan Faction would have acted without some insurance. He knew that as well and fought defensively, focused on keeping the group separated from everyone else." Baraquiel added.
"Yeah, that man may be ridiculously powerful but he's not invincible. You should know better than anyone that there is always a way to beat someone. Anyways! We are getting off-topic, your case isn't something you should be too worried about. Just give it a few weeks or months, those pieces will take effect eventually. It's just your messed up circumstances with Vritra that confused it for a bit." His confidence in the situation's eventual resolution tempered my lingering apprehensions.
With a nod of gratitude, I rose from my seat, preparing to take my leave. "I appreciate your help, Azazel," I acknowledged. "I have other matters requiring my attention. Alright, I will convey your message to the others, particularly Rias, that girl wouldn't stop blaming herself that she may have caused me more trouble."
"Say hello to Akeno for me," Baraquiel said as I closed the door behind me. Good to see the man getting along with his daughter, at least they continued to speak to one another unlike before. "To Shuri as well, I'll see if I can pay her a visit within the Devil territory soon."
"Don't worry, I'll ask Sirzechs to help you out with that. Guess I should enjoy my remaining time as a human as much as I can," I mused aloud, contemplating the implications of Azazel's revelations.
"How so, partner?" Vitra's voice echoed within my mind, prompting me to elaborate on my statement.
"By catching up with my assignments," I replied, a sense of dread coloring my words. "I've been kinda absent from my studies for quite a while and It's time to take an active role in my club for once." With renewed vigor, I set off to tackle the tasks that awaited me, I promised to help out Aika after all.
(3rd pov)
"It's hard to believe how much time has passed. It feels like only yesterday since I met that small little boy who would have a frown every time I would see him," Baraquiel remarked wistfully as he observed Hachiman's departure, a nostalgic smile gracing his features. "Never would I have believed that the same little boy who always got annoyed at Akeno's clingy nature would now be someone capable of facing an opponent on my level. Such is the miracle of a Sacred Gear, I take it, especially one with a dragon."
Azazel nodded thoughtfully. "God sure had big ambitions for humankind. A shame he's no longer here to see the results of his plan. Something tells me he would have been quite proud to see his creations be pushed beyond their limits to such a degree, I know I would have been ecstatic if one of my inventions performed that well."
"Would he have been happy in the first place?" The lightning-wielding Cadre questioned, causing his companion to freeze momentarily. "Humanity is not united in the least. They were given such gifts by our father, yet they are picked off one by one by each faction as if it were a grocery store, leaving no one strong enough behind to actually protect their own. What should have been a way to defend themselves against the supernatural world ended up just being fodder for us sharks to feed upon. In a way, I believe at least one or a handful of powerful individuals should remain among their species. Those who would protect them against outsiders and other factions. At some point, I started to believe that I was already looking at such an individual before my eyes."
"Did you forget about the existence of the Hero Faction?" His friend questioned, prompting a disdainful scoff on the other end.
"You, more than anyone else, should understand that these heroes are not suited to protect humanity. We've seen the kind of people they are many years prior, and so did our friend Hachiman. Though they call themselves the protectors of their kind but have done anything but protect them. Selfish individuals only want to benefit their own interests and use humanity as a cover-up to gain support and an invisible platform to claim a moral high ground."
As he continued his rant, Azazel couldn't shake the feeling that his old friend's demeanor was eerily similar to a certain fish-eyed boy. Rising from his chair, he grabbed two glasses and poured their favorite brand of whiskey into them. "Have you noticed, that the way you're talking is becoming more and more similar to Hachiman. For a moment, I thought I was facing him instead of an old crow. You're not one to make such comments about the humanity of all people, and certainly not to speak of the Hero Faction with so much hatred in your voice," he remarked, setting the glasses down on the table, their contents sloshing slightly. "Am I missing something?"
"Guess he has influenced me in more ways than one," Barakiel said, rubbing his forehead. "All right, enough with your games, mind telling the real reason why he did not become a Devil?"
The mood shifted, becoming more somber. Not a second later, he heard Azazel speak in a whisper at first, "As always, I can't hide anything from you, old friend. Was I that obvious?"
"Not really, but you're not one to just let go of such a mystery so easily and just give Hachiman words like, 'Don't worry about it'. It usually means you're hiding something."
Azazel had to give it to Baraquiel, for someone who was usually very quiet he sure had a sharp eye. Truth be told, the moment he heard the news that the ritual failed, he immediately assumed that the issue wouldn't be as simple as Hachiman being too powerful or Rias not having enough pieces. The girl received a mutated piece, and that alone compensated for any lacking aspect. But in the end, that was not enough, and something else was going on here.
"Well, I wasn't lying or anything like that," he explained. "The pieces are indeed still within him and are trying to change him into a devil. But, as I mentioned before, there is something blocking the Evil Pieces from completing their task, keeping him human in the meanwhile."
"Have you figured out what it is?"
Before answering, Azazel posed another question of his own. "Let me ask you this first, do you remember what Hachiman's Sacred Gear is?"
It seemed like a peculiar question to Baraquiel, but he pondered it seriously nonetheless and replied without missing a beat, "It is Delete Field, which is his first Sacred Gear, followed by Absorption Line before he got the rest, right?"
Shaking his head, Azazel surprised Baraquiel. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, my friend. None of Vritra's pieces are his first Sacred Gear."
"—?" The shock on his face was enough for Azazel to understand that his friend was waiting for him to continue.
"I'm going to ask you a difficult question. Do you remember the day your wife and child were attacked by the Himejima Clan? No, don't answer that. I know you recall everything, and it's a subject that still haunts you. But it is related to the boy. You see, on that particular night, I was still in my lab, researching as usual. It was the moment Hachiman required help to save Akeno and Shuri. Something impossible happened. Penemue burst into my lab, shouting that one of Vritra's pieces disappeared right before her eyes, and, lo and behold, the next thing I knew, it was being used by a young human boy whom I had never heard of."
Indeed, Baraquiel heard about that part of the story from his friend before, but he had never paid much attention to the details, as back then, all he cared about was his wife and daughter being saved from death. Now that this particular topic was brought back to his attention, he noticed one strange detail but preferred to hear it from the expert first.
"I don't need to tell you this, but Sacred Gears do not work like that," the leader of the Fallen continued. "You are either born with one or acquire an artificially made one through complex means. But a true Sacred Gear which is tied to God's system cannot be called upon from a distance when it finds a 'proper host'. This is further emphasized by Vritra having been cut into multiple pieces and not even having a proper conscience at that time to begin with. So the way Hachiman acquired Delete Field in the first place was already very unnatural to begin with."
"What are you trying to say?" The Cadre interrupted. "Just tell it to me directly. No need for complicated explanations or hinting at the direction of the answer. You know I'm not the type to like those kinds of stuff. You can do it with Michael or Shemhazai, but not with me."
Hearing his answer made Azazel chuckle before his smile died down. "What I'm trying to convey, my impatient friend is that I personally believe, even though I do not have any definite proof or explanation that makes complete sense, but I believe that it was not Hachiman's desire to save someone so desperately that activated Delete Field and had the Sacred Gear fuse with him in such a way. It just doesn't make sense. What I believe is that that night, Hachiman actually activated something else, probably a Sacred Gear or another similar artifact entirely, which ended up taking the Vritra set by either pure chance or because it was the closest available set. That dragon is not his first Sacred Gear; he probably has another, unidentified one, and that particular artifact is the thing blocking those Evil Pieces from changing him, as it resides within his main soul."
The silence that followed was palpable enough that they could hear a pin drop in the room.
-Kuoh Academy, Service Club-
(Hachiman PoV)
"So let me get this straight," I began skeptically, "not only do you want me to steal one of my friend's valuables, but you also want me to secretly cut a lock of his hair to give it to you for... what exactly?"
"Personal uses," the girl replied, standing before me, her expression a mix of curiosity and excitement. "So can you do it? I'm willing to pay with money and other means if you're interested!"
After my meeting with Azazel and his thorough checkup on my condition, I returned to the bustling halls of the academy, feeling a faint sense of ease at the calm atmosphere along with the urgency to engage more actively with the activities of my club. However, it didn't take long before I found myself confronted with a growing pile of requests, each vying for attention. Guess I could see it as a positive sign showcasing the popularity of my club.
But unfortunately, there was too much for even the surprisingly workaholic Aika to keep up.
"I think, aside from the questionable morality of all this, I'm pretty sure this is illegal and creepy," I continued, my voice tinged with a hint of disbelief at what I was hearing. "I'm not going to sugarcoat this, you are creepy, in fact, don't go asking for someone's hair for no reason at all unless you're making a voodoo doll! But at that point, I'd probably call the police to take care of the issue."
Her request was just… something I couldn't fulfill even if I was a villain, though I maintained a composed demeanor. Inwardly reflecting on it was better to not give this girl any more weird ideas and just have her leave as soon as possible.
Thankfully, my wish came true sooner than I expected. "How rude! How can you talk to a girl like that with your own creepy face!" The girl exclaimed, her retort sharp and cutting.
"You're probably one of the few who actually called me that after so long that it actually makes me happy to hear it again," I mused silently, the echo of past taunts ringing in my ears, a reminder of a life that was long behind me. "Regardless, I'm not taking up that request anytime soon, and I'll make sure you don't suddenly run towards Kiba with scissors in hand, shouting that you are his soulmate or whatever," I declared firmly, injecting a note of authority into my tone as I set aside the paper, signaling for Asia and Aika to escort the girl out. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually relented, casting a final defiant glare before disappearing down the corridor.
"Anyone else with weird requests?"
"Is it always like this here?" Sitting beside me, Xenovia commented as she sifted through the stack of requests submitted by the student body. I could only sigh in response, leaving Aika to field her question.
"It's usually much worse or weirder. Sometimes I would get requests asking me to create a 'love potion', specific drugs, and even asking me to create a replica silicone dildo with the exact dimensions of either Hachiman or Kiba. Granted, if I had the means and utilities, I would fulfill that last one and make a ton of money out of it."
Left unsaid, was that Aika would've kept one for herself before selling the rest.
"Please stop talking about those kinds of requests. Are there any more sensible ones?" I interjected, attempting to maintain my composure as I sifted through one absurd request after another. What was wrong with the students in this school? Why weren't there sensible requests like assistance with a theater play, strategies to boost club popularity, or even help with organizing a room? Instead, every request seemed to either veer into the realm of sexuality or venture into outright illegality. Was this world trying to infringe on my peaceful haven once again with its debauchery? "Why is this person asking for a vial of my blood and Kiba's?"
"Oh, I think that person practices black magic like that stuff you see on TV or they just want to keep it like a precious keepsake. Who knows, they'll probably try to place a curse on you or something to make you fall in love with them. Don't worry about it; it's not like it's even real," Aika chimed in, attempting to downplay the situation. However, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that in a world where magic was indeed real, such requests weren't entirely far-fetched, and I wasn't willing to take any chances.
Aika perused through more of the submitted requests. "A request to repair the air conditioner units in multiple clubrooms?"
"Rejected... Do they take us for handymen? Have them report such things to the teachers and let the school deal with it!"
"The swimming club is asking for a bigger budget."
"Tell them to discuss that with Sona! How is that even a request for the Service club?"
"Ah, this one's from the school nurse," I remarked, piquing my interest. It wasn't every day Kalawarna requested aid of any sort. "She's asking for help because the infirmary is getting far too crowded with boys with made-up ailments, making it hard for her to do her actual job. Also, she is asking that you need to see her after school to get a physical check-up. Oh, I wonder if she'll let me help~."
Ignoring the horny twin-tails and possibly my horny assistant/ school nurse, I powered through.
"Hm, any ideas?" I didn't want to come up with a solution on my own, so I looked around the table to get others involved.
"There must be a major disease spreading around. I can help Kalawarna in treating all of these poor souls." Asia, being the ever-loving angel, immediately believed the claim.
"I don't think they're suffering from any disease in the first place, other than being typical horny teenagers who just want to gawk at a pretty lady and get treated by her," I countered. It worried me how gullible she could be, especially when it came to matters involving the infirmary. Xenovia, however, seemed to have an idea of her own. Smacking the palm of her hand with her fist, she voiced her suggestion with a eureka moment.
"I can challenge all of them to a duel and give them a real reason to visit the infirmary rather than faking it."
"I'm starting to believe this issue is not something I should leave in the hands of any of you. You're just paving a road for us to have problems with both the parents and the authorities. Give me something else I can use, something we can work together as a group. "
Aika continued her search while I started to lose hope in the students in this Academy. "Uh… this one is asking about how the food in the cafeteria tastes bland and that they want more spicy options."
"You know my answer to that. Come on, give me something I can work with!" I sighed, frustration evident in my tone. "Are there any students struggling with their studies and need help? Or perhaps someone has lost a precious trinket and wants us to help find it? Anything along those lines would be great, not these bizarre requests that should be handled by the school staff!"
I couldn't help but wonder why all the requests lately were so strange. When I first started this club, we received sensible requests, like helping with festival preparations or assisting with writing love letters, mostly directed towards Kiba or one of the school's Ojou-samas. But now, it seemed like every request was either perverted or just plain bizarre, giving me a headache more often than not.
Aika, always the curious one, picked up one of the papers that had fallen onto the floor. "What about this?" she asked, holding up a request with the word "Confession" written in bold letters. Intrigued, I took it from her hands and quickly read through it.
"Ah, I see," I mused, absorbing the contents of the request. "One of the girls from class 2-B, Kawasaki Shizuko, has confessed to a boy from the third year, and he hasn't given her a response yet. She wants us to figure out what's going on, or if he's just messing with her. Hm, strange, no names mentioned about this person." There weren't many boys in the third year of school, less than a handful, though I never actually spoke to them before given how they hated my guts for some reason.
Feeling a mix of curiosity, I considered the request carefully. It seemed like a straightforward matter, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there might be more to it than met the eye. As club president, it was my responsibility to ensure that every request was handled with care and diligence… every reasonable request at the very least.
"All right," I said finally, handling the request back to Aika. "Let's look into this. We'll need to speak with both the girl and the boy to get to the bottom of it. Aika, could you track down the girl and see if she's willing to talk? Meanwhile, I'll find out who the boy is and have a chat with him."
With a plan in motion, we set out to tackle the request, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the unanswered confession and bring some clarity to the situation.
"A confession! How nice," Asia exclaimed with a joyful smile. "It's so rare to see something like this here. I'm so glad for them. I wish them the best."
"Well, you can't exactly call them a couple if one side hasn't agreed to become one in the first place," I pointed out. The more I read the request, the more I realized it was the perfect task for our group.
"All right, so the crux of the matter is that the boy, for some reason, isn't giving the girl a clear answer from the get-go and is perfectly evading the topic. Our responsibility will be to have him come clean with it and be honest with the girl once and for all." How long had it been since I'd seen something so simple? Amidst the constant stress of war between factions and old grudges that refused to die down, this request felt like a breath of fresh air.
"I want to help as well," Xenovia chimed in. "I can go to his class and figure out who it is by asking around. Like this, we can collect information on him and other students for future requests."
That was actually quite smart, plus it allowed her to interact with other students instead of spending the entire day with me as a bonafide bodyguard. "All right, I'll trust you with this. His name is not mentioned but she does say he's from class 3-C — as far as I can tell that class should only have two male students. Just snoop around, don't do anything that will draw attention to yourself, or knowing the students here, they'll create tons of rumors about you, giving us more work to clean up."
Aika nodded in agreement. "Pfft, as if, most girls here believe Xenovia-chan is not interested in men and swings for the same team. You should see the number of people that fawn over her, it won't be long before she becomes an official Great Onee-sama. Though given how often she's seen around you, it's only a matter of time before that changes as well."
"So, you must be Kawasaki Shizuko," I said as we stood on the rooftop of the school. Having managed to track down the one who posted the request and found her sitting there all by herself, enjoying her lunch. A young teenager who shared similar features to Murayama with her brown hair and assets, along with a pair of glasses and hairstyle that resembled Aika.
I believed I saw her before participating in the sports festival. Nothing about her stood out in particular, she blended with the crowd.
She was surprised to see us at first, but as soon as I explained our reasoning for being there, Shizuko calmed down and showed a shy face. "I-I didn't expect you to actually take my request seriously and try to help me. But… But yes, I confessed to the boy nearly two weeks ago, and he's not giving me an answer no matter how many times I bring it up. We went on dates together practically every weekend and even almost shared a kiss… yet he's avoiding this subject."
I sat next to her, with Asia and Aika accompanying me. Both girls were interested in the story as they listened carefully. "Are you sure he's not shy?" Asia asked, causing the girl to sigh at the suggestion.
She immediately shook her head. "It's not like that. He's anything but shy, he's very outgoing, loud, and charismatic. He was never afraid to speak his mind when I first met him and he was no different to a bask of sunshine. I guess if I had to summarize him into a single word it would be flamboyant. He talks with so much passion that I couldn't help but marvel at his confidence!"
Weird… the more she kept talking about this fellow the more my mind kept drawing the image of a certain narcissistic guy I met before. But no, there were zero chances that it could be that guy.
"Have you tried to seriously confront him about this issue?" I asked, knowing that many times what people wrote or mentioned would not be what actually happened in real life. It was very possible for her to have just hinted to the boy that she wanted to know if they were an official couple but he missed it thinking that the answer was obvious enough. "Sometimes it's best if you call him to a private room and stand your ground upon the matter."
"Well it's not as easy as you think, not everyone is like you who can go out with all of the members of the Occult Research Club without any issues."
"—!?" My eyes widened as a series of coughs escaped my mouth. "Whoa whoa whoa! Let's stop right there before proceeding any further. Who told you anything about me going out with the entirety of the club? I just hang out with them and I'm only going out with Akeno."
Rias and I had decided to keep our relationship discreet, aware that the human world vastly differed from the supernatural one. Revealing such a truth would likely be too much for regular people to accept. So, for now, I preferred to play it safe and keep our romance under wraps until after we finished school.
"You don't need to keep it a secret anymore," Shizuko interjected suddenly, her voice brimming with excitement. "Everyone knows that through Akeno-senpai, you've slowly captured the hearts of every member and even managed to charm Kiba-kun through your activities! I've seen how intensely you two spar together during kendo practice; the passion in your eyes can't be mistaken!"
"Exactly!" Aika chimed in, her enthusiasm matching Shizuko's, both of their eyes gleaming with degenerate fantasies. "These two are so perfect for each other. Their personalities complement each other flawlessly, and they banter like a couple! Kiba makes the perfect bottom with his domina—"
"—Can we please not have this kind of conversation!?" I pleaded, not wanting such rumors to gain more traction. To shift the focus, I continued with our original purpose. "By the way, you never told us the name of the boy in your letter. Could you give us his name so we can find out who it is?" I accepted this request without even knowing the boy's name out of happiness as it was the only normal one out of the bunch, it seemed like the best option amidst the strange requests popping up endlessly.
However, before she could reveal his name, the building began to shake violently. My eyes widened in alarm as I heard a loud crash followed by the shattering of windows. A cloud of fire and dust rose from two floors below us. This was followed by the door leading to the rooftop bending and flying off its hinges as a figure crashed through it.
"What the hell!?"
"A fire!"
For a moment, I feared the worst, thinking that someone was brazen enough to attack the Devil's territory in broad daylight!
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on one's point of view, I got in front of the girls to observe what was happening below. I prepared to deploy my Sacred Gear as soon as possible, regardless of whether or not those behind me witnessed it.
But immediately froze as I saw a figure emerge from the dust, Shizuko being the first one to speak before I could say anything. "Ri-kun!?" She screamed, rushing forward to help the man.
"Yare yare, now I truly understand the saying about how even the most beautiful of roses are covered with spikes. I got lost in your beauty and reached out without control over my actions!"
No, it couldn't be… the arrogant voice, brightly colored Kuoh uniform, a huge portion of his chest left visible for everyone to see and a giant smirk on his face.
Wait, did she just call him Ri-kun?
In the midst of the chaos, Xenovia emerged from the doorway with her knuckles literally steaming. Followed by a number of girls all glaring daggers towards the Phenex heir. "You sure have the guts to openly flirt with me in front of your girlfriend and 'girlfriends' then to shamelessly ask me out. You are lucky I don't have my sword, Devil."
What the…
"Ri-kun?" Shizuko was confused at first, sharing the same expression as me when looking at the people in front of her.
One of the girls shouted with anger, "You told me I was your only darling!"
"You stole my first kiss and said it was your first as well, you cheater!"
"Was that girl you were with after our date another one of your girlfriends!? You told me she was your sister!"
"I'll fucking castrate you!"
Woah, the last one sure sounded pissed.
"What the hell is going on here!?" I shouted, having Riser look at me before his eyes widened with joy. I didn't like that look one bit.
"My rival! Is your service club still taking requests? I would like your help to calm down these beautiful flowers and clear up their misunderstandings! They do not seem to understand that I truly love all of them equally!"
At this rate, I most likely needed to find a way to keep him alive with the way they were staring at him. Xenovia especially who looked like she was seconds away from wanting to rip his throat.
Oh wait, he could regenerate.
Best I make sure she didn't use any holy items though.
With a resigned sigh, I wonder to myself on why this couldn't be a normal request!?
(3rd Pov)
-Occult Research Club-
Distracting herself with paperwork, Rias had been in a stressful mood these last few days. Especially after what she considered a failed ritual which possibly created more problems for Hachiman.
She didn't know why it didn't work nor why the boy told her it wasn't a big deal and Azazel told him that it would happen with time. She just needed to wait for the effects to take place as the pieces were having a hard time changing him into a Devil. 'But Evil Pieces don't work like that! Maybe I can ask Ajuka for some help?'
She couldn't concentrate on anything, why did it have to happen to her and not Sona? The jealousy she felt towards the bespectacled girl kept growing by the hour, even the fact that she converted only Vritra instead of Hachiman did little to appease her.
In her turbulent state, Rias failed to notice Akeno who walked up near her. The latter noticed her King's mood and wanted to help, but was unable to do so at this time. "Buchou." She called out gently, having the red-headed girl jump up in fright and look at her.
"Akeno? You scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that."
While her reaction was indeed very adorable, the ravenette kept a composed face and spoke with a serious tone. "Sorry about that, but we have a guest."
"Huh?" Turning her attention towards the door, a single familiar figure emerged from the dark corner with a gentle but somewhat off smile on his face. A hue of dark green colored that almost looked blue under the current lighting. A large white coat with the emblem of his family was proudly presented at the forefront.
"Diodora Astaroth?" she called out the person's name, surprised to see him in the human world let alone here of all places.
"Good afternoon, Rias, it's been a while since we last spoke to each other."
The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.