
My Silence

Kisszperhale · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


A few years back in HighSchool...

I carefully treaded my way into the fiction section while pushing the cart full of borrowed books, I pulled out the ladder to put the books back to their places. As I put the last book to its rightful place, I cant help but look past outside the big window and comfortably sat myself at the foot of the ladder.

' Its raining again, must be one of the reasons why the library is full '

I peek beyond the books to see students swarming the once vacant tables. Others were just texting, while others were giggling and whispering talks with their friends.

' Friends. I wish I have one.'

I sighed. The reason why I chose to work voluntarily at the library is because the likelihood of talking to someone for a long time is UN-LIKELY. I got this thing going on, that if I talk too long with someone, I get nervous and anxious and sometimes suffocate. Everytime someone talks to me for a minute, I'll feel really uneasy and the surge of having difficulty of breathing and nausea kicks in. I have been like this eversince I can remember. It got worst when I was in middle school and had a puking incident. According to my mom's friend, I got a social anxiety disorder and that its something that I must overcome since its not really a genetic problem. I sighed and glance back at the window.

" Eherm..Excuse me?"

I was startled by the voice behind me, so I quickly stood up and spun around. I just wish I didnt make an abrupt turn because if the famous word ^ LOOKS CAN MELT^ were literally true, I wouldve probably melted like a butter right there and then. He is really gorgeous, the kind of gorgeous that would scare the hell-out of your panties. Scratch the gorgeous lets just say H-O-T as in sizzling HOT.

'What the heck am I saying?'

He stood there like a piece of art. He was so out of place, the books and shelves splendor of antiquity paled in comparison with this guys HOT pheromones. I blink twice to make sure I wasnt hallucinating this.

' Whats the like of him doing inside the library I wonder?'

" Can you tell me where the non-fiction section is?"

' Even hotter voice'

I shuddered at my own thought and still staring at him I pointed out the parallel section behind him. My eyes are probably still bulging at this moment looking at him, Im not even sure if I have a drool on my face because before he turned around I swore I heard him chuckle.

' eeeeehhhhhh!!!..... Is there something on my face?' I cupped my palpitating heart then cupped my mouth just to make sure I dont have a drool on me and luckily found nothing. I scoff ' Im that amusing huh?' I snap back to my senses when Mrs. Barden, the school librarian shushed the female students and before I knew it, a group of females suddenly crowded the guy as if he was a famous actor and whisk him away to who knows where. Uninterested, I pushed the cart back to the storage room but before I could even do that, I caught a glimpse of someone familiar at the corner of the storage room.

He was just calmly standing there with his everyday serious face. Other than him, there was another person there, a girl, and judging by the way the girl is fidgeting and acting coyly with a letter on hand, I can already tell that the girl is probably self-proclaiming her love to the guy. I know its bad to eavesdrop but I cant help it since theyre at my right of way to the storage room. Nervous, I hastily hid behind the bookshelves closer to them.

" I really really like you and ever since that day Ive never stop liking you, if you could just give me the chance, please...please can you go out with me?"

'Bingo! Just spot on'

I can only imagine how much courage the girl mustered to confess to someone and at the same time have the guts to ask the guy to go out with her, thats just really brave and scary. Hearing this coming from a girl is still a shock to me. No matter how many times I hear it, I couldnt imagine myself confessing to a guy I like, Id literally die and I mean LITERALLY even before I get to confess.

I sneak and watch the two of them as I anticipate the ending of this library tryst.

" I dont like you. Im sorry "

" Cant you atleast give it a try? Ill do my best just so youll like me?" The girl was desperately pleading and her eyes are almost tearing up.

I close my eyes, and somehow I feel very awkward and embarassed about the way the girl is desperately trying.

" No."

And with that blow the girl cried. He was just so calm standing there. his face expressionless, as if he was so used to this things, like his answers are almost monotonous and perfunctory. Its as if he cant be bothered to atleast consider the girls feelings.

'Poor Girl'

I watch the girl as she was sobbing and trying hard not to break out into uncontrollable wail.

' For crying out loud, the girl is crying, you could atleast comfort her no?'

But the guy didnt just move, but put his hands on his trousers and started to resume reading as if tryst didnt even happened.

' Oi, that was really harsh...Tsk! He couldve atleast choose a more subtle words right? But then again, Im no expert at words myself, so I shouldnt judge him'

" Why cant you give me the chance? Is there someone else you like?" Still sobbing the girl managed to ask.

My heart can't just take the girls guts, so for me to get rid of this really awkward and embarassing feeling which I shouldnt be even feeling since its not even me who is confessing,.I decided to just save her from more heartache. I pushed the cart towards the storage room not minding them, as if theyre invicible. Probably embarassed, the girl hastily ran.

Adrian Night Adrasteia.

Yeah I know him, the school's number one genius, he's on the list of the most sought after HOT guys in school. I mean who wouldnt? He's calm, placid and mysterious, jet black hair- arranged in an ' I just woke up' hot way, deep hue of green glinting an emerald diamond when hit by sunlight, paired with a trendy glasses and somehow and perhaps a kissable lips?

'Oi! Oi! Did I just say kissable? Tsk! My mind is now polluted with those effing romance novels Ive been reading'

Lets not forget to mention his cons, He's a man with a very few words, in fact the words that comes out from that mouth are words that would either bring you joy or bring you tears. But mostly, itd be the latter. Others consider him as the cold-hearted genius, or a tsundere, but this is why he is one of the best sellers, Go figure. Why do I know him? Because he's the only person , as much as I dont want to admit it, that has acknowledge my existince. My invisible existince to be exact. And this isnt really the first time Ive seen girls confessed to him, in fact, because of the numbers, Ive lost count on it.

" Eavesdropping is bad you know, especially if the business doesnt concern you"

I spun around and look at him, although I know what he meant, of course any sane mind would deny the fact that youd snoop around. He was staring at me intently, there was something mischevious about his stare that I couldnt stand, So I retracted back to pushing my cart. I feel like both of my cheeks are burning, I can feel the warm blood on them. If I have gotten myself into a staring contest, I might just remember something embarassing that have given me sleepless nights this past few weeks. My heart was beating furiously like Monkeys doing some donkey kongs. And like a reel of film all that have happened came flashing back at me.