
Erasure of Worlds

"It was your dimension... roughly six thousand years ago." Bucky Barnes continued.

A couple of seconds passed before Satoshi was able to internalize what Bucky Barnes just told him. His eyes widened in utter amazement as he stood up, slamming his palms on the table. The sheer force rattled the plates and utensils, and Bucky Barnes almost jumped out of his seat upon witnessing Satoshi's surprised reaction.

"What?! So all these dimensions didn't stand a chance against the World Eater... and you're telling me that prehistoric Earth managed to drive off these invaders?! How on Earth? They don't even have guns yet back then!"

Chuckling, Bucky Barnes relaxed in his seat, amused by Satoshi's reaction. "Of course, they didn't have guns yet. And it wasn't just Earth who drove off the World Eater. It's your entire dimension." Bucky Barnes continued.