
Chapter 27 Recruit time (1)

Now I see that they are only 6 people in this classroom that want to be a crew in my ship. <Green>" I presumed all of you want to be in my ship?

<other>" Yes"

<Green>" Have you special request? "

<The other 6>"Yes"

<Green> "So I will start with the men who want to be kaptain or mate."

Nemo stand up and come to my table. The other go out of this classroom.

<Green> "you will start with your name, hobby, position, request and question."

<Nemo> "My name is Nemo. I'm an orphan with my brother. I want to be kaptain in a starship but we have no money to do that. So I will not lie to you but when I have enough money I will stop be your crew and go buy my starship. I want to be your mate in your starship my request is that I am your mate and you will listen to my advice. In the test of this school I help a lot the army but they don't listen to me and they lose. And for my question I haven't any for the moment. Oh, I want to know what is your starship. "

<Green>"Really nice. Now negotiation time. First if I want you to be the kaptain and you will will have order in my starship will you want to buy one? In information my only order will be special. Second we will not really be mercenary but adventurer. And third I will not listen to your advice in this ship. If you become the kaptain I will let you give yourself your advice. "

<Nemo>" Are this real? If it's real I will not buy a starship and not let you if your not a bad ownership."

<Green>" Yes I will explain to you after and your family will not inherit this starship but yes it's real. You will just have to have a contract with me for that. "

<Nemo>" What is the trap? It's a fregatte? Corvette? "

<Green>" I will say it just for you but it have weapon. Will you accept? "

<Nemo>" I accept "

<Green>" Read this contract and sign it. "

For summary this contract say that all the information about my starship and me are secret and will never be lacking. And the summary of what we say. Oh yeah final term:

My decision of what we do is superior of the kaptain during no combat time.

He sign it. Kaptain get.