
The Contract

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe and stepped into the mansion property ,

I was almost expecting something to happen but nothing happened

" Fuuuuu I was so scared " I let out the breath I was holding .

I frowned at myself

" Off Course nothing happened there is no such as ghosts !"

I walked towards where I assumed the door to be , The inside of the mansions property seemed as if it was frozen in time , There were strange things littered all around the place and seemed as if they were placed there a long time ago .

The Garden looked like an overgrown forest .

I reached the front the door and walked up the for t stairs . With the each step the wood below my feet made a " Crack " sound , it spooked me out to say the least .

I finally was in front of the main door

I put my hands into my pocket out took a sheet of paper

' Iets follow the instructions I have given '

I caught the knocked and knocked on the door thirteen times .

I put the paper in front of my eyes

" The password is Welcome to my house !Enter freely and of your own will ! "

I waited and waited , after I while I was doubting whether I was scammed .

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and the locks of the door opening from the inside .

The door opening to reveal a blonde man , he had long flowing hair and a kind looking face , I even noticed there was a screwdriver on either side of his head .

He bowed to me in grand gesture

" Welcome Mr Lucifer , Sir Dracula was waiting for you " He had a smile on his face .

I was feeling a bit awkward and asked about the interview .

The Blonde man Simply waved his hand

" There is no interview Mr Lucifer , you were directly recruited , don t, worry we value you a lot "

He told me to follow him and lead me a secluded room with table and chair and one parchment of paper and Quill on it .

" You only have to sign the contract , once you sign the contract you will officially get this job , and get an attendance with Sir Dracula "

I was a bit hesitant because of how fast thing were moving

" Don t , worry , once you sign it you get an additional 30 million dollars as well as added benefits like a private house , cars etc "

I gritted my teeth I was struggling with finding a job and was going to be evicted form my apartment ,

I was a country boy and had no one to depend on.

This job offer was too tempting , I had to take !

I strife forward and took the quill , I initially struggled signing because I was not used to writing with quill .

After struggling a bit I finally signed my initials on the contract cementing my job .....