
3rd Class: Single, It's Complicated

.... Seoul, South Korea ....

Oppa!!! 🤗

Kim: Oppa!! How have you been? I miss you already. We haven't met for a week. What have you been doing??

Nick: Nothing much, I just went to the Internet café , same old stuff.

Nick is Kim's current boyfriend and they have been together for more than 5 years. Same with her, he's also unemployed but he is still able to sustain his vices.

Kim: Did you play computer games the whole day again??

Nick: Well, i've got nothing to do so I just play instead of staying at home.

Kim: Did you do great? 🤗 I really missed you! Have you eaten your dinner yet?? Let's eat Spicy Ramen tonight, Im freezing...,

Nick: I'm kinda tired right now. Can we have it some other time? I just want to go home and take a rest.

Kim: But we've just met. Didnt you miss me?? 😣

Nick: I said, I AM TIRED. Isn't that clear to you? I'll go home now. Bye...,

Kim: Nick,... hmmmmm maybe he's really tired. 😢

Sitting down and playing the whole day might be really exhausting.., I'll just eat by myself then. Naneun Baegupa (Im hungry) ...

As Nick started to walk away, Kim stayed positive and tries to understand her boyfriend. She thinks that he might be depressed of his situation nowadays. Imagine not having a job for quite some time, maybe it hurts the pride of a guy now that he's also experiencing late-20's crisis.

"I wonder if he got plans of marrying me...."- Kim


... Baguio City, Philippines ...

Lyn: Vincent! Well, i'm kinda busy...,,, busy packing my things! My class has ended and see you in an hour then! 😊 Abby will just meet us there., Im so excited! This is a reunion. Oh my gosh! Bye 😂

End of call.....

Lyn and Abby are Vincent's best friends. They started in teaching together in Winter Camp almost 2 years ago. Lyn stayed in the same company while Abby studied and worked as a part time tutor. Abby needed to study again to earn her license and now, she's getting ready to take the exam. Hoping that she could pass it and be able to become a Psychologist.

Vincent: Abby!!! Lyn!! I sounded like a girl 🤦🏻‍♂️ How are you guys!!?? Hahahaha i miss you so much. This weather, our bonding, our laughter and everything 😁. How's life guys??

Abby: Vincent! Oh my god! You look handsome and happy, but you loose weight. What happened to you?

Lyn: Yeah, same here. Were you stressed? Is that what Manila can do to you?

Vincent: I dont want to think about it anymore. Life there is so hard I needed to deal with toxic people all the time! They just stressed me and I just hated it. Yes I worked in a luxurious 5 star hotel but it didnt mean that my life would be at ease. My experience there just frustrates me.

Abby: But you were able to deal with sexy customers right? I could see it on your Facebook posts! Swimming pool, sexy ladies, bikini, two piece, one piece...., Hahahaha did you find a girlfriend???

Vincent: Well, hahahaha looking at the brighter side, i love dealing with my foreign customers. Americans, English, Australians, Asians... there were a lot. I love the Americans because they know how to give tip! They value their servers unlike other Filipinos. They were arrogant just because they have a White boyfriend. I hated some of them. And one more thing, No i did not have a girlfriend. I was too busy with work, I didnt even have time to fling.

Lyn: But were you able to sleep with a lady when you were there?? 😁 You know what I mean....

Vincent: Well,,, let's talk about this matter when get drunk. Hahaha

Abby: Just tell us!!! Hahahahaha I want to know! Are the ladies there good at it?? Hahahaha

Vincent: Later! Let's drink first. 😁🥂 Cheers!!

Abby, Lyn: Cheers!!! 🥂


Meanwhile in Seoul, Kim manages to eat and drink alone. She already had a couple bottles of soju and now she's tipsy.

Kim: Excuse me miss, one more bottle of soju please!

Waitress: Here you go. Are you okay? Why are you drinking alone??

Kim: Thank you. Hey miss, am I not pretty? Do you think i still look young? Do you think someone would marry me???

Waitress: Well, if you are drinking alone, it seems that you're having a problem with a guy. To be honest, you look pretty girl. All of us ladies are beautiful. Only guys' perceptions made us ugly. They don't know how to be satisfied of what they have. They always look for someone who's more beautiful just because that someone is better at wearing make up. Believe in yourself girl, you are beautiful.

Kim: But do you think he will marry me?

Waitress: we'll never know....

Walking along the street, Helen (a friend of Kim) sees Kim and is shocked seeing her drinking.

Helen: Kim!! Oh my.... is that you??? hahahahahaha oh my god,.... are you drunk!???

Kim: Helen??? Ohh!! It's really you. Come here and sit, drink with me.

Helen: Is this about him again??

Kim: uhmmm

Helen: (sigh) 😒 I knew it. Come on Kim. Don't think about him too much. I know you love him but if it's not healthy for the both of you, more specifically you, then you need to let go. I mean, look at you, look at yourself. You are jobless, still got no great achievement...., what's your next move?? If you got married to him and got kids, what would you feed them?? His computer?? Keyboards?? What??

Kim: We just need time, he just needs time to pull himself together. He is just depressed..

Helen: Enough defending him Kim. You need to be with a guy who would be willing to be with you and has a brighter future! Look at your sister. She's already happy because she married a guy who made her live like a princess. When I say princess, someone who is happy not because of money and fortune but because of time, happiness and love that her prince can provide her. He even worked so hard just to reach his position now as one of the best Tour guides here in Seoul. Everybody knows that you are a loving and an understanding girlfriend. You provide love, support and comfort to your boyfriend, but does he do the same way?

Kim: 😓

Helen: Better think twice before everything's too late. Come on, finish your drink. I'll take you home.


Abby: Vincent!! This is awesome!! 😁🥂 there are a lot of people here tonight. I miss this place. Clubbing really makes me happy!

Vincent: What?? I cant hear you! Just keep on dancing baby! Keep on dancing.

Lyn: I hope my kids won't get worried of me ✌️

Abby: About earlier, let's talk about it now!!

Vincent: about what???

Abby: You know, did you sleep with someone when you were in Manila?

Vincent: Yeah I did! I really had a nice sleep back then. We were so drunk that she had to sleep on the floor. 😂

Abby: Did something happen?

Vincent: Yeah! It was disgusting!

Abby: wait, what??

Vincent: That women couldnt handle herself! She vomited on me that night. Men she was a mess! Hot mess!

"Why don't you get it!!???" -Abby

Abby: What i meant was....


Everyone on the dance floor is enjoying the party, getting wild and free. Drinks here and there, free shots from the ladies around the DJ. VIP customers fishing for girls to get nailed that night.

Lyn: Let's go outside, it's too hot in here and guys are laying their hands on me. Can't they see that i have a ring on my finger?

Abby: Vincent!! Come!! Let's talk outside...

Little did Vincent know that Abby has a crush on him. His previous relationships were a proof that women can't stay loyal that stopped him from trusting women. That's the reason why he stayed single for almost 2 years.

People always say that Vincent is a playboy. Always dates beautiful women, different women from time to time. They always judge him on what they see. What people didnt know is that he has a lot of female best friends. Deep inside he's a lover. He loves to make women smile and laugh cuz for him, that's music to his ears. He could be your ideal boyfriend who's only intention is to make you happy. Too bad for him, his ex-girlfriends took him for granted.

Abby: Now that you are back, what are your plans? Will you work here again just like last time? Can I ask for your Sex on the Beach? 🤫

Lyn: I want your Mojito 😁

Vincent: You know what, i kinda miss teaching. I think I will join Lyn and teach again. You are always hiring, right?

Lyn: Of course! Head teacher would welcome you back. She might get surprised if she sees you.

Vincent: That's great! And oh, there's one more thing, I want to have a girlfriend. If not this year, maybe next year will do 😁 Im not even in a rush...

Abby: eheemmmm!!

Vincent: Are you okay?? Lyn, do you have water there??

Abby: 😤 let's go home guys....

Vincent is already considering of having a girlfriend. Do you think his next girlfriend would take him for granted again?? Or will she be his wife?

How about Kim? She thinks that everyone is against her relationship with Nick. Would Nick get a whole of himself and finally get a job that would support their future??

Sex on the Beach's ingredients: Vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice, cranberry juice and a dash of grenadine

MrBartendercreators' thoughts