
My Ship Is Full Of Women

Tired of clichéd harem webnovels with passive protagonists? Brace yourself for a refreshing change – a diverse-character webnovel where the main character is a capable man, breaking away from typical tropes. Imagine a world where the seas are divided into two: safe seas and those existing in another plane of reality. The latter comprise cursed islands, unique technology, a different hierarchy, distinct languages, and various monsters. "Them who dare venture into them treacherous seas, they never see the light again, or so the tales whisper in the winds." An anti-hero pirate protagonist, considered the unluckiest but luckiest pirate, sets foot on a new goal: to become a Pirate Lord and acquire a ship full of women and booze. Volume 1 is completely free to read, introducing you slowly to the world and its characters, enjoy. --WARNING-- Even if you don't typically enjoy reading harem/R18 web novels, I assure you that you'll love this one. You'll constantly be on the edge of your seat, occasionally giggling, sometimes amazed, and at times, moved to tears. There will be R18 chapters featuring descriptions of 'reproductive' acts. However, these chapters will not be numerous, as this is primarily a fantasy novel with a well-developed story and world. Expect 2 to 5 R18 chapters within every 100 chapters.

monawrita · Fantasi
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41 Chs

Lady Eleanor [6]

Current time:

The ship altered its course, and Eleanor, paying little heed to Jack's navigation, was oblivious to his intentions. However, sharp-witted Mary quickly deduced his plan.

Jack gestured with a flourish of his hand, summoning both of them to his side. "Eleanor, this be yer maiden voyage. How fares ye, lass?" he inquired, a mischievous glint in his eye. He aimed to occupy her thoughts with the thrill of the unknown.

Eleanor's excitement caused her feet to wiggle, and she replied, "Captain, I be feelin' as free as the wind on the high seas. I be grateful for this grand opportunity, and I pledge to ye, I shall not be a disappointment," she declared with conviction.

Mary closed her eyes and thought, Forgive me, Eleanor. Though ye be our savior, the captain deems it best for ye to tread a safer path.

Jack's hearty laughter filled the air, "That be the spirit, lass! Would ye care to join us for a swig of the finest grog? It be a celebration o' yer courage."

He knew the pirate life wasn't meant for her, but he couldn't help but feel indebted to her for saving their lives and sparing no expense. Why not share one last drink?

Her cheeks blushed, and she lowered her gaze. "I be never sample spirits before," she admitted.

With a friendly shove to her shoulder, he exclaimed, "ARR, ye shall now, if ye be willin'."

Eleanor's face brightened, and she eagerly responded, "Aye, I be willin'."

Jack instructed Mary to fetch three wooden mugs brimming with the finest rum. Upon her return, each of them grasped a mug, and Jack raised his high in the air, proclaiming, "Cheers, me hearties!"

Mary followed suit, raising her own mug, and Eleanor, observing her actions closely, mimicked the gesture.

"Cheers, captain!" Mary exclaimed.

"Cheers, captain!" Eleanor echoed.

Their mugs clinked together, and the rim of the mugs met their lips.

With seasoned skill, both Jack and Mary downed their rum in one swift motion, while Eleanor struggled, managing to drink only half of hers.

Bent over, Eleanor coughed and spat out the remaining rum, her throat irritated from the relentless coughing.

Cough, cough, cough.

Straightening her back, her face flushed with the warmth of the rum, Eleanor observed her companions, the empty mugs in their hands. Realizing their drinks had vanished.

"It burns me throat, and it tastes foul, but... I fancy it!" she declared boldly, raising her mug high in the air.

"That be the spirit!" Jack praised her, a grin forming on his face.

Eleanor returned the smile, but her attention swiftly shifted from Jack to the surrounding scenery. It appeared eerily familiar to her.

Approaching the wooden rail, she placed her hands upon it, gazing intently at the landscape before her.

"No. No. No!" Eleanor exclaimed in a panic, her voice laced with desperation. "Why be we headin' back? I thought we were embarkin' on a grand adventure!"

Mary approached her cautiously, her hand finding a place upon Eleanor's shoulder. Her gaze filled with regret, she spoke softly, "I be dreadfully sorry for this, Eleanor. But that be yer first and final drink with us."

Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Eleanor's knees weakened, causing her to collapse onto the wooden planks in disbelief, her knees grazing against them.

She attempted to restrain her tears, but they flowed freely, betraying her resolve. With a voice filled with betrayal, she questioned, "Why? Why?"

Jack crouched down, meeting her gaze. "It be for yer own good, lass. The life of a pirate be not meant for ye."

Her head rested upon the platform, and she pleaded, "I implore ye, keep me. I cannae return home. I cannae!"

"I'm sorry, lass. Ye simply be not suited to be a pirate. Ye be a noble," he declared, hoping to exploit her vulnerability and erode her trust in him, thus ensuring her safety and dissuading any desires to be a pirate.

"So what!" she exclaimed, raising her head and unleashing a scream that echoed across the ship.

"Arr, lass, ye be mistaken!" Jack's voice held a hint of sympathy as he tried to console her. "Bein' a noble carries responsibilities and a life o' privilege. Ye have a future filled with luxury and comfort, far removed from the perils o' the high seas."

Eleanor's tears mixed with frustration as she defiantly retorted, "I care naught for luxury and comfort, Captain! The call o' adventure and freedom be burnin' within me soul. I be willing to face any danger for a taste o' the pirate life!"

Mary, her voice filled with compassion, spoke softly, "Eleanor, ye may yearn for the unknown, but ye must understand the dangers that await ye. Pirates face treacherous storms, ruthless enemies, and a life surrounded by uncertainty. 'Tis a path ye be ill-prepared to walk."

Eleanor's gaze turned from defiance to determination. She wiped away her tears and looked directly into Jack's eyes. "Captain, I beg ye, give me a chance. Let me prove meself. If I fail, I shall accept whatever fate ye deem fit."

Jack's face contorted into a scowl as he listened to Eleanor's plea, his voice dripping with disdain. "Ye dare to ask me, a seasoned pirate, to accept a noble like ye into me crew? Ha! I'd sooner walk the plank meself!"

Eleanor's expression faltered, her eyes welling up with tears. "But...but Captain, I have the spirit and determination to be a pirate. I'm willin' to prove meself."

Jack crossed his arms, his voice laced with condescension. "Ye think ye can just waltz in here with yer fancy noble-ass upbringing and expect to be one of us? Pirates be born from the darkest depths, molded by a life o' hardship and survival. Ye know naught of the struggles we face."

Mary stepped forward, her voice filled with sympathy. "Eleanor, the captain speaks the truth. Bein' a pirate requires more than just determination. It demands a resilience and cunning that ye may not possess."

Eleanor's shoulders slumped in defeat, her voice barely a whisper. "I...I understand. I'm sorry for thinking I could fit in with you."

Jack's expression remained stern, his tone unyielding. "Apologies won't change the fact that ye don't belong here. Return to yer noble life, where ye can enjoy the comforts and safety that we pirates can only dream of."

Tears streamed down Eleanor's face as she turned away, her dreams of adventure shattering before her.

With a heavy heart and mixed emotions, she said, "Curse ye, Captain Jack Thunder. This whole time ye've used me, me willingness to be a pirate, for yer own good."

Jack, torn between his desire to be kind and the need to shatter her dreams of piracy, struggled to find the right words. If he had allowed her to continue, she would have become consumed by the fantasy, chasing after him and spending her fortune to join his crew.

"Ay, I've been usin' ye right from the start. I planned every step, from the moment I laid eyes on ye. I knew that if I saved ye, ye would feel indebted to me. I never expected ye to be so eager to become a pirate, but it worked in me favor. Then, I purposely took on a dangerous mission, knowin' ye would come to me aid. And lo and behold, everything played out just as I had anti-."

His words were abruptly interrupted by a strong slap across his face. Eleanor had struck him in her anger and frustration.

"Ouch, feisty," he said, a smile forming on his lips.

Taking a moment to survey the surroundings, Jack noticed that they were nearing an island. However, his attention was quickly drawn to three navy ships preparing to set sail and pursue his vessel.

"Oh, bloody hell. Look!" he exclaimed, motioning towards the approaching navy ships.

Eleanor smiled, a hint of satisfaction in her eyes. "That's what you deserve, you scoundrel."

Lost in his thoughts of how to safely drop her off on the island without being detected by the navy, Jack didn't hear her comment.

Meanwhile, Mary approached Eleanor and whispered something in her ear, their conversation lasting for what seemed like an eternity.

"Mary, go fetch the planks we use for repairs from the cabin. Now!" Jack commanded.

Mary hurried off to retrieve the planks as instructed.

Eleanor kept her gaze fixed on Jack, her earlier mixed emotions replaced with a newfound sense of determination.

"So, this be goodbye, Captain Jack?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and resolution.

Rather than looking at her, Jack kept his focus on the approaching navy ships. "Aye, whatever. Go back to yer noble life."

"Goodbye to ye too, Captain," Eleanor replied, her voice filled with a sense of finality.

Mary returned with the plank, and just as she was about to hand it to Jack, he motioned for her to wait. He needed to adjust the tiller, steering the ship in a different direction.

With the plank tucked under his right armpit, he reached out his left hand and grasped Eleanor's arm, guiding her towards the wooden plank. As he previously maneuvered the ship, the plank now faced the island in their path.

Jack instructed Eleanor to step onto the plank, handing her the plank from under his armpit. He advised, "Use this to make yer way back to the island. Lean yer arms over it and kick yer legs to swim."

Eleanor took the plank, ready to voice her thoughts, but before she could speak, Jack abruptly pushed her down, causing her to tumble into the sea.

Swiftly, Jack rushed back to the stern, his hands gripping the tiller tightly. His eyes scanned the horizon, spotting the navy ships as they began to set sail. With a sense of relief, he realized that his ship was not only faster but also had a head start, giving him a significant advantage over his pursuers.

"To the next island of the Sea Trials!" he bellowed.