
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Komik
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57 Chs


the dragon ancestor quickly submitted before Sora. Sora had damaged not just it but all of its other-selves, and it found it lost its healing capability. that blow it took completely destroyed any hopes it had of winning. Sora also just used the supreme illusion to just have him want to submit, this illusion also affected his other main bodies.

Sora of course had it make an oath. and after an oath was made to his Dao's heart, if this dragon dared to go against the oath, his Dao heart will stumble, and he would die, disappearing from all existence.

Sora had the dragon ancestor become his knew mountain, hoping on it, he had this dragon taking him back to the mortal realm. he had the dragon refuse with its other self, quickly regaining its power of one at half step God realm. he shockingly had 100 million supreme Dao of power, if he was just 10 times stronger, he would be able to match an early god rank expert.

Sora upon arriving had the dragon ancestor act as the protector within the 4 divine beast empire while he went on to go to the 3rd, to 7th heaven to stabilize things as they had suffered massive damage. Sora took a few years, before returning back to the 4 divine beasts empire and went on to relax. but as he was relaxing, a group of experts came to visit him.

it was non-other than experts from the heavenly race, Sora calmly sat on his throne, looking at a cup of wine in his hands, while this expert spoke

"You did a good job capturing the dragon ancestor. now, hand him over and we of the heavenly race will reward you." a young man said calmly while looking at Sora. he couldn't help but be annoyed with how Sora was treating them, of the heavenly race. they Sora dare to regard them,

Just when Sora was about to speak, he suddenly looked far away into the 4 divine beast empire as he sensed Ling Han had left the tower of 3 realms, he had been locked away for over 1,000 years and had finally come out. Sora smiled as he sensed Ling Han's current power. Ling Han at peak level 6 had power equal to a half-step, immortal emperor, in just base form. taking into count his transformation, and 4 soul swords. Sora believed Ling Han should be at least have 100 lesser celestial Dao of power. that's not taking, in fact, he had the world lord fist, and since there was no limit,

but Ling Han didn't have the Monkey King bloodline, his physique couldn't adapt like his could, of course, Ling Han had a powerful physique. Sora guessed his limits should be in the thousands, and at least close to one million. a good rival, only the son of the god of creation could be his rival.

something Sora felt like Ling Han was the MC and he just popped out of nowhere. Sora had no complaints or anything like that, what was there to be complaining about? Ling Han should be the one complaining,

Sora sent knew to Ling Han of what was happening, those experts from the heavenly race blinked and Sora switched places with Ling Han. Sora left all of that heavenly race stuff to Ling Han, that was the race his mother belonged to after all.

Sora flashed and appeared within a space within the 4 divine beast empire, there was one only 1 small planet within this space, as Sora landed on it. he was hit with a powerful air of slaughter, this air of slaughter was powerful enough to kill any earth immortal realm expert, yet it was coming from an expert at peak golden immortal.

Sora entered the cave this aura was coming from, there was no life on this planet as no life could handle this air. as Sora entered the cave, he saw a huge blood-red fox, the hair on this fox was like steel needles. there were some hints of golden hair on this fox, making it look mightily divine beast.

this was none other than the 9-tail fox, it was close to comprehending all the Dao and was ready to break through to the void-shattering realm. as the fox was formed from energy and had no true form, its energy changed as Sora's energy changed. the dragon god armor also seemed to have affected this dragon in some way shape or form, turning the 9-tail fox into a something like a war god 9 tail fox

"The theme seems to be all about war gods," Sora said softly as he sat down and began helping the 9 tails out while helping the 9-tail fox. Sora went on to spin the wheel, the wheel began spinning and slowly stopped on a question mark. suddenly the question mark began to start shining with rainbow light which was blinding.

Sora watched as the bright light slowly disappeared, and 3 worlds slowly appeared.

{The Legendary Monkey King Cultivation: cultivating this cultivation art will allow you to grow stronger through battle, the adapted capability of this bloodline is much higher than the normal monkey king cultivation art by countless times over. gain the power of the legendary monkey king.

Cultivation art Grade: Chaos}

Sora sighed seeing he got this technique; he had avoided this in the past as he wanted a stable formation. but with his new bloodline and the fact it would fuse, there was no problem with him getting this bloodline now. with it, he could return to the old days where he would grow and grow nonstop from getting a beating,

During the battle with the dragon ancestor, Sora had suffered huge damage but after the battle, he had only broken through to late level 6 void shattering realm. with 3.200 greater Dao in base form, that was 10 hours' worth of a beating. but with this new technique, who knows, he might have broken through to level 7 or higher.

Sora began cultivating this while wheel helping the 9-tail fox. as he cultivated this legendary cultivation art, Sora felt a new power forming within him, which was this new bloodline. which went on to fuse with his war god bloodline, the armor didn't do anything, this bloodline did it on its own, strengthening that monkey king bloodline, which was fused with the war god bloodline, which in return strengthened the war od bloodline.

there was no new technique he got at the copper rank, or iron rank, just the strengthening of his bloodline, but the time at the gold rank Sora gained a new technique. an attacked called Omega blaster, he throws a ball of energy from his palm which then grows inside. this energy ball would have the power of 3 times his combat strength, Sora could throw more than one of these attacks and they could fuse increasing the power even more.

by the void-shattering realm, Sora felt something. his blood was boiling, and Sora quickly felt and appeared within the forbidden realm. Sora begins powering up, a golden aura covered Sora but is transformed into a green aura. but due to the effect of the war god energy, it began turning red with some hints of gold

Sora roared at the sky as his hair which was blood red began raising up, Sora muscles grow along with his size. but the growth suddenly stopped as his body became perfect standing at 2.5 meters, and with muscles that were in perfect balance with his body. a shock wave suddenly exploded off him, causing all the stairs within this world to suddenly disappear,

{new form gained. legendary Super Saiyan: War God. this form is the legendary Super Saiyan but entered through the host war god energy. this form is 100 times stronger than the normal Super Saiyan: War God. there are 4 grades to this form, when mastered this form will be 3 times stronger. the host has already mastered this form. current power this form gives is.

1.5 quintillion} the system said as Sora floated in the complete world of darkness as the light within the darkness,

"I controlled," Sora said softly, of course, he could control this form. with how many techniques Sora had to strengthen his mind, and how powerful his willpower was. he of course mastered this form. Sora also mastered this. Sora smiled slightly; he had broken through to the peak of the 6th level of the void shattering realm

Sora felt his power for some time before he began to power up all of the sudden, his power suddenly began to grow once more like the hair which was hanging down in front of his face began raising, his power suddenly stopped raising when he suddenly transformed once more

{new form gained... Legendary Super Saiyan 2: War God. this form is a stage above the normal Legendary Super Saiyan form. this form is twice as powerful and has 4 grades. when mastered, it will be 3 times stronger. the host has already mastered this form. current power this form gives

9 quintillion} the system said as Sora smiled, he sensed his power once more but he didn't feel like he could reach the legendary Super Saiyan 3: Wat God for the time being,

{Name: Sora

Lifespan: 1,202,006/ infinite

Bloodline: War God Bloodline

Cultivation: Late level 6 void shattering realm

Base form power. 5,000 greater Dao

Peak Combat power: 18,432,000 supreme Dao

Sundip Combat Power: 1,843 greater celestial Dao

Comprehended Dao: All mastered

Cultivation technique: [Solar Energy Cultivation Art], [Monkey King Cultivation Art], [Sage Of Six Paths cultivation Art], [Wrathful Mind Cultivation Art], {Divine Combat Angel cultivation art], {Celestial being cultivation art}, {Dragon God Cultivation Art}, {The King Of hero's Cultivation art},[Haki]. [The Raising Sun Cultivation art], [Dragon Clan Cultivation art], [Demon King Cultivation art], [legendary Monkey King Cultivation Art]

Martial Arts: [The great fire Ball techniques], [the Lightning Cutter], [Water Dragon], [Weighted Boulder], [Rasenshuriken]. [thought projection], [Dragon Fist], [monkey king energy wave], [Gental fist}, {Warp}, {Celestial Mode}, {Dragon God roar}, {Dragon God Wing Attack}, {Dragon God Iron Fost}, {Kings Treasury}, [Six Paths Techniques], [Bright Star], [the Star that swallows all], [full counter], [Materialization], [ Revenge Counter]. [Trick Star], [Omega Blaster]

Items: [Monkey King Staff], [War God Armor], [Magical Beams] [Zanno},

Rage Points: 999 octillion}

Sora smiled slightly before he returned back to the pocket space with the 9-tail fox, he remains in his transform state at all times. it's not like he wastes any energy, Sora went on to help the 9-tail fox again, but after a few years, he got bored and spun the wheel once more. Sora watched as the wheel stopped before a question mark,

the question mark turned into a golden light before it disappeared, and revealed a black egg with light blue marks

{The Dragon God of chaos. this is the egg dragon god of chaos, with the ability to feed upon all things, growing stronger and stronger. feed it energy and blood to speed up the birth of this dragon, the pure and stronger the energy and blood, the better and more power the dragon good will be... the dragon will have the bloodline given to its ability, but weaker

Egg grade: Chaos} the system said as Sora had the egg appear before him.

this egg looked like Acnologia scales, So, Sora believed that this dragon was going to be Acnologia. Sora had his essence blood drop onto the dragon egg, his blood drop wasn't golden like Ling Han, but was the same as the war god bloodline. Sora watched as the egg absorbed his blood drop like it was nothing. Sora had 5 more drops land on it, before his face slightly. Sora looked at the egg, but it showed no hints of hatching. looking at it through the system, Sora saw it will take 2 billion years

Sora waved and went on to feed the dragon a drop of Ling Han dragon blood, the egg absorbed it, and watched as the blood drop began looking its color. looking at it through the system, the time for its birth suddenly began skyrocketing down,

1.9 billion years, 1.8 billion years, 1.7 billion years, 1.6 billion years, and in a few days, it reached 1 million years. that was the blood essence of the god of creation, a powerful dragon type bloodline that greatly benefited this egg, Sora eat a magical bean while he kept giving the egg more of his blood essence,

over 1,000 blood essences later, Sora lowered it to 100 thousand years, at which point he put the egg away, 100 thousand years was not a long time, and he could wait. the egg gad also transformed, as its blue marking turned into a blood-red

for a few more years until the 9-tail fox finally summoned its tribulation and was ready to step into the void-shattering realm. Sora got out of the tribulation range and watched the 9-tail fox face it, the tribulation lasted only a few days before the 9-tail fox ran towards Sora, it now had power equal to a half step of a heavenly immortal. it could still fight two realms above its cultivation, but Sora sensed something within to be awakened. a mode beyond the 9-tail fox mod,

Sora would look into it later, but for now, he left this world with the 9-tail fox in his hands. as he returned, he went on to see what happened in the past few years he want out. Ling Han had gone on to conquer a few more heavens 20th and below heaven. Ling Han was ready to go to war with the 21st and 33rd heaven.

war was around the corner, and this time there will be many half-step gods rank experts that would join the battle. Ling Yu had disappeared as he went to the prisoners in hell to find experts to subdue. there were many powerful experts down in hell, many of which were half step god rank experts. they were locked up down there as they couldn't be killed, or couldn't be allowed to be reborn, the dragon ancestor was one of those that should have been rocked down there, he was killed and could be locked down there

Sora sat down on a throne while going through the report of everything had he had missed out on, but as he was looking at the report, he suddenly felt sleepy. one should know, that people as powerful as Sora don't just get sleep, a powerful expert was fulling Sora into a dream world.

Sora fell asleep and quickly found himself before the handsome young man who had appeared before him the last time, he fell asleep. a look of the announcement appeared on Sora's face; he ignored this guy yet he comes running toward him

"I wanted to give you an opportunity, yet you refused my offer," he said unhappily, Sora looked calmly at him before shaking his head

"What type of fool do you think would believe you want to give me anything? as old as you all, you have no brain cells to think a half-ass life like that would work," Sora asked calmly as he looked around at the dream world, the powerful eyes narrowed slightly but he sighed

"With a heart like that, you will not get far. if you are too cowardly to accept something I wish to give you, you will miss out on many opportunities in the future," He said seriously, but Sora just ignored him. the expert seeing this was enraged, sadly the system was still shut down So, Sora couldn't get any rage points.

"You are a smart brat," the expert said as he suddenly waved his hands, something entering this pocket space, Sora didn't need to act as the dragon armor instantly moved to protect Sora, but a small hole was pocked through the defenses, this was not an attack So the defensive capability was not all that. Sora didn't even need to move, the self-movement technique showed its true might as countless weapons from the treasury appeared.

the man's face paled slightly sensing all of the powerful weapons which had suddenly appeared within Sora's pocket space, they were all defending the most valuable stuff within the treasury and also moving to attack. without a second thought, he pulled back his will while pulling away some stuff that was capable of being taken.

the weapons all attack, injuring and badly damaging his will. but he managed to pull it back with a small something. the middle-aged man's face paled as he opened his palm to see what he took from Sora's pocket space, where he held a space that held a block of ice that had someone sealed away

"Fu Bo...?" the man's eyes narrowed slightly as he instantly saw everything he needed to know about Fu Bo. although they were much valuable stuff within Sora's pocket, this Fu Bo was in fact the most valuable of them all

"I forgot about him," Sora said as he held his hands out, a portal opened up as Sora pulled a sword that screamed with an air of destruction. as soon as the man's eyes landed on this sword, his heart skipped a beat,

"Well... begone," Sora said but as he was about to swing, the sword the middle-aged man disappeared. Sora frowned as he began forgetting what the man looked like, was he female? was he human? it was as if he never existed in the first palace, Sora could not recall him, and because of this he could not kill him as he couldn't target him

"Some bullshit, why Fu Bo of all people? and how do I leave this place?" Sora said with a frown, this was a dream world, the fact that a guy could turn reality into a dream and dream into reality was a bit scary. Sora waved his hands as he destroyed this dream world, his body instantly pulled him back,

upon returning to his main body, Sora frowned as he fell into deep thought. that man was at least a lesser god, but the fact he saw through the sword of destruction capability and instantly ran, he should be around a greater god level of power of cultivation.

Sora snapped his finger as he made a wish to know that guy's information, but the wish was out of his capability, so thought for some time before pulling out a necklace. this necklace had the ability to increase his cultivation of the earth's immortal realm

Sora put the necklace on and used its ability, his cultivation suddenly skyrocketed as he entered mid-earth immortal. with a snap, Sora gained all the information about that expert and the many other powerful experts outside the 3 realms.

outside the 3 realms was a higher plane of existence, known as the plane of gods. within that world were gods, such as the god of humans, who was the first-ever human, and many more. there were many powerful experts there. and they all transcended everything. no normal expert could reach it, not even half step god rank expert had the capability to reach that world, only gods which stood equal to the Dao could reach it

the man after Sora was a greater God known as Daolord Jade Cloud. a top prodigy of a god temple within the realm. he was given special treatment and was allowed to come spread his teaching to the 3 realms, by which he could grow strong as more people walked his path.

Sora took out Zanno and locked onto Dao lord Jade Cloud, within the god realm, Jade cloud who had escaped was cruising Sora, when he suddenly felt Sora locking onto him. he instantly saw through space and time and saw Ling Han who was looking straight at him while sitting on his thrown with Zanno in his hands. a chill overwhelmed Jade water as he looked at Sora who was smiling at him

"How? only gods should be able to remember my appearance." He said in shock, but that was just shock, he was now within the god realm. the powerful expert here was pretty much all-knowing, what could Sora do?

"The Rage Of Zanno. face the wrath of a true god, you mongrel." Sora said as he entered his most powerful state, and without a second thought swung the sword. a powerful back sword black shot forward, not hidden in the slightly by space or time, it instantly appeared before Jadecloud,

Jadecloud eyes shrank as he couldn't react to this attack, but just as he was about to be hit, time seemed to freeze before he suddenly disappeared appearing within a secret chamber, a middle-aged man who was at peak lesser God and was Jadecloud's father frowned seeing Jadecloud suddenly appeared.

He gave Jadecloud an item that would teleport him to his side when he was in danger, but Jadecloud should be teaching the Dao to those of the 3 realms, so how was he in danger? but he instantly noticed an attack suddenly appear next to Jadecloud the instant Jadecloud appeared.

at a speed faster than an instant, he moved to grab the attack. he found seeing the attack was going to ignore him and pass through him. he quickly used his godly Qi to match counter the attack, but the attack shockingly hit him ignoring his defense and even durability. the attack sent him slamming backward into a wall as he coughed up blood. the damage was also sent to Jadecloud, who fall lifelessly to the ground. his body slowly began disappearing,

"Cough." Jadecloud's father coughed up a mouthful of godly blood as he looked at his son who was killed, he was a god, and killing him was harder said than done. the same went for his son, although his soul, body, mind, and Consciousness were destroyed, that was not enough to kill him completely.

"Father, my memories... they were almost destroyed." Jadecloud enraged voice sounded within his father's head, just the memory his father had of him was enough for Jadecloud to live. of course, if his father just forgot about him, he would die on the spot, his father was also badly injured and seemed as if he would die but that attack didn't hold enough power to kill him.

his father found that he couldn't heal, his cultivation, Godhead, soul, and every about him was all badly injured. and all he could do was remain in this sorry state forever and ever, he will never heal unless Sora allows him to recover.

"Shut Up, just who did you enrage?" the father was enraged seeing his condition, his son also could heal and remain nothing more than a fleeting memory that could disappear at any moment, if he wanted to die, why must he bring him down with him? he spent all of the time cultivation trying to become a High God. now all hops of this were gone. his cultivation also dropped a stage, if he didn't quickly stop the licking of his cultivation, he would be a cripple and would have to

"... I don't remember," Jadecloud said softly as parts of the memories that were destroyed were of Ling Han.

"But I remember something... someone named Fu Bo. a reincarnation of a God-King," He said softly, Jadecloud frowned as he looked into this Fu Bo. Fu Bo was killed in that last attack, but completely. the attack power although ignored all things until it hit its attack couldn't ignore Jadecloud father

Jadecloud's father ended up taking most of the blow, but the attack still transformed to Jadecloud and Fu Bo. this is why Jadecloud was not completely killed, and meanwhile Fu Bo was also almost killed, but his mind was something that couldn't be completely destroyed.

Jadecloud's father waved his hands as he had Fu Bo come back to life, in a blink of an eye he watched as his body was formed,

back to Sora

"Someone was capable of standing in the way of that attack, Zanno what's all of this about?" Sora asked with a frown, he felt the backlash, but it quickly disappeared after a few seconds

"Someone with enough strength could step forward and do anything. with your current strength, only a half-step high god could stand up to stand in the way of this attack. but that's not enough to block the attack. not even your war god shield and block me, and since you adding Haki to the attack, I ignore all durability, he should be badly injured, and the attack would still be transferred to those other two and everyone with a good connection to him.:" Zanno said calmly

Sora sighed as he removed the necklace, even at mid-earth immortal he was not strong enough to handle a peak lesser god. he also used up the necklace energy, so he put it away to recover