
My Succubus Tattoo

This story is about a 19-year-old female that had trouble right around the corner. Her name is Lilith and this is her new life

Alex_The_Masked · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

A new opponent

The next week it was Sunday, which means church. I honestly thought I would brust into flames if I step foot into the church. (which I didn't)

We arived at 9AM to the Life Church there was already a lot of people, laughing and eating and there he was in the mist of the crowd, Alexander. "Hey lilith! Over here!" alexander shouted and waved me over, I walked over to him. He was beaming, to be honest he was kinda cute and he was shorter than me as well, but then there was his brother, Alex. "yo lilith, how are you?" said alex, I blushed when alex said my name,"hey alex." I said as I blushed, he noted my blushing and stepped forward and grabbed my chin then lifted my head to look at him, "why are you blushing kitten?" alex said with a smirk then he grabbed neck and pull me into a kiss but at the last second he whisper into my ear,"meet me in the bathroom before serve starts." Then he lets me go and walks off.

Alexander looks at me, wide eyed. "what the flying fuck was that?" alexander said, I blushed even more. "I have to go, sorry." I said in a hurry leaving him in the dust. I hurried to the men's bathroom, sneaking around the courner and slipping through the door.

I was grabbed by the waist and was pulled into a stall, I didn't see who it was but I had a gut feeling it wasn't alex, he nibbed on my ear then saying "what's a pretty little thing like you doing in the men's bathroom?" a rough and deep yet soft voice said, panicking I said "who are you?" he laughed and said quietly in my ear, "ever heard of the name Asmodeus?"

I gasped, my heart started to race. "Lilith?" Alex called for me, I tried to scream but Asmodeus covered my mouth, "if you want him to stay alive then don't say anything" he mumble into my ear, I stayed silent then he picked me up and held me bridal style in the stall and then…

we fucking teleported, straight out of the men's bathroom and into the visitation center but there was no one in there so he let me down gently.

"What do you want from me Asmodeus?" I said bitterly, and then he laughed at me. "you don't scare me 'kitten' so stop with the death stare." He said with a hearty laugh, I didn't stop the stare. "Why are you here in the house of god?" I said outright then he said, "why is the Queen of lust and sin doing in the house of god?" wait did he just say Queen? My mouth dropped "close your mouth, you look like an idiot" he said roughly, I closed my mouth. "Did you call me Queen?" I asked him but he just looked at me, then he said at last "because you are."

I was shocked at what he said, me? A Queen? "Well... if you excuse me I must meet my friend." I said, when I was about to leave, he stopped me and said, "wait a minute my Queen, where do you think you're going?"

"I literally just told you where I am going" I said, "girl that dude only wants a bootycall, he doesn't care for you. He is only making a move now because of your sexaul arua and you're a succubus, you attract the opposite gender." He said quietly,

"what about the same gender?" I asked and he gave me a look but then he said "oh you mean that lily girl? Nah she's in love with you" I blushed, he closed his eyes and then everything felt like things were going slow but then it went back to normal,

I opened my eyes and saw that Asmodeus turned into a woman, a beautiful woman infact. He- uh she pulled me forward and started walking and I followed. We reached the main lobby and then my phone started to ring but then it hanged up and the next second Alex comes running up to me panting, "everyone has been looking for you! Where have you been…. Who is that…"

his eyes wide , I looked where he was looking and my mouth dropped, Asmodeus had big horns and a devil's tail. "D-D-DEMON!!!! THERE IS A DEMON!!!" Alex yelled, running away from us. I wanted to run after him but Asmodeus put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head, she turn around and opened a portal and tried pushing me though but I stopped her, "I'm not leaving without lily." I said loudly.

"LILITH!" A familiar voice yelled, I turned around to see lily running straight for me, holding a crossbow with two hands. She launched a arrow straight for Asmodeus but her(Asmodeus) and the portal disappeared with a flash as the arrow flew over my head hitting the wall behind me.