
My sweet Lillith be mine

"Hi. I'm Shera Rose. My life wasn't perfect before his arrival but it turned into a mess after his arrival." "Hey, I'm Ace. (whispering) My life was hell before her arrival but she turned it to heaven." "Hey..... What are you whispering?" Shera asked. "Nothing my sweet Lilith" Ace said. "First of all, I'm not the queen of hell. So stop calling me in that name. Secondly, his name isn't Ace. It's......."Ace cut off her. "Hey. wait. You can't say it to anyone."Ace said. "Oh! Baby, are you embarrassed?"Shera asked in a mocking tone. "You, just wait there. I will show you who will embarrass you in the end" Ace said while smiling mischievously. "Wa..it....wa...wait....Ac...Ac...e.I don't mean to make you angry. I....just want to have fun," Shera said. An electric shock went through her body when Ace came toward her. "Oh! Is that so? So....let me also have fun."Ace said while tracing her nape from his nose. "Wait..Ah...I'm...sorry...sorry...I..ma.de..a..mis..take..forgive...me..Ah..plea..see.." Shera pleaded while shivering under his touches. "OK then. Do you admit your mistake?"Ace asked her. His hot breath was fanning her bare neck. "Yes..yes...I admit."Shera said in a hurry. "Then obey the punishment."Ace said. He went in front of Shera and glanced at her eyes directly. 'Oh! man. Is she an enchantress? Why on the earth do I lose my self-control wherever I look into her eyes. Anyway I must teach some manners to this kitten' Shera was staring at Ace innocently. "Honey, please....."Shera pleaded while staring at him with puppy eyes. Ace smirked at her. "My sweet Lillith, it's too late to apologises and also don't you want to touch my abs?"Ace asked with a foxy look. Shera blushed from his words. "You...You... pervert.... shameless..." Shera said with an angry voice. "Oh! Pervert!? Shameless? Is that so? Then I will show you how shameless I can be..."Ace said. He bent toward Shera. He put his hands under her thighs & back, lifting her in bride style. Shera was shocked. His cold hands went under her dress, touching her bare thigh. A chill went through her spine. "What....tt....ar..e...y..ou...do....in...g?????"Shera asked while trembling. "OH!! My Lillith, Don't tell me you're already excited or do you think it's better to do it on the sofa than on the bed? Whatever the place, I'll be at your service" Ace said while grinning. Shera turned into a brighter shade of red. "Don't worry my Lillith, I will carry you to ''our bedroom'' and I'll make sure you are comfortable. Just wait a little longer, sweetheart." He said emphasising 'our bedroom' while carrying her through the stairs. 'I'm sorry' Shera thought. *************** 'When others couples equal them to Romeo Juliet, Jake Rose, Shah Jahan Mumtaz Mahal I have to become Lillith(queen of the hell) while the person who thinks he is my lover become Asmodeus (king of the hell). The simple meaning of that is we are the rulers of hell. Can you imagine the mentality of this person? He is annoying. I also can't understand what is the relationship between us but somehow I'm addicted to him. I'll follow him blindly. Sometimes his love is too much to the point it makes my blood boil hotter than a fiery sea but somehow, in the end, I'm the one who laughs till my stomach hurts. It's because of his craziness. Calmness is a sign before a storm, just like that storms are bound to come to our peaceful world. Will we be shattered from these storms? or will we show the strength of our bond? But what's the bond between us? What is the purpose of these wars? Why should we fight? Time is the best solution to all of these questions. I will let time to solve them.' ~Shera Rose~ ''I don't mean to disrespect any belief or religion. I just need to let u understand the story. I got all this information from the internet. Luv u. Stay safe, stay healthy.'' -Shelley Richard-

ShelleyRichard · perkotaan
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6 Chs

Insomnia with her

Ace's POV

When I came the home it was already midnight. I took off my blazer and hanged it on a hanger. I took a shower and wear an ash colour T-shirt and the same colour jean. I went to bed with a book to read.

A blurred figure mostly likes a woman. She was right beside my bed. She sat next to me and approach my head with her hand. She soothed me like soothing a little child by moving her hand through my hair. She was wearing a long white flowing dress. It looked like her dress was flowing and her white hair too. Her face wasn't clear at all. A tear fell down from my eye. She wipes it from my cheek by her lips from kissing my cheek. As soon as she parted her lips more tears fell from my eyes without a warning like begging for her touch again. She said ''sshh'' while rubbing my head a bit harder.

''Good night, my love. Be conscious of your surrounding'' She said and kissed my forehead, sending waves of shivers from my head to toes.

That voice was so familiar. She stood up and walked toward the window. She opened it up. I struggled to open my eyes but I couldn't open them. My eyelids were glued to each other. I felt like I must stop her otherwise, I'll lose something precious to me. She turned her head toward me for one last time and I could see her face a little clearer. She smiled lightly at me and faded away little by little like mixing to air, leaving me in a miserable state. I opened my eyes in a hurry. My cheeks were all wet from my own tears. I felt a little warm on my cheek also in the place she kissed. Suddenly I smelt a fainting smell. Sometimes it had a sweet floral smell like jasmine, sometimes it contained a warm fragrance of amber and within a minute it smelt like the sweet and warm smell of oriental fragrance vanilla. It almost contained every type of fragrances.

'Wait a second. How on the earth I know these scents and even separately.All of them aside why do I feel like these scents are very familiar even more than my own one.'

Suddenly a sweet feminine voice echoed inside my head. It sounded like the voice of a teenage girl or someone in her early twenties.

''No. It is not the one. We decided to put amber. Remember? It is warm and comfortable''

''....and I like jasmine more than roses. Its fragrance is both sweet and pure''

''Let's us choose vanilla it is an oriental fragrance with alluring and sweet scent''

My head started to ache like hell. It felt like it might expose at this rate. I kneeled on the ground and clutch my head tightly.

''Ahhhhhhhhhhhh'' I shouted out of pain.

'Who's voice was that and why does it feel so intimating?'

My head started to hurt more and it turned in to a mess. It felt like someone is squeezing my head while it wants to burst out.

There wasn't anyone in the house because I have ordered all servents to leave before 8.00 pm. I usually get insomnia. So, I don't want to reveal to the world that the famous CEO of Ace corporation is suffering from insomnia. I must hide it from my enemies. Otherwise, they will surely their filthy tricks again.

I hate hospitals and medicines. Whenever I got insomnia and headache especially this type of one there is only one way I use to escape from it. Most probably the only way I know. This way always helped me throughout all of these years. Without it, I won't survive this far. So I let myself drown into a bottle of Spirytus Stawski*. It tamed both my mind and body. Even though it is bad for my health I don't care anymore, as long as it has the ability to rescue me from this unbearable pain. I was gradually becoming a slave of liquor. So what? It doesn't matter until I can escape from this misery. Alcohol started to numb my pain. I don't know when I fell asleep.

''Good morning Mr.Ace.Today's 23rd of May,2020. It's 6.30 am in the morning. There will be rain in the evening around 5.00 pm. Have a good day!''

My alarm rang. I woke up feeling dizzy and excessive thirst. I felt very irritating about my alarm and just felt like breaking it. Anyway, I got used to it. I knew this is because of the hangover. I always have to stop myself from breaking it. Otherwise, the number of smart home speakers I have broken will be more than the number of water drops in the Pacific ocean.

I got up and went to the washroom to freshen up. I took a bath and went to my wardrobe. I put on a maroon tank top and brown sweatpants. Then I went kitchen and made a lime juice and went to my gym to work out after I felt a little better. Even though I felt weak and a little hard to breathe I didn't budget or let my body rest. I wanted to hurt my body. It was like I want to take revenge for something from me. After an hour I finished it and readied to go to the company. I hadn't a good mood to choose clothes so I pick up a black shirt, black blazer and trouser with the same colour tie, a pair of black shoes, a belt and a Patek Philippe watch. It just seemed like my random choices also perfectly match the darkness in my life. My unknown darkness.

Next, I went to the down floor and get my breakfast. After it, I went to my company. In my office, I met James. He just came to bring me some files I had requested for. It might seem like a little bit off to see that the CFO of a corporation no CFO of one of the biggest corporation to bring over files. I smirked at that thought.

''I'm really curious to know what makes the great and charming CFO of ACE corporation to personally bring some files to me'' I asked playfully.

''It might probably be that the magnificent and splendid CEO of the ACE corporation has a beautiful and hot secretary'' James said.

'So you wanna play, right? OK. Let's play.' I thought.

''Oh! really? Then it means that I have to no I must give my sweet secretary to you. Right? What a pity. I only had the chance to see her for 6 months'' I said playing along with a sad voice.

''I also think you must hand over her to me. I'll surely take good care of her'' James said with a grin playing on his lips.

''Hmmm. I also think'' I signed and make a fake depressed look. After a second we both look at each other and burst out in laughter.

''OK.OK.Enough of jokes. Now tell me why are you really here for?''I asked. James's carefree look turned in to a serious one.

''Ace are you OK? I mean yesterday you went to a club and.....''I interrupt him.

''I'm fine. I wasn't a big deal at all.'' I said while giving my best calm look.

''Sure?'' James asked with a doubtful look.

''Yeap.Hundred percent sure. Hey, aren't you being too possessive? Don't tell me you have fallen in love with me.''I said while arching my eyebrows with an amazing look.

''Fell in love? with a man? and on top of that it also with you? Are you sick? It's better to kill myself than fell with you.''James blew up while narrowing his eyes and lips.

''No. I mean, it's obvious that you are being possessive. It's OK to be possessive but you are a little too much. Isn't it Romeo or should I call honey instead?''I said with big eyes and I tilted my head aside.

'I think this is what everyone normally does to look cute. right?' I didn't want to act cute. I just want to skip the questions.

''You... Psychopath. Seriously? Just die then.''James cursed and flashed out of my office.

I smirked at his reaction. I know he worries about me but it is really annoying. So, I didn't have any other way to avoid him other than this way. So, I used the most powerful way. He gets irritated when I mention slightly about that kind of relationships. He detests them. I think so. I did my usual duties and meetings that I had to do before lunchtime and I was on my lunch break. My secretary brought my lunch to me as I have ordered my mansion to send it over. I normally don't meet any of my servants in the mansion. They come to the mansion after I left and leave before I come back. So they send my lunch by someone here.

It might look like I completely forgot about the nightmare. The truth is I had pulled out all of the efforts to forget it or in other words to ignore it. Sometimes my efforts were in vain and kept me reminding about every single thing that happened last night. Every time I close my eyes I remember her blur figure. Her touch, her smile, her dreadful pale lips, her eyes everything looked so familiar...

''.....be conscious of your surrounding.'' Her words ranged through my head.

'What did she mean by that? Was she referring to someone? But whom? I know I have many enemies but it looked like she pointed out someone around me, someone closer to me but to whom? All of them aside who is she? Is she is a real person or my imagination? Do I know her? Did I ever met her?'

All of these questions tried to bring hell out of me. I was sick of it. I leaned my head on the back of the seat and close my eyes while sighing out a long sigh. Last night was the first time I had insomnia with her.

Hello!everyone.Doing fine? Great. So here is the second chapter of my first book. I'm really happy and nervous too. As not native English speaker I think it's fine. Is it? Thank you, everyone, for choosing my book and adding it to your library. I'll try my best to update rapidly. Your comment means the world to me. I mean it. Thank you again. Stay safe. Love ya.

Oh!Right.That drink.Thank you, Ace for reminding me.

Ace-''Welcome''[out of blue]

*With suicidal 96% ABV, Spirytus is the world's strongest and potent liquor. Said to have a gentle smell and mild taste, it is made from premium ethyl alcohol with a grain base. Brave-hearts who have tried this liquor straight have compared it to being punched in the stomach so hard that it gets hard to breathe.



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