
11th Class: Angel

It's a long weekend and everyone is ready and excited to go to Hundred Islands. Sun blocks, bikinis, and alcoholic beverages are all ready! Now, the van has arrived and it's 5 early in the morning, everyone is ready to get into the van.

..... My husband!!! Sit beside me!! 🥰😍😘

Grace: Hey!!! I'm the only one who's allowed to call him my husband!!

Dana: Husband!! Come 😍 let's sit together at the back.. We can do anything that you want. Just let them choose other seats. We are going to occupy the back seat.

Jimin: God gracious Dana!! Don't be selfish.., He's sitting BESIDE ME, not not with you.. so buzz off girl!

Grace: You! And You! Whoosh!! Shoo! This is his seat, beside me., so get out of here!!!

Vincent: Ryan, Han... get on the van now.., You can just bring with you your bags..... what the..

Ryan, Han: Teacher 😭

Vincent: Luggage???? Are you guys going home to Korea??

Ryan: The ladies made us their slaves 😭

Han: These are even heavier than me. I can't even carry myself, how much more for these luggages...

Kim: Ohh.. there's no more space??

Vincent: Kim, just sit with me in front. It's pretty spacious there..

Dana: What!! No!! Guys.. let me out of here!! Kim! You stay here and I'll sit with my Husband!!!

Kim: Oh.., ah yeah, you should sit....

Driver: Double time guys!! Double time!! We need to go now!!

Vincent: Go Kim, faster.. the driver is already getting angry..

Grace: Get me out of here!! Kim!!! Don't you dare!!

Jimin: I'll skin you alive Kim darling as soon as we get out of here 😑

Kim: 😰 haaaa.. Im so sorry guys.. I don't have any choice...

Vincent: Ahhmmm guys,, sorry I don't understand you...

Han: Teacher! The laddies said thee....

Dana: Ahmm, nothing teacher 😅 we just want to go now! We are excited..

Ryan: Lier.. they want to change seats with Kim..

Vincent: ahmm, ok you can just do that at the stop over.. but for now. Let's enjoy the road trip!




.... She's coming out!!!

Mario: Ooh Ohh oohhh!! Wait wait wait... ahmm, I'll get the car ready!!

Sunny: THE BABY CAN'T WAIT!! Go get the CAR!!!

Mario: ok ok ok... I'm on it! Just be careful.

Sunny: Why do I have to suffer from this excruciating pain!!?? You should feel it too!! It's so painful!! Damn it Mario! Don't leave me.. just stay by my side!!

Mario: Yeah Yeah Yeah Honey.. just hold on to it..

Sunny: I swear to god I'm not ever gonna get pregnant again!!

Mario: yeah yeah,, just hush.. we are almost there..

Sunny: You'll get pregnant next time!! I don't want it anymore! 😭 Honey.. are we there yet.!??

Mario: yeah yeah yeah.. here we are... DOC!!!! Please help!! she's going to give birth now!!

Sunny: Honey 😭 don't leave me.. stay by my side..

Mario: yeah yeah yeah,, I'm just here Honey. Don't you worry.. it will be just quick..

Sunny: God damn it Mario!! It's so painful! I'll make you pregnant next time!!

Mario: yeah yeah yeah.. whatever you say...

Doc, is she gonna be ok?

Doctor: Don't worry sir.., leave everything to us..

Sunny: I said.... DON'T LEAVE ME!!!

Mario: yeah yeah yeah.. Im not.. Im just here by your side Honey. You can do it.. I love you so much!!

Sunny: I love you too Honey.., our first baby ❤️

Mario: Yes Honey, be strong..


Kim: " oh my gosh... teacher Vincent smells so good! I love his perfume.. oh my god.. How come I couldn't smell him during our class?? It feels like I want to be beside him the whole trip. I wish we don't have stop over anymore. "

Driver: Sir, we are already near the stop over, should we stop for a while?

Vincent: looks like everyone is asleep.. I think we better get going.., we can just go to a comfort room there..

Driver: That's better sir. Otherwise, we might get late and possibly get stuck in traffic even if we stop for 15 minutes.

Vincent: Let's just keep going then.

Driver: Alright!

Kim: " 😅 oh, an angel has heard my wish. Thank you where ever you are 🤗 now, I can enjoy this trip and pretend that Im asleep. You smell really good, really nice and.., so manly.. hihi.. can I bite you??? "

Dana: My husband teacher!! Where are we now?? Aren't we going to stop for a stop over??

Vincent: Oh I'm sorry Dana, we can just stop at our destination. That's much better to avoid traffic.

Dana: What!!?? No!! Let me sit beside you!!

Kim!!! What the hell?? Don't lean on his shoulder! Youuu!! I'll tear you apart!!

Vincent: Dana, hush. She's already asleep., please don't be noisy... everyone is already asleep..

Dana: nooooo 😭😭😭 I hate you Kim 🤬

Kim: "hihi Im sorry Dana..."

Finally.. they have arrived their destination and went directly to their rooms.. As expected.., separate rooms for the ladies and guys..

Dana: No!! It can't be 😭 I want another room. My husband!, can we have another room??

Vincent: What!?? That can't be.. all the rooms are already occupied.. seems like there are a lot of tourists this time...

Grace: Will you stop whining Dana. You're such a kid. But I'm telling you, I'll get him tonight! 😋

Jimin: Nuh oh!! Not on my watch ladies., you'll see him drooling over me when I put on my bikini.. hahaha

Dana: " that's what you think! I have here my secret weapon! 😈 "

Ryan: Hey!! Your luggages! Get them!!

Han: Oh I'm dying here.. it's so hot and I sweat a lot here. I think I'll lose my weight in no time..

Vincent: Where are our bottles?? Whiskey, Tequila, Vodka, Rum... oh my god! I miss you my ladies 😍

Grace: Did he just call them ladies!!??

Jimin: You have no idea, do you?

Grace: About what??

Jimin: Ohhh, you will be left behind Grace. Teacher Vincent was a great bartender! He worked in 2 five-star hotels in Manila.., that's why he loves alcohol.

Grace: Oh really!? I wonder if he gets drunk really fast... that might be a great opportunity 😋

Jimin: You were saying??

Grace: Oh nothing.. don't mind me...

" oh my gosh.. I'm so innocent about these things, but I can't let them take my husband... especially Dana! She's so aggressive and dangerous.. I should do something about her.., and Jimin too "

Vincent: Ok everyone, listen up! Just take a rest for a while and this afternoon, we will go to the park and if you want, you can already buy some stuff that you might be needing tomorrow during our island hopping. Understand?

All: Yes teacher...

Now, I'll take a nap for a moment...




Kim: Huh!?? Hello!? Eunnie!??


Kim: is that??? 😱

Mario: Hi there Kimmy! Yes! Your sister has just given birth to a gorgeous mini Sunny! She's so lovely!

Kim: Really!!??? Let me see! Turn on to video!

Mario: oh yeah, how come I didn't think of that...


Sunny: Kimmy!! You are officially an aunt.... old aunt! Hahaha

Kim: ohh! Sunny!! Wow!! She's so beautiful! So gorgeous.., like you.. but I hope she wont get your attitude.. hahaha Hi there little one! 👋

Mario: Im so happy 😭 I'm officially a father!!

Sunny: It's such a blessing to our family. I hope she would grow as a good person.

Mario: No worries Honey, we will become good parents, and Kimmy here will help us as her aunt! Right??

Kim: Right! So you better start practicing changing diapers... 😂

Mario: Ahmm.. that would be a mother's job. 😁

Sunny: What!!? Ohhh. Is that so!? After this, you will sleep on the sofa!! Don't sleep beside me!! Your not gonna get score from me!!

Mario: No no no no... of course I will do it too.. 😂 you know how long I have waited for that... 😁

Sunny: Do it by yourself!! 😤

Mario: I was just joking.. 😅

Sunny: By the way Kimmy, where are you?? You seem like sweating a lot...

Kim: Oh. I'm in Hundred Islands. It's really hot here and it's a long weekend so we have decided to have a tour. Just a vacation to get away from stress of studying English..

Sunny: make sure not to drink alcohol there! Who's with you??

Kim: I'm with my batch mates and a teacher. He is our tour guide..

Sunny: oh really?? Be careful then Kimmy. Enjoy your vacation and remember, No drinking.

Kim: Hmmm, I wouldn't say that. 😅

Sunny: We miss you already.. See you soon!? Hahaha

Kim: Bye Eunnie, Bye Mario..

Sunny: Bye handsome 😂 hahaha

Kim: 😫

End of call....

Mario: By the way Honey..

Sunny: Yes?? What is it?

Mario: Nick is still Kim's boyfriend, right?

Sunny: I think so., but I hope she finally wakes up from her horrible nightmare and look for another guy.

Mario: Yeah yeah yeah cuz here's the thing.. I think I saw Nick just around here earlier..

Sunny: Are you sure? Are you sure that's him??

Mario: Yeah yeah yeah. Im 101% sure that it was him. But here's another thing.. he's with a woman., and it looked like they were talking to a doctor..

Sunny: Really??... a bit suspicious.. Do you remember her face??

Mario: not really,, But... I remember the doctor..

Sunny: let's talk to him later...

Vincent is having a quiet nap... getting ready for tonight. But who's that person with him in his room if he thought that he's alone...?

I'm still bothered on what Dana had bought before they went to Hundred Islands. What could it be?

One more thing.. what's the name of the Angel? Im sure she's really cute!

MrBartendercreators' thoughts