
Emma versus Shiroi

The atmosphere of the Coliseum was heating up as Cherry and Hiroshi continued their match. It was an even scrimmage, but a few experienced superheroes could tell that Cherry had the upper hand.

After all, she wasn't that exhausted and her movements were carefully executed which allowed her to have minimal movements.

As for Hiroshi, his movements were wide and overly exaggerated. He was firing fireballs here and there, and putting up earth walls to block Cherry.

In hindsight, he didn't have any choice. Cherry was just too strong for him. He couldn't touch her, and he couldn't let her touch him either. If one of those options were to happen, then he would have his life force drained out of him... and then it's game over.

He couldn't believe that his attacks just wouldn't connect because his life force was imbued in the projectiles he sent at her. She would easily nullify them, and there was nothing he could do about it.