
Chapter 87 Flashback

My crew see that and I didn't have the time to take down the share shield. In my desesparate moment I take Julia by her t-shirt and throw her in the space room. Gael do the same with Sarah. The rest of the crew in thee cockpit run and jump at the door. I kick the door to close it fast. Imodify the starship to let the room tank the first torpedo. My nanomachine controle skill help me create wall. The torpedo hit us and all of the room where blow away by only the shockwave. After that a lot of shoot take one by one the other room. I had just the time to uninstall the garden space room where my friend are when one of the torpedo blow up the rest of our starship. I chose to recuperate all the metal next to the rest of myself ( starship) in the storage. And I transfer the piece that I can transfer to.

My crew is now non existait in this *plane*.

It rest just me inside the space with a gun and a sword. I'm only an avatar so it's okay I will not die of that. But i can't move because the cold block my movement. Because of the separation with the starship I lose my counciousness.


When I woke up I find myself inside a fightership. Nobody is next to me. I look inside my garden and all my crew is alive. My starship didn't exist anymore but I think I can reconstruct it/myself.

I sit in the bed and wait a little. I think I can't resolve myself with a conscious split in two all the time. I look at my inventory. Good news. In my bad luck I have a very good news. I have all the metals of my exposed starship. So I don't have to look for other metal to reconstruct it. I can do it myself and if I want now.

I hear sound of people walking where I am. take out for my inventory a gun and a sword. It's not my real gun/sword because I don't find them in this room. I jump to the side and hide behind the door when she will open.

They stop just next to the door. I listen to them and I think hearing people crying.

They open the door and the first thing they are seeing is me. I forgot the fact that doors like the one I have now are pull by outside this room and push by inside it.

I look at who is in front of me.

A girl with red eyes for crying and a face that say she see a ghost whose name is Coralie, a man I don't know who try to pull out his gun.

Bernard who is like wanting to hide in a hole and the princess who look at me like I am a God.

"What the fuck are you all here? And where I am?"

The princess answer me

"Green I know that you can't die like this. After all you ghost crew won't let you die."

"Why would I die. Where am I?"

This time it's the man whoanswer after seeing the princess hugging me and losing his weapon.

"You are in the fightership Bloody Neos. To be exact in a room."

"Oh I see it explain why Bernard and Coralie are there. But why are you here flora?"

"I came here because we receive a communication for Coralie that she retrieve your corpse. Oh yeah your starship explosed."

"Yeah I know. So now I will ask just in case but Bernard, Coralie why are you making a face like you had seen a ghost."

She come back to her sense and touch me like some monster.

"Are you alive Green, I can touch you and you look like you have keep you intelligence. So are you a zombie or a ghost or another monster?"

"If I ware one, do you really think I would answer you question without lying?"

She think for a little time.

"I think you are right but I want to have an answer, what are you?"

"I'm Green owner of the starship the legendary ghost and the only person allowing to controle this battleship. You sister are in my crew. Is it a good answer for you?"

"I think I understand."

Bernard come back to us.

"If you are really the only one can you say one thing that only you know."

"I had explosed and now speaking to you. Will it be suffice?"

He understand why I say that after all he know that who I am.

"My brother, is he alive?

" Oh yes he and the other are all alive. For the moment he seem to be lying in a bed doing nothing. "

" Thank you green. So do you have a plan?"

"Yes I have one. And this is my plan..."

For your answer I can't say that your answer are exact. But you have a clues. So I will take advice of one of you and add a little more writing at my chapter.

Thx for the stone guys. Like you.

Greendemonmadcreators' thoughts