
My Supernatural Academy

Michaela_Ball · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


I've always wanted to attend The Academy ever since I heard of it when I was a little girl, but the issue is if I was ever to go to The academy I would be killed on site, you see I am a breed that shouldn't exist, A hybrid.

My mother is a sorceress and my father is a shifter, a wolf shifter to be exact and usually when opposing species have a family together the children are either one or the other, a witch or a shifter, but every so often a hybrid is born a witch with the ability to shift or a shifter with the ability to do magic.

Hybrids are the most powerful breed of supernatural and that's exactly why we have hunted down and slaughtered, most killed when they are the age of five as that is when you gain your paranormal abilities, the reason my kind have been hunted down and slaughtered is because of one bad hybrid who tried to rule the world and killed hundreds of thousands of people and supernaturals alike him and his army anyway because what's a king without his army, the kicker is it was his queen who killed him also a hybrid and bought peace back, and how did they thank her? By killing her and her entire species off looks like happy ending do exist.... just not for hybrids.

When I discovered that I was a hybrid, I shifted into a wolf then set a tree on fire when my parents saw what I had done and that I wasn't an ordinary shifter they knew they had to hide my witch abilities from the world, which was very hard considering my mother is a sorceress which is the most powerful level of witch there is. But they made it work teaching me secretly how to control my witch abilities while sending me to shifter school, training as a shifter in the day and a witch at night reaching the level of sorceress at the age of 18.

At 21 I can now choice to enrol at the school of my dreams or get a job where I can hide in the system and remain anonymous for the rest of my life, I have never stepped out of line but I think today is the day I am gonna push back against the system and find my place in this world of supernaturals.