
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

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57 Chs

God of destruction, evil monkey king and infinite monkey king cultivation art

on a huge planet the size of a world, a young blacked haired man looking at an image crystal playing events that took place in the primal heavens.

"... he got stronger." He said softly, this was none other than Ling Han. he was currently in the yellow dragon temple, and although he was wanted by even late elder gods, none of them could find him.

Ling Han was at peak heavenly immortal, yet Sora was at late heavenly immortal. Sora without entering his strongest state was capable of defeating a half-step elder god, Ling Han was able to do the same, but he was a minor stage higher than Sora.

did this mean he was weaker than Sora? Sora didn't get as huge of a boost with his dragon fusion form as one might think. compared to Ling Han Demonic Buddha Dragon Fiendgod form on top of his world fist times infinite, if at the same level. they would have a similar level of combat strength.

but this could change as he noticed within the image Sora had become one with his soul swords. this relation brought him realization,

Ling Han calmly put the crystal away before looking at a planet. this plant was not a planet but in fact just a dragon ball. it was the size of whole countless lower realms put together. Ling Han wanted to take it into the tower of 3 realms, for one to study and two to give back to Sora. he could sense the dragon Qi this orb gave off, and it made his bloodline shake.

it was also way countless experts with the yellow dragon bloodline called this planet their home. its dragon Qi could help them improve their bloodline and so on.

but that would be easier said than done as even an elder god was interested in this dragon ball. for the past countless years size this orb appeared out of nowhere, everyone sensed it came from the future. this orb had a special power, and th effect it had when broken on the disciple of the yellow dragon temple bloodline only made them more curious about its origin.

the elder gods tried to divine where it came from but sensed it had something to do with the 3 realms. this caused huge problems, within the yellow dragon temple, if items from the yellow dragon world were appearing here then it meant others could start entering.

lucky for Sora and Ling Han. the tower of 3 realms was able to catch a few magical beans which fell out of Sora's pocket space. using those, it recovered enough power to be able to protect them from the watchful eyes of these experts.

So, they were all protected for the time being. but if a half-step late elder god was alerted, then they were going to be as naked as a newborn child, and everything will be opened to the world. of course, Ling Han could use his bloodline to hide, but Sora on the other hand was going had nothing to help him hide.

Ling Han calmly walked around the planet and soon saw a huge crack within the planet. jumping within it, Ling Han was swallowed by deep darkness. slowly falling down, he soon saw the bottom of his whole.

his aura seemed to awaken something, as two large glowing eyes appeared out of nowhere. Ling Han looked at these eyes, and slowly saw a huge war dragon slowly forming before him.

"You have arrived," the war dragon said softly as it looked down upon Ling Han.

"Are you able to contact Sora?" Ling Han asked calmly. he had felt this dragon calling for him ever since he stepped onto this planet.

"My master is heading this way. he is heading towards this one as it's the easiest of my other parts to collect. ever since you stepped here, he has alerted him." the dragon said in a deep voice, Sora nodded as he looked around before entering the tower of 3 realms and began trying to become one with his 4 soul swords.

meanwhile, Sora was awhile of Sora everything that was happening on his dragon ball. around the world, there were countless things that had appeared on the dragon ball. and Sora few it all, although just a small part of its true power, the dragon was able to be useful to anyone below the peak elder god realm.

Sora sat with crossed legs as he used wrapped, extreme speed, and his infinite speed, Sora the yellow dragon temple was larger than the 4 realms. it took Sora no time at all to arrive before the planet, and once he frowned slightly seeing the damage to his baby.

Sora looked at the damage before holding two fingers before his face. golden light gathered before he shot it at the planet, the huge planet shook as its injuries began recovering. Ling Han sensing this flew out of the crack he was in while it was healing. he flashed and appeared before Sora's side.

"it's been a while," Sora said with a smile, Ling Han smiled but at this time they felt the will of an elder god. looking around, they quickly saw a young man appearing out of nowhere.

"... Ba and Ling Han. you two seem to be related," he said calmly as he walked towards them. Sora ignored him as he snapped his finger, suddenly countless puppets wearing powerful items rushed out of a portal. the elder god froze in shock as he saw this, he wanted to feel the second he saw so many puppets. eh was only an early elder god, no powerful god would waste their time with this dragon ball.

he wanted to run but was quickly suppressed and pushed towards Sora who stabbed him with the war god sword, sealing him away.

Sora calmly brought the dragon ball into his pocket space before sighing. ignoring all of the enraged experts of the yellow dragon temple

"I can only sense 2 others, and the last 4 seem to have disappeared. what a pain." Sora said with a sigh, Ling Han smiled as he waved his hands. sucking the blood right out of every disciple which was about to attack them

"Nothing too big, let's go catch up. it's been almost 200 thousand years since we last meant." Ling Han said with a smile.

"Really? it has been barely 12 thousand years since I last saw you. so I win. in the best improvement within a short time." Sora said with a smile, Ling Han smiled slightly

"I was trapped within a forbidden zone for 50,000 thousand years and had to slowly rewrite the zone to benefit me in my cultivation, which took over 80,000 thousand years. that alone is 130 thousand years," Ling Han said with a smile.

"This isn't a competition," Sora said with a shake of his, Ling Han laughed as they both disappeared, entering the tower of 3 realms.

"I have collected a few of them." Ling Han said with a smile as he showed Sora 2 huge dragon balls which were gray and badly damaged.

"snort, you should thank me as I had to waste my energy to make sure no one could use these to track you." the tower of 3 realms said with a snort as it appeared before Sora with crossed arms.

"Thank you sir tower," Sora said with a smile as he waved his hands and threw 30 magical beans at it. the tower of 3 realms' eyes brightened as it instantly absorbed them, but it only absorbed 10, and that was enough for it to fully recover.

"That reminds me, I found this map belonging to a half-step peak elder god. I tried to open it, but couldn't, so you try." Sora said as he threw a scroll at Ling Han, but as the scroll slowly got closer to Ling Han, it slowly began opening up on its own.

Sora almost coughed blood seeing this, he tried so hard to open this thing and Sora didn't even move and it opened on its own.

"... that's not a peak elder god-level item." the tower of 3 realms yelled in shock as the tower of 3 realms' space began going unstable,

a huge golden dragon appeared from the scroll as it let out a heaven-shaking roar. everyone within the 4th realm, 3 realms, and even the realm of the gods heard this roar. everything within creation was suppressed and forced to bow before

those powerful elder gods at the late stage all shot to their feet after the effect of that roar disappeared, as they knew clearly what this roar meant. It said with the roar of the god of creation heard, it will mean the war is on its way. the war between worlds was about to begin,

"My son, you must have a lot of questions. but I sadly can't answer them, you have the blood of 4 world gods such as myself. we all came together to make sure your talent was boundless, ever-growing, and many more. I have left you this scroll holding a cultivation art which would refine you and your bloodlines, strengthening it past even my own." the yellow dragon said in a deep voice to Ling Han before disappearing into Ling Han.

Ling Han's body shook as his bloodlines began awakening, Sora's lips twitched, was his good fortune, Ling Han's?

unhappily, Sora went to go find a spot to sit and made clones to make the form the Dread and Spooky Plate. as for him, he had the tower of 3 realms take him far away.

the first thing he did was buy a new technique known as the Infinite Monkey King Cultivation art. which cost 999 quintillion

{Infinite Monkey King Cultivation art. this cultivation art allows one to become immortal to the extreme. in the beginning, it would only mean a longer lifespan and faster recovery. but at later stages, it means the only way for death is for a powerful reality warper to completely erase you along with everything as you could come back. this technique will also allow one to fuse with their past self, making them only exist in the now and nowhere else within time.

Cultivation art grade: Transcendent}

Sora wanted to collect all the monkey king cultivation art, this one was pretty much Goku Black cultivation art, but it was clearly countless times better. next was the evil Monkey King Bloodline

{The Evil Monkey King Cultivation art. Cultivating this technique will make one become an evil Monkey King, one will gain an evil aura which will make those around you weaker and go berserker just by being around you, and even those will strong willpower will enter this state. this dark aura is special energy only unique to this technique.

Cultivation art grade. transcendent}

was Sora done? nope, there was one more thing he wanted. the God of destruction cultivation art, which was transcendent Grade, costing more than octillion

{God Of destruction. become a god of destruction with the capability to destroy anything and everything. at the latter stages, you might have limitations such as being unable to destroy those who are immortal but at later stages. just a thought could destroy all creation. as a god of destruction, you will have a god of destruction Qi and a god of destruction aura. just thing being around you will disappear, with all chances of it coming back to life being gone. before you, all rules shall be destroyed. what you want to be destroyed shall be destroyed

Cultivation Art Grade: transcendent}

Sora waved his hands as countless items appeared to help increase this cultivation speed, and give him the energy needed. and after asking the tower for some help, Sora began cultivating.

at the copper realm. the infinite Monkey King Cultivation art gave him a boost in lifespan, and recovery capability.

The evil Monkey King Cultivation art gave him the evil Monkey King Aura. but thanks to Sora's mind, there was no evil within him. in fact, there was no evil or good. Sora didn't see the world in black or white, or even gray. he had his own unique very on everything, and it only grew with his strength. so the aura effect was whatever Sora wanted, turn people berserker, boost those around him, or absorb it back into his body to strengthen himself even more

the God of destruction cultivation art gave Sora a powerful physique immune to most stuff. he even aged a huge resistance towards normal Qi.

at the iron rank, the Infinite Monkey King Cultivation art allowed Sora to become immortal, and the ability to heal from all most everything

The evil Monkey King Cultivation art allowed Sora's evil aura to strengthen even more. allowing his hatred to take space and form allowing it to affect the real world. this only strengthed Sora will power, which made Sora stronger as the stronger his will power the stronger his Conqueror's Haki

The God of Destruction of destruction cultivation art strength Sora energy, slowly turning it into destruction Qi. Sora gained a technique owned as ultra ego,

while Ultra Ego seems to draw upon a severe level of self-indulgence in battle. Whereas the self-movement technique allows a user ability to have self-control in making the best movement in battle, this technique allows a person to go crazy in their battle lust. the more damage they take the stronger one shall become, of course, the power gained from damage is temporary. but for a monkey king, some of that power will remain.

there are levels to this technique, each level 100 times stronger than the last. the first level was only a 50 times boost to Sora's strength, but, it bought forth a 100 times boost per level. there were 5 levels, and by the 5th it will give one a 5 billion times boost to one strength

Sora of course through this technique will not be able to be cultivated, but shockingly the self-movement technique and ultra Ego technique could be used. these were two techniques that went different paths, yet he could cultivate the two without backlash. and thanks to his strong mind, and the fact he mastered both techniques, he could slowly combine the two together, to form a technique that allows allowing his battle lust to go crazy, while at the same time making the best moves during battle

at the silver rank. the immortal monkey King. it strengthened his current halo, of course, that was not all as gave him a stronger level of being immortal. even if his body is burnt into ashes he could heal without any problem, even if his body is destroyed, he can reform it. if his soul and body are destroyed, if his mind remains then he was good.

The evil Monkey King didn't do much, but it strengthened his physique, energy, and so on. now his energy has strengthened into evil energy, which of course was birthed from his evil aura, but it changed as Sora's state of mind transcends evil and good. this turned Sora's hair who was in the Legendary Super Saiyan 4 limit breaker form, from white to a dark red.

The god of destruction Cultivation art turned his energy into per destruction Qi. of course all of these energies fused. Sora gained a technique called Hakai, which allows him to destroy anything. lucky for him, if he was at the silver rank, he would have been able to disintegrate into dots of lives. of course, their soul, body, and mind would have been destroyed. but stuff can't just be destroyed, energy can't be destroyed, but it could be transformed into something else. this was pretty much that.

gods would be able to collect those dots of light and turn them back to whoever was Hakaied. but with Sora's current strength, he could ignore all logic, anything he destroyed will disappear from existence

at the gold rank, the infinite monkey King cultivation art allowed Sora to become a master of time. he could summon his past and future self to fight alongside him.

The evil Monkey King Cultivation art allowed SOra to enter a berserker-like state where he would fill with pure hatred, which will increase his evil aura, and evil energy. but since he was special, Sora's energy strength with him not having to enter a berserker state. at this stage, his evil aura could also affect space and time.

The God Of Destruction Cultivation art gave Sora gained immunity from Ki. normal Ki no longer could harm, it would be destroyed just coming near him, and only immortal Qi and a stronger level of energy could touch him. he even gained immunity from stuff like being copied or Possession.

the void-shattering realm. the infinite monkey King made Sora well in both his past and future of himself. he could sense the world through his past, and his future self. but he could already do this,

The evil Monkey King gave him nothing, although his hatred strength.

the god of discretion cultivation art gained 2 new levels of the Ultra ego technique. which Sora learned almost instantly. his god of destruction energy also began transforming into the god of destruction energy, which could allow him to ignore logic and destroy anything. and not turn them into dots of light

at earth immortal, Sora had to leave the tower of 3 realms as he connected with his past and future self and began fusing with them. this caused Sora to face a tribulation, which he easily passed.

Now Sora never existed, he only existed in the now. one could search through time all they want, but Sora had disappeared. Sora couldn't connect to the 3 realms, so he couldn't fuse with his past self over there, each world was its own time and space, although all of the time was connected to a large river of time.

although Sora had disappeared, traces of his existence still remained, for one of the experts he had killed, and everything he have done remained. it's just that if one looked back in time, they would not be able to see Sora do it, yet the events still played out

Sora now saw time and space as nothing more than a book with a hole in the middle. he was standing in the middle of said space and could see everything from where he stood, from beginning to end. but there was some stuff hard to see and some stuff which couldn't be seen. of course, the stronger the space-time, the less far back he could see. but he now existed within his own time-space, which couldn't be affected by outside time.

the evil monkey King cultivation art allowed Sora to enter a new form. a form called The Evil Monkey King form. his hair would turn into a black-red color, and the power-up this form brought 10 stronger than a normal Super Saiyan. sadly, Sora couldn't enter this form on top of his other form

As for the God of destruction cultivation art. Sora gained the God of Destruction mode. in this mode, his body is covered with a pure aura of destruction. this form boosts his power by 1 million times.

as the saying says, the best office is a good offense, this mode destroys all attacks before they could even touch you. and say the said destroyed thing will be fed to you to boost or strength by up to 1 million times.

Sora also gained the last level of ultra-ego, which turned his hair darker in color when he mastered it.

and lastly the heavenly immortal realm. the infinite monkey King Cultivation art made him immortal, his life was now fused with the world, he will never die so long as the heavens exist, and the heavens will not die so long as he exists. of course, this will be broken in a later level, as he kicked higher level of being immortal. but now he was like an elder god, unkillable

the evil Monkey King cultivation art gave him nothing.

and lastly, the god of destruction art gave him a technique called Inmetsu. a technique of pure destruction which destroy all thing, with this, Sora can do stuff like destroying his limits, destroying his injuries, destroying his weakness, and so on. anything within creation can be destroyed with this technique.

but Sora no longer had any limiters. Sora had perfect mastery of his body, all the concepts of his body limiting him had disappeared. be it mental, physique, or spiritual. nothing but the heavens and some concepts limited him, and those things were from the outside world. but this technique allowed Sora but erase any weaknesses he might have, making him have a perfect body

when he reached the late heavenly immortal, the 3 new bloodlines began fusion into his war god bloodline. Sora feeling the fusion almost went mad from the power, laughing he floated into the sky as he broke through the peak of the heavenly immortal.

his body went through a huge transformation, and now his Legendary Super Saiyan 4 limit break: war god form began changing color, it was once a dark red, but turned white, then dark red again, the color only got darker red this time. but this was now a new fusion of 3 new modes.

the evil monkey king form, the ultra-ego form, and the god of destruction mode. all of these forms came together not to strengthen this form but were absorbed into his base form, making Sora millions of times stronger

Sora roared as the sky as his power suddenly began skyrocketing, the tower of 3 realms shook as Sora's hair slowly began turning a dark blue-purple color. with a huge shock wave, space-time within this tower of 3 realms shattered as hints of the outside world flashed.

the tower of 3 realms was of course displeased with Sora, but it was more shocked as his power reached the elder god... mid elder god.