
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Komik
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57 Chs

Ling Kang

Sora began cultivating the king of heroes cultivation art, while he did he had thought projection go train with some new abilities he could use from the sage of six paths cultivation art. The Illusion of Hell, and the Supreme Illusion. He had mastered the Dao to the peak, in fact, all-natural Dao has been mastered. all but heavenly Dao.

the Illusion of Hell allowed him to pass a person into an illusion where he was considered a god. he would absolutely control. he could control space within that world and even time, he could have his target feel the worst type of hell, or have them live a life that was so realistic that they will live until they die within the illusion, which in turn will lead to their main body aging to death at a visible speed

the Supreme illusion was the most powerful illusion in the world. with a look, Sora could have anyone do anything they want, and they will think they are doing it of their free will. their personality will not change, they will remain the same with the only change being the order Sora gave them. even if they knew they were not doing it of their free will, they would not believe it or care.

these two abilities were powerful, and as Sora trained in them, he found he could even use the other abilities. the hell flames, but not the god of space. through the fire crystal, Sora could use the hell flame, a powerful flame that ignored space and time. a flame that will never stop burning until its target is burned out of existence. this flame of course could be put out by powerful shock waves, but they burned anything before Sora. even space and air could be burned. these flames were dangerous if left uncontrolled, they would burn away all existence. they spread and swallow their target almost instantly,

how powerful was Sora's illusion? it had 25 Dao of strength, 2.5 times stronger than Sora's combat strength. of course not even have a powerful mind, and could see through powerful illusions. and an illusion that was too small to be seen could even trick those powerful experts with sharp eyes, this power could see to increase or decrease.

Sora spent a few weeks mastering these abilities, of course, many poor demonic beasts went through hell. Sora's illusion abilities even improve by 5 times when using the yin crystals, so even a person with 150 Dao strength could still be skilled by Sora.

Sora also cultivated the King of Hero at shocking speed, upon reaching the copper rank, Sora seemed to go through huge changes. Sora's charisma improved to a point anyone who was 5 times weaker than him prostrated themselves at his feet in his mere presence, of course, those with a strong heart will resist. Sora went on to learn how to control this, allowing him to suppress it.

Sora also went to test his golden ruler ability. and to his shock, wealth just seems to find its way to him. Sora went fishing and caught a huge treasure from underwater, Sora sat on a rock, but it turned out that rock was a demonic beast egg that was covered in rocks. this stuff was considered valuable even to Sora, such stuff he ran into were considered items that could be found in the immortal realm

as for high-level Clairvoyance. Sora could see anything that was within 100 times his strength. so he could see everything, but for things had above 2,500 Dao strength, Sora would be blind to their capabilities, name, power, and items.

Sora also gained something which was shocking, God Qi, as soon as he began cultivating this cultivation art, Sora began slowly gaining the bloodline of a god. although the energy needed to gain this bloodline made even him shocked, gaining this bloodline allowed him to train God Qi. but it was a small amount since he was still at the copper rank

Sora went on to cultivate this cultivation art to the iron rank, with that he gained the complete bloodline. and this to his high cultivation, he could absorb a high amount of God Qi from the void to improve his own cultivation. and he fused God Qi into all of his other energy. he went from 500 continents to 650 because of this fusion

He didn't gain any new abilities from this cultivation art, although he felt like his god Qi had a hint of the Dao of creation within. he went on to cultivate to the silver rank, and at this rank, he gained nothing

But when he reached the Gold rank, Sora gained two powerful things from this cultivation art. it was something called Collector. A "talent" in collecting high-quality goods, a sort of supernatural luck that draws rare items into Sora's hands.

and the second thing was a cultivation art called king's treasury, this cultivation art allows Sora to make a dimension within his world that will be capable of holding an endless number of items. cultivating this cultivation art will allow one to use the Collector capability to items limits

by cultivating this, Sora will not need to go out and find treasures. any treasures seen under heaven and earth will be formed within the treasury using his Godly Qi, these weapons will be of a higher quality and will be considered the original. they will be 10 times better in fact. Sora didn't need to think as this will happen by itself, of course, if something doesn't appear under the heavens, the treasures will not be able to make it,

also, the limit to weapons that could be made was 1,000 times stronger than Sora. currently, Sora had a peak combat strength 325 trillion, that's not adding his items, 9 tail fox, and illusion. So, with the items the treasury will be making, it will be 325 Dao of power. which meant he could make items of the grade of peak level 1 earth immortal

Sadly, with that Sora could only make what is in the realm he was in, but this alone gave Sora the power to copy an almost infinite number of items, each of a higher quality than the original. there was no limit to the type of weapon, even the crystals such as earth crystals were being copied.

at the speed at which they were copied seemed to also be instant, Sora was not just using his own energy, but also the energy which the magical tree was gathering to form these items. so in a blink of an eye, Sora had every item within the 4 heavenly beast empires.

Sora even noticed that items that had appeared in the lower realm and disappeared were being copied. for example, the demon race items were had left this world and returned back to the demon realm were being created.

So long as it has been seen by someone, and the heavens then Sora could copy the weapon. with just weapons alone Sora could just over warm his targets. but Sora had no interest in these weapons, the only thing which he considered worth taking is the herbs, Dao-type crystals, and other stuff which could improve his comprehension of the Dao.

Sora went on to give the crystals which he gained from this world to Ling Han since he got better ones. Sora, also gave Ling Han some herbs so Ling Han could make a pill for him. these herbs were formed within the treasury, and thanks to them being better than their originals, they could be considered immortal grade herbs.

the pill which he wanted would allow him to improve his eyes. all-seeing eyes needed a pill to improve them to their next stage. and since they fused, Sora could improve the newly fused eyes into a new stage, allowing Sora to stop going blind from using his eyes, and to gain the new abilities from the which would form the celestial eyes.

Ling Han would need some time to study these herbs, and within this time Sora went to go to the food palace. it had been hundreds of years since he last eat something good, so he went to go see Mu Qing. he was, of course, welcomed upon arriving, and Mu Qing who had reached the 8th level of the Dao of cooking had been waiting for him all these years.

the Dao of cooking was not a natural Dao, so Sora didn't master it. but he did reach the 4th level.

"you're cooking skills are even better?" Sora said softly as his supreme sage eyes closely looked at her movements, Mu Qing didn't say anything as she was giving this everything she had. Sora didn't say anything else, as he lost himself in the smell and art show before him. this was truly beautiful

soon, Mu Qing was done with her cooking and gave Sora a plate of food. Her breathing was slightly rapped, she had never gone so far when cooking before.

"Sigh... you sure you don't want to be my teacher?" Sora asked after taking a breath, enjoying the smell of the food. Mu Qing's eyes brightened slightly; she missed this chance last time... but this time she wanted more

"a teacher? my capability alone is not worthy. I'm more fitting to be a wife." She said jokingly, but she closely eyed Sora. no one knew that Sora was married, Ling Yu's existence was something Ling Han didn't allow to spread.

"Haha, sure," Sora said with a smile. making Mu Qing freeze. she had thought of many things that could happen, but this was just too straightforward.

"what do you mean?" She asked softly

"I want to take you away, that way I will not have to wait hundreds of years to come to enjoy your amazing cooking," Sora said with a smile. Sora didn't care much about having wives, Ling Han alone already had a whole harem. meanwhile, he only had Ling Yu, Sora didn't care much about having a harem. but having such a beautiful chef cooking for him... that thought moved him. sadly, she never wants to leave this place.

but he was shocked when she agreed, Sora smiled slightly as he eat the food. but he suddenly froze as his eyes shrank, Soa felt as if he was being hugged by the most loving being in the world. a feeling so addicting it made felt feel as if he would melt. it was a kind of warmth that feels his every being. although it had little effect on Sora, it was something Sora didn't resist to.

Mu Qing watched Sora who just froze there as he closed his eyes, but after a few seconds Sora opened his eyes and let out a deep breath, he looked at Mu Qing. through this food, Sora could sense her feelings. he felt slightly bad as he kind of wanted her for the food, but that changed slightly.

Sora had Mu Qing sit next to him as they both enjoyed the food together, after the meanwhile. Sora spoke to Mu Qing's father, who of course agreed to all of this. upon returning to the Azura dragon sect, which was being rebuilt to be the 4 heavenly beast empire capital, Sora went on to intrude everyone to Mu Qing before letting her go off to settle down.

"... what?" Ling Han asked seeing Ling Yu just looking at him. Ling Han seeing this calmly left leaving the two to themselves.

"why was I not told of this?" She asked with a frown,

"I did, remember when we were doing that thing you like, and you asked where I got so skilled with many hands, and timing?" Sora asked calmly, Ling Yu's lips twitched slightly.

"Or that one time I was doing that one thing, and you were curious at how with every movement" Ling Han's mouth was suddenly covered by Ling Yu whose face was slight. they get creative when they were together in bed, who knew you could use stuff you comprehend from the Dao while in bed.

Ling Yu didn't want to speak of such things in the open, did this guy have no shame? She quickly changed the subject, throwing the whole Mu Qing away.

and so, the new and improved realm gained a time of peace. Ling Han was forced on training immortals and speed up heaven's creation of natural treasures such as herbs. Ling Han of course had immortal cultivating art, this went for techniques and many others. most of them were given Sora as the treasury saw these stuff as worth copying. the cultivation arts copied were even improved, removing the side effects and other stuff.

Sora also began cultivating the dragon ball cultivation art. this was actually the fastest cultivation art Sora had to cultivate. upon cultivating this art, Sora's body did improve to allow him to eat things such as energy and stuff like fire, other stuff to improve his strength, recover energy and heal.

Upon reaching the Iron, Sora gained Dragon God attacking technique, which could power up to twice his normal combat power. these techniques, were the Dragon God roar, The Dragon God wing attack, and many more

at the silver rank, Sora gained the capability to enter a special form called dragon force. in this state, his power is increased by 5 times, and he gains some Dragon God secret techniques, which could show power 2.5 times his combat power.

at the gold rank, Sora could transform into a half-dragon half-human. in this state, his power will increase by 10 times.

although the boost of power was nothing compared to the other abilities Sora had, this cultivation art allowed Sora to be immune to most forms of attack. His senses also improved to the level where he could even react to attacks which should be faster than him with just this cultivation art. there was also the fact he could eat his enemy attacks, allow his power to grow, and even breakthrough.

Ling Han soon also formed the pill Sora needed, but upon taking the pill Sora had to face a tribulation as the heavens seem not to allow these eyes to exist, as these eyes went against the heavens. but after a hard tribulation and Sora suffered enough damage to allow him to break through to the peak of level 4 gold rank. giving him 900 continents in the base.

with the new eyes which had evolved to a new level, these were now the celestial eyes, and the 5th stage of the sage energy combined. these eyes without the need of the Susanoo could give Sora a boost of 500. they had improved by not twice, but 10 going from a simple 50 to a shocking 500 times.

the new eyes were now a burning orange color in the shape of a star. these eyes, Sora could now use the full-body Susanoo. a Susanoo which used could improve the boost these eyes gave him from 500 to 5,000.

Sora full-body Susanoo was orange in color, it had a sword sharp enough to cut through a planet. it had 2 large wings which allowed it to be flexible while moving, even if it's as tall as mountains, this Susanoo was not slow at all. using the warp ability, and the almost infinite speed the solar energy cultivation art gave Sora... a scary thought

these eyes also gave Sora a special stage which was called celestial mode. the celestial would come from the celestial race cultivation art, this stage boost one power by 50 times, and could give them those special floating black orbs called truth-seeking orbs.

Sora cannot read a person's fate, see their past and even hint at their future. Sora's eyes were not limited by space, as he could see everywhere he wished unless it was blocked. he could even force his eyes to look into the immortal realm and other realms,

Sora also gained some level of comprehension into other heavenly Dao, and even gained the ability to golems, around the same level of power as his own capability, which he could control to fight. he will not even need to force on them, and they will fight and think on their own.

Sora's peak combat strength was now a shocking 4.5 quintillion. or 4,500 Dao. which could allow him to fight a mid-level 2 earth immortal. of course, Sora found a huge drawback from high such a high combat strength, the injuries he suffered during the heavenly tribulation were deadly. not light at all. he had to take a magical bean to recover at one point. yet all of that was enough for just 1 stage.

in the past, Sora could have broken through 2 ranks with that, but just 1 stage was too much. the energy he also needed for a breakthrough was divine amount 7 cultivation arts, so say the energy for a simple breakthrough was enough to allow countless people to break through the whole gold rank

thanks to his improvement in strength, the treasure could now also copy items in nearby realms, but the items it could copy were not going to be 100 times his combat power, but equal to his own due to how far apart they were, and how weak he was. but within the 4 Heavenly beast Empire, Sora had every treasury, up to 450,000 Dao.

Sora didn't spin the wheel, as at the moment he didn't need anything and just wanted to force on what he had, and comprehend the Dao.

within this new Empire, Ling Han was the leader, and Sora was considered his right-hand man. but Sora actually did nothing, although they stood on equal footing. Sora didn't make much of an approach and supported the empire from the side. sad to be the only person second to Ling Han, Sora became a mysterious being over time.

meanwhile, Sora spent time comprehending the Dao, or with Ling Yu and Mu Qing. life was peaceful, new sects were formed, powers formed and fell, and soon the first group of immortals was formed within the empire.

within the immortal realm, the heavenly courts. the heavenly emperor was sitting upon his throne, while looking down at the many immortals and gods, kneeling before him.

"The lower realm losing contact with the immortal realm, we have been trying to make contact with it, but the lower realm seems to have moved. I have region to believe that that Buddha Courts' lower buddha realm was absorbed by this lower realm, and not the demon realm. it also seems to have changed its name, making it so we can't divine it so easily," a man said calmly

"They used the demon to their advantage to break free. " The man continued

"With the calamity on its way, it's a time for all races to fight for a chance at a brighter future. I expected a few lower realms to break free. leave that lower realm be, if it survives the calamity then it shall rejoin the immortal realm." the heavenly emperor said calmly, it was a part of the heavenly court to keep the balance and keep the lower realm safe. since the lower realm wanted to leave their protection at this time, then sure. they could go. there are countless of other lower realms

but there was a deeper reason to why he let the lower realm be, it was because of Ling Han, and Sora, these talents wanted to see how far they could raise. of course, when the calamity is over and they dare not submit, they will be erased.

in a blink of an eye, Sora was over 1,500 years old. Sora while sitting on a special throne that could improve cultivation speed, and comprehension speed. of course, Sora had built his own palace, he called it the golden Ape palace. Sora simply had a peak level 10 void shattering realm expert submit to him and lead this palace.

"..." Sora frowned as he looked at Ling Han was walked towards him with something wrapped up in his hands.

"When did you have a child?" Sora asked in shock, Ling Han looked at the child in his hands with deep pain, before sighing.

"My first wife who had disappeared long, ago suddenly appeared yesterday and gave him to me. she was badly injured as if she was in a hard fight, she could stay for long as she said it will draw attention to this realm..." Ling Han said with deep eyes as he looked at the baby in his hands

"How did she find this realm? I thought we have hidden a safe place? she could have just stayed" Sora asked with a frown, Ling Han nodded

"She had a blood drop of mine, which she used to find me... the demon realm has also found us, a war will soon break out. this war will be hundreds of times more deadly than the last, So... could you leave and find a hidden world to raise my son for me?" Ling Han asked as he looked Sora straight in the eyes

"What about you and this world?" Sora asked with a frown,

"You really thin 10 Dao is my peak power? these demons have annoyed me for too long, I will show them my two powers." Ling Han said with a cold snort. Sora nodded slightly as he stood up and took the child. taking out some magical beans, he gave them to Ling Han.

"don't spoil him. I want him to start from nothing like I have and slowly raise to the peak, that way he will not be too arrogant, and can see the value of working hard. if I do fall, then protect my son... his name Ling Kang" Ling Han said with a smile.

"don't worry, I will see to it that he is no less impressive to his father. and I will not let you die so easily, if you die, it will be so lonely." Sora said with a smile, Ling Han smiled slightly as Sora disappeared, teleporting far away.

Ling Han's smile slowly disappeared as killing intent filled. with this realm limitation now at the peak of level 3 void immortal, it's going to be a battle between immortals. sure they had immortals, but that was not going to cut it as the demon realm had stronger immortals and better technique.

in the end, Ling Han will have to use the crystals, and remove their limitations to defeat the demon, but even with that, he was not sure if he could face an army of peak level 3 void shattering realm experts. as for using the world core. they could just suppress the heavens again, of course, Ling Han had his ways to win this. but one couldn't away be too sure. he had to send Sora away.

although in the past thousand years Sora's strength improved, he rather has Sora protect the new element which suddenly dropped into his life than this lower realm.

meanwhile, in the furthest part of the 4 heavenly beast empire, Sora appeared within a village, which only had a peak 3 copper rank experts. Sora smiled slightly as he looked at the child which looked like Sora.

"Your father says not to spoil you, yet what is that thing in your forehead," Sora said with a shake of his head, within this kid's mind space was an orb, which was held many techniques, and suppressed this kid's bloodline, it also protecting this kid from all mind base abilities. but also made him a cripple, until he reached 15 years old, he will never cultivate.

"Kurama," Sora said softly as he walked toward the village head,

"Yes?" Kurama asked from within him, all Kurama does nowadays was eat, sleep, and cultivate. it was living the life. it could also comprehend Dao while sleeping, which Sora thought was shocking.

"Enter Ling Kang. act as his protector, and when you see he is worthy to use your energy. allow him to use it to strengthen his own power. So, land him your power from time to time if he would surely die." Sora said calmly, the 9-tail fox flew out of him as it shanked and looked at the baby. it snorted slightly displeased it will be in a brats body, but it still entered the kid's body and went on to seal itself away, so its cultivation wouldn't affect this kid

"..." the guards at the city head mansion wanted to stop Sora, but they instead allowed Sora to pass by them. Sora entered the village head mansion, with everyone who saw him not capable of even thinking of stopping him.

"you're the village head?" Sora asked calmly as he stood before a middle-aged man who was starting to grow white hair. the old man respectfully nodded

"Take this child in as your own, you will give me a courtyard where I will stay in peace. you will treat this child like your own, but you will tell him he was adopted." Sora said calmly, the middle-aged man nodded respectfully as he took the child,

Sora stopped using his illusions on them and went on to stay within the small courtyard they gave him. years went by, and soon the Ling Kang was able to walk and talk. Sora of course spent this time personally teaching him about the way of cultivation.

Ling Kang was a bright kid, although slightly arrogant since he was the adopted son of the village head, he was not too showy. he took in Sora's teaching, not daring to ever miss a word. Ling Kang just had a feeling that Sora was not normal, even his stepdad was respectful to Sora.

Soon he was of that age where on began their journey to cultivate, but Ling Kang found himself to be a cripple. an absolute waste, that day Ling Kang's world view changed as everyone who was always sucking up to him suddenly began looking at him with disdainful looks. although Ling Kang knew he will be able to cultivate once he was 15, this was a hard pill to swallow for the little king.

Lucky for him, this girl whom he loved deeply still treated him the same. as long as he had her. as the year went by, they even became more than just friends. with the village head even pushing the two to get married. the girl's family didn't reject, and they were set to be married on their 18th birthday.

but when Ling Kang was 14, everything fell apart as an elder from some sect who can to see if there was any talent in this village saw that Ling Kang's lover was talented. upon hearing she could become an iron rank expert, her family instantly broke the engagement even the girl became disdainful toward Ling Kang. but before they did, they tricked Ling Kang into handing over a pill to improve her cultivation, the village head couldn't do anything due to the elder of the sect, so he could only remain quiet.

the elder was going to hold a test to see test everyone under the age of 20 in the village in a month. Ling Kang was depressed for days, but a week later he turned 15 years old and rushed to see Sora.

"Uncle. 15, I want to cultivate." Ling Kang said with deep killing intent. Sora smiled slightly as he looked at Ling Kang. it was Sora who improved that little girl's talents, it was Sora who drew that elder to this village. everything of course played out by itself, of course, Sora knew what would have happened.

"Why? after getting played you want to kill someone?" Sora asked mockingly, Ling Kang gritted his teeth as he nodded.

"Then no. if you only cultivate for just that, then you will make a lot of mistakes in your cultivation journey. go and calm down. then come back when you got a true answer from the heart. until then, you shall not cultivate." Sora said calmly, Ling Kang was shocked at Sora's words. but he didn't dare to disrespect his uncle. the last time he did, his butt was burning red for weeks.

Ling Han forcefully calmed down and went to his room and went over Sora's words, why did he want to cultivate? it took a whole night for him to come up with an answer

"I want to become a cultivator so I can be strong, strong enough to never be played again. strong enough to find my parents." Ling Kang said seriously as he looked at Sora. Sora nodded slightly as he had Ling Kang sit opponent to him

"Today I will be leaving for a trip. I will be back a few years later." Sora said calmly as Ling Kang began cultivating to the cultivation art Ling Han gave him.

Sora calmly gave him tips on the side, in just a day. Ling Kang had broken through to level 1 copper rank, as soon as he did the orb within his mind pulled his mind into an illusion. within that illusion, Ling Kang saw before him as Ling Han and Sora spar against each other, causing the planet they were on to slowly began breaking part

"Lightning Sword." Ling Han suddenly said this as time seemed to come to a stop, Ling Kang's eyes glowed on this sword move. which cut Sora's arm cleanly cut off. Sora laughed slightly as the spar came to an end, Ling Kang suddenly gained the information about the lightning Sword technique, which gave him a slight headache

upon opening his eyes, He found that Sora had disappeared, he looked around, but Sora was nowhere to be seen. after searching and being unable to find him, Ling Kang began thinking of what he saw within the illusion world.

'Was that my father? so powerful, he and uncle were destroying planets without trying. where did he go?" Ling Kang thought with a deep frown, but Sora said he will be back so he began cultivating.

Sora on the other hand was within the void, as he appeared within his mind space.

"I spent thousands of years thinking until I heard your cry. I know your name." Sora said with a smile as she looked at the young man who was sitting on his throne. the young man smiled slightly, he suddenly stood up as he did something which shocked Sora.

the young man suddenly transformed, making his hair take on a red hair,

"But are you worthy?" He asked, this form was 10 times stronger than the true monkey state, giving him a powerup of 10 million. Sora could till he was holding back the mastered state of this formed, but this amount was already so powerful.