
My student makes my heart pounder

teacher fell in love with his student

Ash_78678790 · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Czn kissed Mia in front of Class


Mia and Czn enter the classroom together, and as they do, the students start teasing them playfully.



Hey, look at the couple coming in. You guys look gorgeous today!



Yeah, when are we going to see a kiss?

The classroom erupts in laughter and playful chatter. Mia and Czn share amused glances, not taking the teasing too seriously. However, Cris watches them with a hint of jealousy in his eyes.



Alright, alright, settle down, everyone. We're here to learn, not speculate about our personal lives.



But they have a point. We do look good together, Mia.

As the teasing continues, Czn leans in and kisses Mia gently. She's taken by surprise but doesn't resist, kissing him back.

The students cheer and whistle at the sight of the kiss. However, Cris watches with a mix of emotions, feeling a twinge of jealousy and confusion.


(to his friends, quietly)

Did you see that? If Mia likes me, why would she kiss Czn like that? Is she two-timing or something?



Cris, calm down. You know relationships aren't always that simple. We don't know the full story.

Zyan and Daniel nod in agreement, trying to reassure Cris.



Yeah, maybe there's something we don't understand. Just give it time.

As the class continues, Cris wrestles with his emotions, trying to make sense of the situation. He realizes that things might be more complicated than he initially thought.

During Class -

Mia stands at the front of the classroom, a whiteboard behind her filled with notes. The students are focused and attentive, eager to learn.



Alright, everyone, today we're diving into an important topic that lays the foundation for understanding advanced programming techniques. I need your full attention, as this knowledge will be crucial as you continue your studies in computer science.

The students nod, their eyes locked on Mia as she begins to explain the concepts on the board. Her explanations are clear and concise, and she uses relatable examples to make the material more understandable.


(raising hand)

Miss Mia, can you explain that concept once more?


(of course)

Absolutely. Let's go over it again to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Mia takes the time to go over the concept again, answering questions and ensuring that every student grasps the key points. The class remains engaged, asking questions and participating in discussions.



I never thought I'd understand this, but your explanation makes it so much clearer, Miss Mia!



I'm glad to hear that! Remember, asking questions and seeking clarity is an essential part of learning.

As the class progresses, the atmosphere remains focused and positive. Mia's teaching style keeps the students engaged, and they leave the classroom feeling more confident in their understanding of the topic.

Mia is at the front of the classroom, overseeing the class activities. Cris is sitting at his desk when a girl approaches him and starts getting friendly.



Hey, Cris! How's it going?



Hey, I'm good. Thanks.

Mia, noticing the interaction, steps in.



Excuse me, I need everyone to remain in their assigned seats and maintain proper classroom behavior.

The girl looks slightly surprised but goes back to her seat. Mia continues to keep an eye on the class as they work on their tasks.


(whispering to Cris)

Our teacher rearranged the seating for group studies. Looks like we'll be sitting next to each other now.


(slightly uncomfortable)

Oh, I see. Well, let's focus on the work for now.

Mia hears the exchange and steps closer to their area.


(slightly stern)

Remember, students, the seating arrangements are meant to facilitate learning. Please make sure you're not distracting each other and staying on task.

The class nods, and the girl goes back to her work. Mia resumes her position at the front of the classroom, ensuring that everyone is following the rules.

Cris and Mia stand facing each other, their voices rising in a heated argument. Tensions are high, and their emotions are palpable.



You can't deny that you were getting too close to Ryan! I saw it, Mia!



And what about you and Emily? Why are you so friendly with her?



Because Czn kissed you, and you enjoyed it! I can't just stand by and watch you with him.

Mia's frustration grows as Cris brings up Czn. She fires back, her tone sharp.



You have no right to be jealous when you're cozying up to Emily! It's the same thing!


(raising voice)

No, it's not! I haven't kissed Emily like you and Czn did!

As their argument intensifies, their voices start to draw attention from the rest of the class. Just as things are about to escalate further, Cris's friends step in to defuse the situation.



Hey, hey, let's all calm down here!



Guys, let's not make a scene in the middle of the class.

Daniel and Zyan position themselves between Cris and Mia, creating a physical barrier and blocking their view of each other.


(trying to cool things down)

Cris, Mia, come on. We're all friends here. Let's not let this ruin our day.



Yeah, you both have to remember that we're a team.

Cris and Mia glare at each other for a moment longer before finally relenting, their anger starting to subside.



Fine, let's not make a scene.



Yeah, you're right.

Their friends step back, allowing some distance between them.



See? Conflict resolution, guys. That's what makes us great.



Now, let's all get back to work, shall we?

Cris and Mia take deep breaths, exchanging a glance before returning to their seats. The tension in the room eases, and the class slowly resumes their focus on their studies.


Mia sits with Emily, looking frustrated and slightly flustered. She confides in Emily about her feelings and the recent events.



Mia, I can see why you're frustrated. It's not easy to navigate these feelings, especially when there's so much going on.



Tell me about it. Cris, Czn, the jealousy, the confusion… It's all becoming too much.

Emily leans in, offering her support.



You know, Mia, maybe it's time to have an honest conversation with Cris. He might not fully understand your actions, but explaining your perspective could make a big difference.



You're right. I just didn't want to complicate things further. But maybe it's the right thing to do.



And if you're feeling torn between Cris and Czn, it's important to address those feelings too. Be honest with yourself about what you truly want.

Mia takes a deep breath, considering Emily's advice.



You're right, Emily. I can't keep avoiding this. It's time to open up to Cris and sort things out.



That's the spirit! And hey, why not make it a bit more relaxed? Invite him to the bar after school. Have a casual chat over drinks.

Mia hesitates for a moment, then nods.



You know what, Emily? I think that's a great idea. It's time to clear the air.



You've got this, Mia. Just be honest and open. It'll work out.

Mia smiles appreciatively at her friend's encouragement, feeling a renewed sense of determination.