
My System is subpar to say the least

"In this world any living can and will Cultivate. From plants like the sunflower that Cultivate to become independent and produce their own sunlight. Or the howling wolves that Cultivate by absorbing the surrounding Qi at the full-moon. Even bacteria can Cultivate! By targeting enough hosts they gain a myriad of abilities, the ability to corrode the ground, to contamine the rivers, and even acquire a proto-conscience. On this kind of world humans remain at the peak, they're natural inventors that are inspired by their surrounds, they adapt, Cultivate and develop more Cultivation techniques through the ages. Many generations of Cultivation after, the first Immortals appear. An Immortal is they who possess a world under their control, a world with it's own laws and logic. Every Immortal has a 'Core Law', a power that sustains their world, their aperture. This 'Core Law', grants them a unique ability exclusive to them, to manipulate their surrounds as they see fit. An Immortal acquired the power to change the state of matter, he could swim on the air, drink fire and could evaporate souls. Another Immortal acquired the power to steal time, with it he managed to steal the lifespan of others to increase his own, freeze his opponents in time by stealing their future actions before they occur. Yet another Immortal acquired an even more exceptional power which allowed him to literally turn the world upside down. He turned the skies into the ground and the ground into the skies, the clouds began to fall and the mountains began to float. The ability and reach of his ability extended to a whole continent, this continent biomass, surface and shape were permanently modified by his actions. Such abilities are nothing in comparison to what I have acquired. A SYSTEM!!! This ultimate cheat will naturally allow me to be the strongest Cultivator that has ever existed. System, show me your functions." [One Step Back, Two Steps Forward System. "To gain anything you must lose something, to reacher further heights you must learn how to sacrifice everything you have worked for." (Do You want to sacrifice your current Cultivation to gain 2500 OSBTSF Points? Y/ N.)] "What? Is that really the only way to gain points!" ["Of course not, User. To gain more points you can also sacrifice your muscle mass, lifespan, memories, knowledge, soul foundation, brain cells or a Bloodline Ability."] ... "What do you offer exactly on exchange of my Cultivation?" ["Currently you have unlocked two functions, one you can use your points to Derive new skills based on the ones you currently know, second you can go to the store to purchase a myriad of skills." (Current Top-Skill: Minor-All-Skills-Improvement; Lv1. Cost: 1000 points. Description: This skill will permanently increase your intelligence, physical strength, quality of Qi, aptitude and Soul Foundation permanently regardless of your Cultivation Realm by 2%.) "..."

ReroReroConnoseur · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Bing Sheng Wang's Trial.

A blue spiritual thread was suddenly shoot from the Heavenly Stone, instantly connecting on Bing Sheng Wang's brain.

He froze in motion, in an instant.

A continuous flux of information flew through his brain.

He saw beautiful sceneries with a fairy like creatures, gigantic mountains and spiritual lakes.

The nature of many paths was revealed in front of him as his mind expanded, this was too much too bear he was being overwhelmed.

But, Bing Sheng Wang gritted his teeth and took another step.

"Overwhelmed, drowsiness?

Heh, I'm already used to those feelings.

Every day I suffer from headaches, my mind turns fuzzy and I can't sleep.

Honestly, at this point, I'd rather die than to fail here."

After making up his mind, the blue light suddenly began to change of shape, quickly turning into an sphere.

However, in an instant from the 'Heavenly Stone' many tentacles emerged, he was directly pulled towards the stone.

He grabbed tightly the Heavenly Stone and released his aura fully, blocking all the incoming attacks, the energy was slowly being refined by the blue sphere on his forehead.

Another thread was shoot, this one aimed at his heart.


Why I can see myself up there?

What was I doing again?

Who am I?"

A fraction of his soul was split by the needle, this fraction of his soul carried most of his negative thoughts.

The days where he felt he was about to freeze, those sleepless nights, those times he felt isolated and even some strange vague memories when his body was struck by a white energy.


Many wounds on his heart began to open, he felt the urge to cry and scream.

He recalled something he said long ago.

"I want to be perfect, I want to stop being defective."

With his resolve hardened, his mind stabilized, he said.

"I want to achieve the impossible, I wish to grant order to my chaotic Qi, I want to control the contradiction of Yin and Yang, I want to acquire stability, order and balance."

He woke up from his short slumber and found how that there was a massive red sphere on his chest.

There were also thousands of tiny threads that punctured every part of his body, filling him with energy, he felt warmness, coldness and heat.

A new energy dozens of times more dense was being forcefully injected on his body, this was strangely familiar to him.

This energy was soon expelled in the form of an strange fog, this fog soon condensed into clouds and a steam that was hotter than a flame.

The clouds began to rain throwing multiple drops of ice shards that slashed his body at all directions.

Bing Sheng Wang released his fire aura to block those projectiles but a small fraction hit his body, whilst the steam was unavoidable he could merely cool it down with his icy aura.

Apart from that there was also an strange feeling on his back.

There was a weight behind his back that was slowly growing, he couldn't dodge it or repel it, it was growing and growing, endlessly.

Finally, he decided to activate one of his powerful spiritual techniques.

His Qi skyrocketed and began to move on an spiral, forming a tornado-like form.

Half of his aura was burning, like a fire tornado, as for the other it was like a blizzard.

This may seem wasteful but those abrupt changes of temperature affected most materials far more effectively than simply pure heat or lack of it.

It was like forging a metal weapon on a way, which required to raise the temperature of the metal to melt it, to create a mold, then to cool it down to give it shape.

This process was useful for creating a weapon however it couldn't be repeated many times, if the metal was exposed too many transitions it'd be destroyed internally, thus being rendered worthless.

Furthermore any material that was thoroughly evaporated by him was added to his aura, thus it was being strengthened on every passing moment.

In mere moments the Heavenly Stone was devoured thoroughly, whilst the red and blue stone fused into one.

On his chest there was an strange material, it had the form and color of a raw 'amethyst', with an uneven form, white and black specks of dust, but was shining as brightly as a bulb.

Bing Sheng Wang sighed, feeling both relief and a hint of fear.

"This is my aperture, but is not complete yet.

I have yet to endure the pseudo-Tribulation."

Multiple clouds appeared on the sky, suddenly the whole mountain was covered by a profound mist and the skies turned purple.

The sound of sparkles of light could clearly be heard, there was a lot of static was slowly building up.

Of course, Bing Qing Yang wasn't stupid, he had already absorbed the Heavenly Stone there was no point on remaining on the same spot anymore, instead he prevently escaped from the lighting rods.

While fleeing he also aimed with a 'Fire Beam', at one of the mini-clouds to destroy its source, while creating an ice-shield to protect himself from the corrosive rain that began to fall.

This 'rain' was composed of many heavy metals like uranium, that could lead to permanent damage if they're not removed by a doctor on time.

Bing Qing Yang observed carefully every second of the Tribulation.

"How would I endure this?

It seems impossible, firstly with my 'sweat armor' I'd be unable to cover so many flanks or even protect myself from the raw power, so I'd have to rely on my soul.

Perhaps with 'Will Substitution', by turning the Heavens against itself I'd have a slim hope of survival..."

The corrosive rain turned colder and denser by every passing moment, the sheer toxiciness was such that it was hard for him to even breathe.

To not collapse due to the toxicness he decided to use his 'tornado' to levitate to the skies.

It was a bad idea.

On the skies the air was far denser and there were stronger wind currents, multiple waves of air that ranged from boiling steam, a mere breeze and cooling air were thrown at him.

Because his 'tornado' was composed of similar wind currents he became prey to the tides of the wind, he was moved side to side, up and down, furthermore his body was beginning to be affected by it.

Some of his muscles turned as soft as jelly, many crystal shards began to appear on his bones piercing him internally and more.

That pain he felt was like an amplified version of what commonly he endured.

This was actually a common type of Tribulation, after all to ensure the highest amount of damage as possible, it generally focuses on the mental and physical weaknesses of its target.

Because he was at the mercy of the tides of wind, his body was pushed right at the direction where lighting would fall and were boulders of snow were shoot.

To make matters worse he was now 'blind', as his ocular globes were covered in a some odd snow that had the viscosity of honey.

Due to those circumstances he was struck by all directions, tossed side to side, like a tennis ball.

At this point the tiny snowballs were hit with such speed and intensity that they looked like a water stream, to the extent that he was pushed back to the ground by it, but was quickly bounced back by the lighting and the wind streams.

Bing Qing Yang could see him as he was being destroyed by the Tribulation, there was worriedness on his expression, but he didn't dare to move.

If he interfered on the Tribulation, the ritual would automatically fail and he was aware of his brother's desperation to treat his condition.

Bing Sheng Wang used all kinds of techniques to heal himself, yet in spite of that he was already on the verge of collapse.

However he hadn't given up hope,he merely lacked one step to successfully create an aperture!

This step was also the hardest he had to endure the surrounding tides of 8 mini-tornados that were slowly surrounding him.

He wasn't too flustered as he still had a trump card.

It was actually a new creation, that was inspired by the continuous flux of knowledge that even now was flowing through his brain, the knowledge of laws and the Heavens.

With it he made his technique.

Duality absorption.

As long there were two type of contradictory Qi's on a similar frequency, he'd absorb them on his body.

Of course, that didn't mean that it was safe, on the same way a human could technically eat poison, he could forcefully absorb two contradictory Qi's.

Bing Sheng Wang closed his eyes, a white and black energy surrounded his body.

He began to absorb the hot and cold wind of the tornados onto his body and aperture, the ice on his eyes had already vanished.

With a triumphant smile he glanced at his aperture that now had the size of a pea.

It looked like a refined amethyst, shimmering with light and was devoid of imperfections, it was reflecting his face.

Finally, his body couldn't endure it any longer and he gave in to the exhaustion, his aura dispersed and he began do descend from the ground.

I hope that this 'mini-arc', of before and the process of awakening their apertures is not tedious.

I'm trying my best to show the dangers of Cultivation and its difficulty on a natural way, and make the Heavens feel threatening.

Another thing I want to say is that even though it may seem that Bing Sheng Wang's mini-arc is over, is far from it, the aperture will simply give him the tools to deal with his 'illness' on the future, he hasn't treated himself yet.

Anyhow, after the ritual is over, both brothers will live on two different sects, were they'll begin to adapt to their new circumstances.

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