
Chapter 94 The Ghost mansion.

Lily open the door and let all of us enter. The mansion is really big. The room are countless. The stuff is aparently taken by the royal family but all the other thing is keep. There are a lot of room and a big garden at the back. Nothing really special and it appear that he had the size of our starship. I will ask if I can docke my starship here. The inside is not so great. Apart for the number of room the rest is really shabby.

"It end the visited. Any question?"

"Yes can I have the starship docked inside the garden?"

"Oh yes I have forgotten. During my stay in this mansion I learn that they are secret passage in the wall. And the take you to a underground parking for battleship. It's only available for the Duke and the royal family. It's bellow the garden."

She take us there and it's a big docker in metal where people can repair the starship. I ask Kenny to take the starship here tomorow. I can do it myself now but the guard will ask question when the starship will move without people inside. After using my metal to have ghost vaccum in the mansion and the drone in the docker Nemo come to me."

" Can you renovate the mansion and add little thing inside? "

" What do you want for renovation? "

" I prefer if you can destroy all of the room that are not use or let other people use it. And we will have to pay people to entertain this mansion so if we rent a part of it we will be able to pay guard or maid..."

"I see I will think about it but the idea of renting it is a good idea."

I shearch in my skill a skill who can help me. My nanomachine controle can surely help me create a good mansion but I will have to use a lot of metals. And we want to use this mansion as our base. I use my Reshearch room in the starship and try to come with a great blueprint of the new mansion. During this time my avatar ask the crew about idea for the mansion.

The final answer is that we will separate the mansion in four little mansion.

The first mansion will have a big garden and it will be ours only. Nobody will have the access. Only us will be able to enter it. The mansion will have a total of 20 big bedroom and the same special thing that a normal mansion had like a hall, a meting room a kitchen... The special thing about our mansion is that when the starship is connect to the mansion I have the power to use my AI and my room/space room inside. The system is connect to it like it's a part of me only when I'm connect to it with the starship. Really good.

The second mansion and we ask Coralie for it will have their base of operation. We let them use it and renovate it as they want. They will have a little place to dock one fightership.

Coralie accept this contract. She appear very happy when we ask. She search for a good place but she haven't find it. When we propose this place she accept directly because first it's next to our base and second she will not have to pay for one starship and it will be possible to earn fame in the Torian planet. No side problem.

The third mansion is a mansion use by the father of Emily and Coralie. It will be use not in a base thing but in a sub-base for their fleet to join the noble and other customer. One person will always be in thzheir base and the price for this little mansion that is more like a house is for them to provide the guard. So it will be a house of 6 people(1 family and two guard). The family are people who want to stop being mercenary and life peacefully the rest of their life. So they are here to take care of the three mansion that are not use by us.

The final mansion is not reserve for anyone. Nobody that we know want it so we let it be like that. If we find people who want it one day we will surely help them.