
Home sweet prison

With that, Dion hit the gas, and they sped towards the gate, which swung open automatically. As they zoomed through, leaving the gatekeeper in their wake, George couldn't shake off the feeling of unease amidst the gathering magical folk.

As they drove, he couldn't help but notice the isolation of the mansion. It stood solitary at the far edge of town, with the nearest neighbor, an incineration house, a good 10 miles away.

Inside the car, Dion switched on the music player, not too loud, but it filled the silent ride with upbeat hip-hop that only he seemed to be vibing to. He couldn't quite catch the lyrics but continued to mumble along, which George found somewhat amusing.

As the Rolls-Royce glided smoothly down the city streets, George found his gaze drifting towards Nebula. He couldn't help but observe the cool, collected way she carried herself, exuding an aura of confidence and authority that seemed to put those around her at ease.

Reginald, ever the faithful butler, sitted at the front, his demeanor respectful yet relaxed.

Even Dion, the charismatic driver, seemed to operate within Nebula's orbit with a sense of ease and familiarity, his usual stoic professionalism occasionally punctuated by the hint of a smile or a playful glint in his eye.

As George watched the dynamic unfold, he couldn't help but wonder about the woman seated beside him.

There was an undeniable warmth and magnetism about her that drew people in, inspiring a sense of loyalty and camaraderie that he had rarely witnessed among the elite circles he had once moved in.

So lost was he in his musings that he failed to notice Nebula's gaze shifting towards him, her brow arching ever so slightly as she caught him staring.

"Hello?" Her voice broke through his reverie, tinged with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Is everything alright?"

George started, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly at being caught in his observation. "Oh, uh... yeah, everything's fine," he stammered, offering her a reassuring smile that felt somewhat forced.

Nebula's brow remained arched, but she didn't press the matter further, instead turning her attention back towards the passing cityscape.

It was at that moment that Dion's rich baritone chuckle filled the interior of the Rolls-Royce, drawing George's gaze towards the driver.

"Well, well, would you look at that?" Dion crowed, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he gestured towards a battered sedan that had just cut them off in traffic. "Seems like someone's eager to have a date with their creator!"

George couldn't help but crack a smile at the driver's jovial jab, his earlier discomfort dissipating in the face of Dion's infectious humor.

As they continued their journey, Dion kept up a steady stream of witty commentary, poking good-natured fun at the various drivers around them with a flair for comedic exaggeration.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" shouted one driver at another.

Dion couldn't resist chiming in, "It wasn't his fault, mate. Your car is too insignificant to be noticed!"

George chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as Dion's laughter filled the cabin.

Even Nebula couldn't resist the occasional smile, her lips twitching upwards at the driver's outrageous antics.

As the miles rolled by, George found himself relaxing into the plush leather seats, calmly giving Dion the directions to follow, his earlier apprehension melting away in the face of Dion's disarming charm and Nebula's calming presence.

As the Rolls-Royce was few yards away from George's modest flat, he felt a sudden pang of apprehension.

He had no intention of revealing the actual location of his humble abode to Nebula, fearing she might use it as an excuse to intrude upon his sanctuary uninvited.

"Hold up," George said abruptly, causing Dion to glance at him questioningly in the rearview mirror. "You can drop me off here."

"Here?" Reginald couldn't hide his bewilderment as there was no house nearby.

Nebula turned to him, her brow furrowed in confusion. "But why? Surely you'd prefer to be taken directly home."

George shook his head adamantly. "I'd rather not have you knowing exactly where I live," he replied matter of factly. No point trying to hide the reasons when all they had done all day was try to kill him. As much as he enjoyed their company for a brief second, he wanted to be far away from them as possible going forward.

Nebula's expression softened, and she let out a gentle sigh. "George, there's no need for such secrecy. I assure you, I have no intention of imposing upon your personal space."

George opened his mouth to protest, but Nebula held up a hand, effectively silencing him.

"Besides," she continued, a hint of steel creeping into her voice, "if I truly wished to know your exact whereabouts, I could simply implant a tracking chip or perhaps use... unconventional means."

George's eyes widened, and he felt a sudden chill run down his spine at the implied threat. Nebula's words, spoken so matter-of-factly, reminded him of what she could really pull off.

With a resigned sigh, he slumped back in his seat. "Fine," he grumbled. "But you'd better not make a habit of dropping by unannounced."

Nebula offered him a reassuring smile. "You have my word. Now, if you would be so kind as to provide Dion with the directions?"

George hesitated for a moment, his jaw clenched as he weighed his options. Finally, he let out a long exhale and nodded.

"Alright, listen up," he said, leaning forward to address Dion. "Take the next left, and then a right at the second intersection..."

As George provided the driver with step-by-step instructions, he couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled in the pit of his stomach. He had fought so hard to maintain his privacy, his independence – and now, he was willingly surrendering a piece of that autonomy. After a while, Dion pulled by his house and stopped the car, leaving the engine on.

"Well, here we are," Dion announced as they finally pulled up in front of his building, his voice laced with a hint of amusement as he took in the unassuming surroundings. "Peace of mind at last."

George couldn't help but cringe inwardly at the stark contrast between his modest dwelling and the vehicle that had delivered him. It wasn't that he was poor to begin with. But seeing the prison he left and coming back to his home, he wasn't so sure which place looked like a prison more.

"Thanks for the ride.....I guess," he muttered to Nebula, his tone grudging.

Nebula simply nodded, her expression inscrutable. "Of course. Take care, George."

With a final glance at the Rolls-Royce, George turned and made his way towards the entrance of his building, his shoulders hunched as if bracing for an impending storm.

The good thing was that the sun was out as a cloud of rain was gathering so he wasn't too bothered walking to his doorstep. However, he wasn't prepared for what awaited him on the inside.


*Author's note*

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