
My Servant Omega (omegaverse)

In a world where humans are born with a second genders, known as Omega, Alpha, and beta. Amongst the three omegas are often seen as the scum of the earth, the lesser beings of society, how will our main stars overcome such obstacles and get together. Our main male lead starts with Dominic Lanxian, a very powerful and cold-hearted dominate Alpha, who is the CEO of the countries leading telecommunications company. Dominic is not only a CEO but is disclosing a part of his life only his best friend knows about. Dominic is very different to other Alphas, in that though he’s already 28 he has never been in a relationship and has vowed internally to save himself for his true love, and shower him/her with the love an affection never seen from him before. Our second male lead is Kang Lei (AKA Xi WuXain) a 23 years single father who is an unclaimed omega. Due to his second gender, Kang Lei was abandoned by his family and left to fend for himself at a young age. Kang Lei has a secret he wishes never to relieve, especially to his son. His hope is to one day own his own restaurant, but for now he really wants to be the best father to His son. Dominic and Kang come from different worlds, so how will they meet? Will Dominic Judge Kang Lei like others do, without understanding? Will Kang Lei be able to get over is past and allow Dominic to love him? So many questions, let’s find out the answers....

Reading_Junkie · Fantasi
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110 Chs

Chapter 60: Alias unknown

Dominic was with Dr. Cheng carrying out his weekly check up when he had received the email notification from an unknown sender as per normal he deleted all unknown sender emails without opening them. Minutes later again the same email came through this time it's subject read 'Xi WuXain', Dominic immediately stopped what he was doing and opened the link, he thought if it was virus he'll deal with it later.

When he clicked on the link it directed him to a sort of adult porn site, Dominic was about to exit the page when he noticed a video with the caption 'how to tame a wild omega'. However, what caught Dominic's attention was the persons face in the video it was Kang Lei, he hesitated for while before clicking the video and what showed shocked him too his core, the video contained various small introduction clips of Kang Lei being defiled by multiple different men. Dominic's hands started to tremble his heart breathing fast, he didn't want to see what comes come next, he frantically tried to stop the video until he saw Mengyao Da's face popped up on the screen with a sadistic smirk plastered on his face. The videos length was over two hours long and within the first minutes Kang Lei was begging profusely for Mengyao Da to stop. Dominic began to shake his eyes blood red with anger the next minute his pheromones exploded knocking Dr. Cheng to the ground and shattering all the glass within the room including his phone screen. Without saying a word Dominic stormed out the room heading too his car.

Dominic drove as fast has he could to his base, when he arrived the look in his eyes terrified his men who quickly backed out of his way. As soon as Dominic was out of sight one of the men quickly dialled Michael's number "Sir, we have a code red, alpha 1 is in Alpha X stage" the frightened solider tried to convey, "shit am on my way do everything you can to keep him there, don't make him leave do you understand?" Michale ordered running out of the office.

The men surrendered Dominic's office ready to fight Dominic who was currently desperately trying hack into the military restricted files only accessible by the Secretary General. The more Dominic got thrown out the system the more he became angry. This lasted for over an hour where Dominic has been hitting firewall after firewall the further he decoded and broke the security system, his mind was now completely lost of all rational reasoning.

After over an hour on standby Michael finally arrived hastily trying to find out what happened "quick details" he ordered he needed to know what triggered Dominic, "we don't know, alpha 1 just stormed into base already emanating his alpha X pheromones" one solider replied, "sir for the past hour Alpha 1 has been trying to break into the military highly secure area... It looks like he's trying to get the personal files of a highly ranked solider name Mengyao Da" another quickly added pointing to his screen showing Dominic's activity.

Michael looked in the direction of Dominic puzzled, "okay am going in, everyone standby we might had a fight in our hands" Michael said with a little apprehension he walked slowly towards Dominic's office expecting him to be defensive and aggressive.

However contrary to what Michael had expected, though Dominic was emanating a large does of pheromones he was also sweating profusely and his hands were shaking as he typed, Michael cautiously got closer to Dominic before altering the man, "brother... what happened" he asked. Dominic stopped to look at Michael suddenly tears streamed from his eyes, shocking Michael "Dominic what's going on... please tell me" Michael begged getting close to him.

"how can they do that to him, ho...how can someone be so evil" Dominic responded trying to keep his tears from flowing. Michael was confused who what Dominic referring too. Just as Michael was about to dig deeper his phone vibrated, the same email notification the was earlier sent to Dominic was now sent to Michael, he looked at the subject field and then to Dominic before clicking the attached link, the same video of Kang Lei was played before Michael's eyes, now he understood what was going on and who Dominic and why he was searching for Mengyao Da, but Michael had a better way for Dominic to deal with the situation without altering the military and giving away their position.

"Dominic I know why your upset but I need you to stop what you're doing right now" Michael spoke in a commanding tone.

Dominic's eyes turned blood red again and he stood up sending a force of pheromones attacking Michael, who flew back hitting his back into the wall causing him to cough up blood, the men outside saw this and rushed in ready to ambush Dominic when Michael shouted "stand down, (cough) I'll deal with this get out" he ordered.

The men quickly retreat breathing a sigh of relief they didn't have to fight their superior who had the ability to disable them all.

"Dominic please listen to me" Michael begged struggling to his feet.

"I know you've always dislike Kang Lei now get out!" Dominic roared attacking Michael once more with his pheromones.

Michael groaned in pain he knew Dominic could hurt him more than this so clearly Dominic had some rational still present, he again steadied himself and tried to reason with Dominic "I was wrong the last time.... ahhh... am sorry...but what you're doing will only send the army right here... look outside are okay with having their blood on your hands. I'll get Mengyao Da information just give me a few days please" Michael pursued Dominic through pained breath.

After listening to Michael, Dominic started to relax his pheromones and terminated his hacking program. Michael waved his hands to their men letting them know the situation was under control. "Ahhh did you have to hit me twice? My insides are on fire" Michael moaned finding a seat to rest his body, Dominic was filled with guilt but he didn't want Michael to know it "I'll review your contact with Andrew" he said lightly hoping to move on from the conversation, but Michael who heard this took it as an opportunity pipe up "really...how many hits does it take to have you whole thing void" for Michael he's willing to be broken into pieces if that means he gets to be intimate with Andrew quicker.

"Shut up and go bring me that information" Dominic said while walking out the office in a hurry.

Michael sat back in the chair while wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth "looks like a lot of people are about to die soon... ahh I better go get my gun cleaned" he said to himself while looking at his blood stained fingers.